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Israeli soldiers execute and kill Palestinian woman waving white flag

You are a fcking joke who comes back with one liners which defy any logic or reasoning. I suggest that since you refuse to detonate your vest, you instead go play with the goats in that mountainous area of yours. They may perhaps find you more intelligible. Get lost. Don't bother responding. Am out of here
rightly said. keep ignoring idiots. :-)
You are a fcking joke who comes back with one liners which defy any logic or reasoning. I suggest that since you refuse to detonate your vest, you instead go play with the goats in that mountainous area of yours. They may perhaps find you more intelligible. Get lost. Don't bother responding. Am out of here

It's amazing how could become so bigoted at such a young age. Always we have people like you stereotyping and using racist insults. And then you tell us we are the ones guilty of so and so.

I mean seriously, how low do you have to be? Imagine if every post I responded to you with a point then a childish so called insult about your caste system or your religious beliefs or traditions for example.

How do you sink so low....
. .
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