Twitter / Facebook and Instagram are Zionist friendly companies similar to Google and other search engine
As for your shock be not shocked many Western Analyst have explained Jews view the world as two entities. They are typically labelled as anti semetic in western world just becasue they expose their inner working
Now how it works is
a) Israeli (Jewish parents)
b) Goyim (i.e Palestinains, or one of not Jewish blood line basically all none jews)
Based on their scriptures the status of Goyim is less then human so their religiously have no remorse. It is considered legal move to steal property from Goyim and transfer it to Israeli (Jew) as Jews are superior to Goyim
Most Jews tend to hide this whole Goyim/Jew relation from general media and public as it would expose their inner working for their internal society
So the example of what you qouted , a Judaic blood line guy killing a Goyam child it is allowed in their religion and this you see their was no attempt to stop that man from killing the child
Goyam is like chicken or lamb or sheep according to their Religion Goyim have no "Rights"
What you see in this video is the fundamentalist Jews , treating the none jews are not worthy of conversation , and when police comes to stop their harassment they remind them we are Jews , he (the outsider) is not
Outside of Israel they sell a different story to Americans , telling them Jesus will not come unles sthey help Israel and Jews that is why America look the otherway it's due to "Religious false fake stories"