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Israeli nuclear whistleblower jailed for 6 months



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Nov 1, 2005
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Israeli nuclear whistleblower jailed for 6 months

JERUSALEM: An Israeli court ordered on Monday nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu to return to jail for six months for violating an order restricting his contact with foreigners.

Vanunu, a former technician at Israel’s nuclear plant near the southern town of Dimona, spent 18 years in prison for giving details of the country’s atomic program to a British newspaper in 1986. Upon his release in 2004, Vanunu was banned from leaving the country and talking to foreigners without approval, because Israeli authorities claimed he could still divulge classified information.

A Jerusalem regional court found in April that Vanunu violated 14 counts of those restrictions by holding unauthorized contacts with foreigners through the Internet and by entering the West Bank. On Monday the court sentenced him to six months in jail and a further six months suspended sentence. Following the conviction, Vanunu said the ruling proved “that Israel is not a democracy.”

There is no such 'NEWS' in the so called 'Main Stream' of uncle SAM!
Double standards at display!
There is no such 'NEWS' in the so called 'Main Stream' of uncle SAM!
Double standards at display!

Watch Al-Jazeera or create your own Channel. Make the change and stop whining.
Watch Al-Jazeera or create your own Channel. Make the change and stop whining.
Nope he has evry right to whine. These news channel should show news on both sides of the fence, not just the one-sided crap they ususally show. I wonder why this hasn't generated so much attention? Oh yeah it's because it's Israel and rules are bent for them. Im with Kashif stop ranting Adux.
Oh!!! please I had enough why Vannunu was caught in the first place, do you know where, when and how he was caught. Western Media rallied behind him and from the 1980's. There was a 2 DAY COVERAGE!!!!!!!!!!!! WHEN he was released from prison and Israel's nuclear secrets told out in the open and criticized for their human rights violation on a fellow israeli's... BBC and CNN was harping it out in 2 years back. BBC was funding his Lawyer!!!!!!!!!! I hate this one-sided crap, there is always a conspiracy in very thing. Muslim victimisation in everything. Learn about vannunu story first. For god sake's grow a brain.
Today there are some many other NEWS to cover, Afghanistan, LONDON , GLASGOW, LAL masjid , Iraq and the other usual daily importants news item. CAN you for 1 second believe MYABE they didnt have SPACE to put VANNUNU story in the limited time available to them.
I hate this one-sided crap, there is always a conspiracy in very thing. Muslim victimisation in everything. Learn about vannunu story first. For god sake's grow a brain.
Today there are some many other NEWS to cover, Afghanistan, LONDON , GLASGOW, LAL masjid , Iraq and the other usual daily importants news item. CAN you for 1 second believe MYABE they didnt have SPACE to put VANNUNU story in the limited time available to them.
Other things to cover? this is just as important and there is no where near the media attention generated like say easing of restrictions on AQ Khan. London and Glasgow were both failed attempts. Lal Masjid is definately going to be covered in great detail and I bet theres going to be alot of "independant ananlysist" stating their sci-fi crap. Though this news won't generate that much attention. Argument of limited space is extremely pathetic, Oh many westeners concur that their media is biased, funny how your spouting rubbish defending it .
No it is a valid arguement, You wont see LAL-masjid in great detail in CNN and BBC, when terror suspects have been caught in Glasgow and Australia.
While Indians News channel has more of Lal-Masjid than Terror suspects.
When Aishwarya Rai and Abishek bachan got married, the same day , a Siachen war decorated hero ,a pivotal player died by the bullets of terrorist in Kashmir, while saving his comrade's. Guess which has got more News Attention?

Vannunu's arrest cuz he spoke to some foriegn nationals is not as important as when on the day glasgow and australia terrorist cell got cracked. A.Q Khan had a different set of circumstances. i dont think Glasgow, Lal masjid and Austalia happened on the same day as AQ arrest. Stop looking for conspiracies, when there wasnt one. VANNNU"S was a source of Western News People. You dont even know to whom vannunu's blew his whistle too. It wasnt an arab newspaper which brought out Vannu's story rather couple of UK based Newspaper's and BBC. So where is the conspiracy there.
Stop playing the muslim victimization card, its god damn annoying. You are stories and your viewpoints arent the only important one;s in the world.Get it

Everymedia is biased. Everyone is biased. CNN maybe biased for you, but in America, Right winger's term CNN as a Liberal and against bush while Fox is Bush supporter. The biggest voice against america in Iraq, Israel , Osama, AL-qaeda, etc in CNN is jon stewart who is a jew. You still dont get them, it aint their fault.

You wont see Arab media flaggin LAL-Masjid or Glasgow terror plots but rather the problems in Palestine. WHY??? Why are they biased. understand that.
Different circumstances for AQ Khan? The guy has some less restrictions on him and check out the media frenzy that surrounded him, they even have American congressmen and women grumbling about him. Wheras this guy get's arrested and doesn't have nearly as much hit's on google as AQ Khan. Again what's the big secret with vanunu? Even Wikipedia has an accurate enough article about him.. what you think people here can't google or you know everything?
Funny you admit their biased and that's what im saying, why are you ranting and saying the same thing I am. What get's on my nerves is how they munipulate news and claim they portray the world in the most fair way possible. Fair way my foot!
Mordechai Vanunu is a hero, a tribute to humanity.

Everymedia is biased. Everyone is biased. CNN maybe biased for you, but in America, Right winger's term CNN as a Liberal and against bush while Fox is Bush supporter. The biggest voice against america in Iraq, Israel , Osama, AL-qaeda, etc in CNN is jon stewart who is a jew. You still dont get them, it aint their fault.

You don't seem to get it. Media in the US is a business. One of their main objective is to attract viewers. So when it comes to domestic issues, they will bash each other, depending on the target audience. When it comes to reporting on foreign issues, American media is united in their objectives. Their aim is to "manufacture consent " and conform to the state's objective. Though they might criticize, it's always done within orderly fashion not to be too objective or too close to the truth. A blatant example of this is Palestine. Compare american media with british media, and the different will be enormous! Go even further and compare british media to swedish media, the gap widens. Why is this? Government objectives and the effect of Zionist lobby.

So the "Gay Leftist Liberal" media might be telling us the corruption of american administration, they're still following the same foreign policy regime other networks are.

There is no such 'NEWS' in the so called 'Main Stream' of uncle SAM!
Double standards at display!

Very true brother Kashif. But the thing is, it doesn't benefit mainstream news industry, why would they want to inform people with facts? Their objective is to withhold facts from you, and shower you with brainless stories that entertain you. If they do publish such news, where the hell will they find space to write about Paris Hilton? or Tom Cruise's new bike or sandals?
Thanks Averroes
This is precisely my point was. Sorry for a delayed response due to my business.
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