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Israelies along Gaza border get toghters to see bombing as a football match


Aug 15, 2009
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They have moved old furniture out on a hill and sat down right in front as a football game. From left: Andrei Abhalikov, Albert and Arthur Tezhaie Moshaelov.

PHOTO: Jarle Aasland

Rigs to to see Gaza be bombed

Locals in Sedrot, which is the nearest town of Gaza on the Israeli side, all day gathered up on a hill with a good view of Gaza which is only six to seven miles away. Some claps and nods when it has seen a hit in Gaza.

Some have moved old furniture out and put to remedy that before a football game. But what is happening right in front of them now in the evening hours, a bloody reality. Drumming of the bombs that fall inside the Gaza Strip thundering in his ears, while the flames of the explosions lit up the night sky dark. The city is half empty. Many have chosen to go away.
Effective missile protection

Meanwhile, Hamas has sent several rockets toward Israeli towns nearby. For just half an hour ago did the Israeli missile protection to destroy three of them. The result proved that explosive flash of light over the heads of the local population in Sedrot. Many clapped and cheered for each rocket was destroyed.

The population of the city has been so trained in rocket attacks that they could hear from which side the rocket arrives. Only those who know that the rocket ports in their neighborhood, going into shelters.
- Start invasion

Most local state that Israel's ground invasion should start sooner rather than later.

- That you would also have the desire for your neighborhood in Norway had received as many Gaza rockets in the head like us, one of them Aftenbladet.no.

Several have taken the children with him to behold what is happening a few miles away.
No answers in Gaza

Aftenblad team has multiple contacts inside Gaza. But every time we try to call, we only get an answering machine with the message that we have called the wrong number or that person is not available. But it may perhaps be due dålig connections right now than isolated data lines.

Almost all public roadways in and around Gaza are closed. Journalists are asked to leave the lookout heights with regard to that it was too dangerous for us there.

It felt unreal and absurd to stand on the 'safe' distance and knowing that every bombshell could cost lives in the narrow and crowded neighborhoods where 1.5 million people are trapped in the cold world's largest prison.

- I weep for my friends in Gaza, said one of the camera men to Aftenbladet.no while he zoomed in on the explosions over Gaza kveldsimmel.
Ground Invasion coming

No one we have talked to believe that the Israeli government will save Gaza. They think it's just a matter of hours or days before ground forces enter. Throughout the day there has been intense transport of tanks and other war material into the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli authorities have assured that the only bombs military store and Hamas offices and quarters, but even Sedrots residents looking height seems to believe the assurances.
Tonight someone will die

It goes against the night over Gaza. It will be a long night, and someone is going to die

Rigger seg til for å se Gaza bli bombet - Aftenposten
Well there was a reason why Hitler went Hilter against jews :P and he was certainly not wrong

A fire does not starts with out reason , and there is reason for every action

Perhaps these idiots are truning to ignite a new fire :flame: when it will start a fire , I am sure they will be running around trying to find a cure to fire that will engulf them :wave: bye bye Jewish state your days are numbered

How can a human , cheer suffering of another human what a shameful place that place has become we are so lucky we no longer have to pray in that direction and we face Mecca

There was good logic when the Qibla was changed , we were never told why , but now I understand why it was done ... there is always great reason behind every thing
What would you do if you were attacked by Afghanistan and your military was pounding them with air strikes?

I don't think you will be supporting Afghanistan. :coffee:

Afghanistan is part of Pakistan , Afghanis don`t attack Pakistan , we are attacked by US drones and goons paid for by US , there is a difference
i want them Israeli to attack Hezbollah and then invade Egypt

ohh wait i got better idea attack IRAN then say you have the balls

come on in Gaza they throw rocks and you go in by bombing (airplanes and artillery ) and say you won have some shame
Whats wrong with watching? These people are risking their lives by the way, because every time rocket or mortar can be fired from Gaza. By the way, these guys look like Arabs, they could be Israeli Arabs.

Just now 2 rockets were fired on Tel Aviv and I went out to watch too. :wave:

may the curse of GOD be on you zionists...!

This pic is from Iraq. Bombing committed by by Islamic terrorists.
What would you do if you were attacked by Afghanistan and your military was pounding them with air strikes?

I don't think you will be supporting Afghanistan. :coffee:

this is not Afghanistan Pakistan. This is israel , an artificial state created by europe in palestine property to compensate damage caused by europeans, grow little bit of conscience!

haha...you guys are suffering from denial,
truth is you are the real terrorists...

go see how many of innocents you killed,while touting 3 israeli deaths...

piss off! no need to argue with you cunts

haha...you guys are suffering from denial,
truth is you are the real terrorists...

go see how many of innocents you killed,while touting 3 israeli deaths...

piss off! no need to argue with you cunts
30 killed terrorists in Gaza and 12 killed civilians.

Hamas fired over 750 rockets directed at Israeli towns.

Just few minutes ago two large Fajr-5 rockets were fired at Tel Aviv and intercepted.


If not the Iron Dome these two rockets alone (each containing 90 kg explosives) could cause dosens killed.
30 killed terrorists in Gaza and 12 killed civilians.

Hamas fired over 750 rockets directed at Israeli towns.

Just few minutes ago two large Fajr-5 rockets were fired at Tel Aviv and intercepted.


If not the Iron Dome these two rockets alone (each containing 90 kg explosives) could cause dosens killed.

how innocent you are...
after a few israelis got injured,you guys invaded with F-16s killing MAJORITY OF INNOCENTS..
and hammas opened fire after your atrocities...
like they said..israel have opened gates to HELL...

oh well now keep watching...

now keep watching you *****






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how innocent you are...
after a few israelis got injured,you guys invaded with F-16s killing MAJORITY OF INNOCENTS..
and hammas opened fire after you atrocities...
like they said..israel have opened gates to HELL...
Massive fire of Hamas started after Israel eliminated Hamas head with surgical strike:

IDF Pinpoint Strike on Ahmed Jabari, Head of Hamas Military Wing - YouTube

Israel made this surgical strike because of 700 rockets fired at Israeli towns in past 10 months.
Another fail. This is pic from Syria.

There are indeed some civilian casualties in Gaza are result of human shield tactics by Hamas:






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