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Israeli police drag, arrest and allegedly beat Bedouin child at anti-Prawer protest


Jun 1, 2012
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Police drag, arrest and allegedly beat Bedouin child at anti-Prawer protest | +972 Magazine

Adalah attorney witnesses the child being beaten inside police car, says the 14-year-old minor is accused of holding – and not throwing – a stone.

Protests against the Prawer Plan, especially the central protest in the southern town of Hura, made it to top headlines on all Israel media sites last night, showing mostly the violent end of what began as peaceful protests. What wasn’t reported was the violent arrest of a minor, a 14-year-old Bedouin child, who can be seen in the photo below being dragged with a gun pointed at him, and in the video below (released by Ehna TV) being dragged on the street by his shirt and shoved into a police car. All this despite efforts by the protesters there, including MK Ahmad Tibi, to stop the arrest on the grounds that he is just a child.


MK Ahmad Tibi told +972 the police were violent at the protest in Hura and that their brutality was captured in the images now circulating around the world. ”The whole world is now seeing this picture. They will all see this, and that is good.”

He says he saw Mista’arvim (special Israeli undercover units disguised as Arabs) arresting the child and instinctively tried to grab and pull him free, but was prevented from doing so. The Arab-Israeli member of Knesset said he was pushed by several cops and ended up lightly injured on his arm, his watch broken. He can be seen in the video screaming at them, “he’s just a kid!”

According to Aram Mahamid, a lawyer from Adalah who witnessed the arrest, police arrested the child because they claim he held (not threw) a stone, and because he supposedly attacked a police officer (a claim which, if you watched the video, seems absurd considering the size of the policemen and gear they are strapped into, compared with this scrawny little kid).

Mahamid told +972 that he saw with his own eyes the child being dragged by police and then beaten after he was already inside the car, in police custody. At the time of this report, Mahamid said the child had been held in the Be’er Sheva police station since the previous night, left handcuffed in the hallway for almost the entire time and was forced to sleep on the floor.

Mahamid said the child will see a judge Sunday afternoon and that in the meantime, Adalah is submitting a complaint to the Department for the Investigation of Police (DIP).

Asked about the violent and illegal arrest of this child, and the conditions he was held in, Mahamid said, ”Yesterday was a day they [the police] decided there are no laws.”

Other videos and photos of police violence have been circulating from the protests that took place in East Jerusalem, Haifa, Tireh and in Ramallah and Jaffa yesterday. In one video from Haifa, multiple riot police officers can be seen kicking a protester on the ground.
What excuse will we hear now?:crazy:

Zionist animals. Nothing more.

This apartheid regime will collapse from within. Just a question about time. Just like South Africa did.
”Yesterday was a day they [the police] decided there are no laws.”

This is fcking sick. When soldiers or cops start beating up a kid then they are nothing more than animals. Israel needs to show the world that they can contain these beasts or else be condemned to nothing more than a powerfully armed state which is good at nothing else than being a bully of the weak and the defenseless ! I have no gripe with Israel generally but if this is the truth of their armed forces then they may as well go to Hell !
”Yesterday was a day they [the police] decided there are no laws.”

This is fcking sick. When soldiers or cops start beating up a kid then they are nothing more than animals. Israel needs to show the world that they can contain these beasts or else be condemned to nothing more than a powerfully armed state which is good at nothing else than being a bully of the weak and the defenseless ! I have no gripe with Israel generally but if this is the truth of their armed forces then they may as well go to Hell !

No, no. This little kid was a terrorist. I tell you. He even attacked those big policemen that could lift his entire body with their left hand.

A thousand curses on the Israeli dogs.... History has taught this coward race nothing.
BREAKING NEWS: Israeli police detained some little hooligan.

In lesser news: another 100 people were killed by barrel bombs dropped on neighborhoods in Syria.
BREAKING NEWS: Israeli police detained some little hooligan.

In lesser news: another 100 people were killed by barrel bombs dropped on neighborhoods in Syria.

Detaining is one thing. Beating the kid up and pointing a firearm at him is another. That is bullying. Why are you bringing in the Syrian conflict here ? What does that have to do with your country trashing up a 14 year old kid ??
It is just a child... just imagine what they would do to a full grown Arab.
Detaining is one thing. Beating the kid up and pointing a firearm at him is another. That is bullying. Why are you bringing in the Syrian conflict here ? What does that have to do with your country trashing up a 14 year old kid ??
Watch the video, he was not beaten. There was violent demonstration with stone throwing. Most active members of the demonstration were detained. That all. How it supposed to became a news and cause outrage?
Watch the video, he was not beaten. There was violent demonstration with stone throwing. Most active members of the demonstration were detained. That all. How it supposed to became a news and cause outrage?

Umm forcibly dragging a 14 year old with a weapon pointed at him is regarded as deadly assault in most civilized countries. Would you have adopted the same attitude if this was an Israeli child treated in the same manner in any other part of the world ??
Umm forcibly dragging a 14 year old with a weapon pointed at him is regarded as deadly assault in most civilized countries. Would you have adopted the same attitude if this was an Israeli child treated in the same manner in any other part of the world ??
Watch the video again, no one pointed a gun at him.

Now if Israeli child will join the violent demonstration in Arab country there will be two options:
1) He will be killed.
2) He will be jailed for many years as secret Mossad agent who tries to destabilize Arab countries.
BREAKING NEWS: Israeli police detained some little hooligan.

In lesser news: another 100 people were killed by barrel bombs dropped on neighborhoods in Syria.
Where breaking news? We have thousands of zionists Al Qaeda channels for Syria and not 1 for the palestinians

The SAF don't use cluster bombs like the IDF so they don't bomb indiscriminately

We always see 1 bomb dropped on the Al Qaeda headquarters who take people in hostage

IDF commander: We fired more than a million cluster bombs in Lebanon Israel News | Haaretz

What excuse will we hear now?:crazy:

Zionist animals. Nothing more.

This apartheid regime will collapse from within. Just a question about time. Just like South Africa did.
Strange how you only put 1 word sometimes against the JEWS, when you can propose spontaneaously your anti-muslim rhetoric everywhere
Umm forcibly dragging a 14 year old with a weapon pointed at him is regarded as deadly assault in most civilized countries. Would you have adopted the same attitude if this was an Israeli child treated in the same manner in any other part of the world ??

Yes, hooligans have no rights! BTW that kid is unfortunately citizen of Israel doing what most Arabs do in Israel which is vandalize! i fail to understand the analogy of Israeli in another country?
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