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Israeli F-16 fighter jet shot down amid Syrian anti-air fire, pilots safe - IDF

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Syrian army fires missile or shoots down an aggressor IDF jet in Israel and that a crime. But Israel bombs Syria every now and then and thats not even taken notice of!
Plane was shot down over Israel after UAV penetrated from Syrian airspace to Israel.

Israel has no right to cross international border. Syria has not attacked Israel.
Syria attacked Israel in 1948 and refuses to make peace since then. First they attacked indirectly then they switched to terror.

I wish and pray for success of Syria in this war. No matter how much resentment Syrians have against Assad, its people of Syria who will decide what to do with that. Using that sentiment to promote international agenda is mischief and subversion.
Thanks to Israeli strikes over Assad terror bases people of East Ghouta have some relief after 240 civilians slaughtered in past 4 days.

Lol how is that?
Arabs were neither in the state aparatus except the places where they were the rulers, there were more politicians from christians like Greeks Armenians and rest of Balkan, nor were they largely represented in the military, Arabic wasnt a official language, only thing Arabic in Ottoman Empire was the modified script which was taken from Persians and the religion.

Just missed this post and can't resist a reply looking at it now.

As for Arabs not forming an important part of the Ottomans, that's a blatant and absurd lie. To start with; the language was more Arabic than Turkish, the bureaucracy was modeled after past ARAB Caliphates, your titles were all Arab in origin, most of the names of individuals (Sultans for instance) were Arabic, the religion came from the Arabs, 1/3 of all lands were Arab, the biggest ethnic group was Arab, the alphabet was Arab (for your information the Farsi alphabet is identical to the Arab alphabet which they got from us with the exception of solely the huge number of 2 additional letters, the holy sites were all located in Arab lands etc., there were several important Arab personalities on all fronts (you might not be taught this in school but it does not mean that they did not exist). But sure whatever floats your boat. I think all what I have mentioned is much more than Turkish/Turkic influences on Arabs or other people in the region for that matter.


@500 trolling aside in this thread (I did not begin), I do respect you and often I find myself being in agreement with you when it comes to events in Syria (this will of course create enormous butthurt to the trolls that thanked that "Russian"'s troll's posts but who cares about Al-Assad (worst regime in existence) apologists) but I can't find out why you do not take the same principled (correct in other words) stance when it comes to Palestine and in particular Gaza? I don't see much difference other than the number of casualties.

Also you yourself have admitted to Al-Assad being the best neighbor for Israel due to 40 + years of stability and the Syrian Golan Heights (now under Israeli control for 40 + years) never being attempted reconquered by the Al-Assad regime. So by this token I do not understand why you clearly support the Syrian opposition? If it is because of your principled stance, if so I do not understand why you are not more vocal when it comes to that same principled stance in Palestine. Are Palestinians less deserving of this? Don't the Palestinians deserve freedom and self-rule as well? At least their own state and to live in peace?

If you were not an Israeli, I am sure that many more people would agree with your posts in regards to Syria but due to your flags, people will point fingers at events in Palestine and yes, I do even though I am against Israeli policies in Palestine, admit that there is no comparison in terms of casualties currently (for the past 7 years in fact) in Syria and Palestine but that does not mean that Israel is an innocent lamb.

All those current groups and entities that Israel consider an enemy, if a two-state solution was found, I can assure you that most of the problems would disappear after some time and cool down like in other conflicts in the region. That's why I do not understand your government's policies at all. This criticism is labelled not only by Arabs but most of the world. Look at the most recent vote at the UN regarding the US embassy move and what even religious leaders (Pope) had to say. As I see it you are shooting yourself in the foot for what? Some more Palestinian farm lands? Don't you have enough of land?

This policy does nothing but aid does very people that are a danger to the overall region. It's a chain reaction. You should know by now.

Someone is feeling his own medicine...
Tell me now..;what is like to be bombed without any power to stop it...

Honestly, without air support and without Hezbollah elite units, who would gain the upper hand on the battlefield? I think that we all know the answer to this question and saw this prior to the Russian intervention with our own very eyes even despite all odds being against the Syrian opposition. The motivation of the average participant (Syrian opposition) if you watch the videos, is much greater than those forcefully drafted Syrian soldiers. It reminds me of reading about the Afghan-Soviet war and those Afghans that were forcefully drafted to the Afghan communist army. In fact I feel sad for them when they get captured. You can see that they would prefer not to do what they are told (forced) to do.

Also notice, how this incident today fits with the growing Iranian support for YPG against Turkish presence in Afrin. So much for that "Astana agreement". I always said that it would be useless if the Syrian opposition was nowhere to be found and no regional Arab players.

So things are really becoming even more messy inside Syria (could not have made this up just 1 week ago)

How do you look at the US role here? Will they seek escalation or deescalation like Israel is seeking (apparently officially that is)?

How can Russia (supposedly now friendly with Erdogan) tolerate their "allies" Iran arming the YPG and AT THE SAME time aiding the Al-Assad regime which is supposed to be enemies of YPG?

What a mess.....

If/once Yemen is dealt with and we enter the scene again in Syria, I can only imagine the situation becoming messier and more complex with increased "competition" (I ask for what currently but whatever).

And then you have this (which might have been Russia's/Al-Assad regime's revenge)

It's even worse than Yemen in terms of complexity of late.:crazy:
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God 28 pages in this short period of time

I couldn't believe the old rusty s-5 or s-200 is that lethal.
most of the ummah with us agianst iran
intresting times :pop:
Honestly, without air support and without Hezbollah elite units, who would gain the upper hand on the battlefield? I think that we al know the answer to this question and saw this prior to the Russian intervention with our own eyes even despite all odds against the Syrian opposition. The motivation of the average participant (Syrian opposition) if you watch the videos, is much more than those forcefully drafted Syrian soldiers. In fact I feel sad for them when they get captured. You can see that they would prefer not to do what they are told (forced) to do.

Whoever get air support...will be the winner... even more when the other side has nothing to protect herself with... and even less when the other side has only Flat terrain to work with...

As for those soldiers working for ASSad or any militia... I can understand that they may have limited knowledge of the reality and pushed to think the other side is a brainless Terro and the casualties are not civilians and that 99% of airstrikes are made on "terro houses/depot"...

But... now I ask you... Why many among them deserted? how can they be more "aware" of the situation? and decided to act...by leaving that side?

But even all of that...is meaningless... if I tells you what "captured ones" said... here it is
"Sorry... but I needed the money... I know I was fighting against you( My brothers), but I had no choice..."

Many, the great majority know what is happening... but they shut themself and accepted their actions... many tried as much as they can to swallow their prides and accept the wrong... by repeating themself it wasn't...

And you have also the hardcore believer...that think his pityful and meaningless life, will have a purpose... in this life... those are equal to the fanatic Khawarjis... and the lost souls...

You always have a chance...always... Your choice is yours... whatever the excuse you may fight for... in The End... if you know all along...then you are guilty...and you will pay for it... in this life or the hereafter...it's just a matter of time.

most of the ummah with us agianst iran
intresting times :pop:
Moshe Dayan would have jailed/killed you for such words...
Irani Drone at Tyas T4 syria air base.

Fake news.

More fake news.
Of course it is fake...it is as fake as “Israel”as State...but you do exist , so does the remain of your two craft that were downed by a 30 years old missile ...
It seems that your forces barely can overcome the Palestinian pupils, why don’t you stick at that..Israel will be a lot safer behind her walls...
. . .
Whoever get air support...will be the winner... even more when the other side has nothing to protect herself with... and even less when the other side has only Flat terrain to work with...

As for those soldiers working for ASSad or any militia... I can understand that they may have limited knowledge of the reality and pushed to think the other side is a brainless Terro and the casualties are not civilians and that 99% of airstrikes are made on "terro houses/depot"...

But... now I ask you... Why many among them deserted? how can they be more "aware" of the situation? and decided to act...by leaving that side?

But even all of that...is meaningless... if I tells you what "captured ones" said... here it is
"Sorry... but I needed the money... I know I was fighting against you( My brothers), but I had no choice..."

Many, the great majority know what is happening... but they shut themself and accepted their actions... many tried as much as they can to swallow their prides and accept the wrong... by repeating themself it wasn't...

And you have also the hardcore believer...that think his pityful and meaningless life, will have a purpose... in this life... those are equal to the fanatic Khawarjis... and the lost souls...

You always have a chance...always... Your choice is yours... whatever the excuse you may fight for... in The End... if you know all along...then you are guilty...and you will pay for it... in this life or the hereafter...it's just a matter of time.

In such a case US/Israel is already the winner but don't we both know that they (neither of those two) do not seek the complete removal of the Al-Assad regime in "fear" of certain opposition groups gaining too much ground in the process? Especially now with Trump being the president (not exactly the greatest fan of "Islamist-inspired" groups).

I think we both know what they must be going through. 40 years of living under martial law in one of the most oppressive and inefficient regimes in the world (apropos Russians - modeled after the old Stalinist model that North Korea too has been inspired by). Al-Assad regime used to punish/exile/kill whole families if their sons shown dissident behavior let alone now during wartime. I too do not believe that it is a valid excuse (there is always an option and if everyone thought like that there would be no Syria anymore IMO). I will say it here openly, and I am not ashamed of it, one of the few good things that Daesh did was to blow up the notorious Tadmor prison in Palmyra. I hope to see the Sednaya prison being blown up (don't care who even the devil can do it).

Yes, Daesh are people with a suicide wish and them being high on the brainwashing scale to begin with and add to that the drugs that they receive (are more or less forced to take from what I have read), it becomes a toxic combination.

BTW I was more referring to the ordinary Syrian opposition fighter from way back and until recently. There is just something else about them. They are fighting against all odds against one of the largest standing armies in the region. Now aided by a superpower (granted nothing compared to the US but still a power nevertheless just for its military power more than economy or cultural influence) but still it is remarkable if you study many of the battles.

BTW I added some added information to my post that you did not see/miss due to my late edit. I think this information makes the mess even more complex to solve. I did not imagine (ever) to witness a conflict that is more complex than the Yemeni one currently but after seeing events in Syria in the past 10-14 days, it takes the cake (for now).

Lastly what do you think is the goal of the US and Israel? Where should those of us here who are openly against the Al-Assad regime and always been that, look for some "hope"? Obviously I believe that the removal of the Al-Assad regime is a question of time like that of all regimes in the region (eventually) but you know what I mean here. Fairly short-term (say next 12-24 months) situation.

Of course the ideal situation would be a ceasefire and autonomy but we all know that this is impossible. Too much blood has been spilt.
I think it is shahed 129
Yep Shahed is operating in Iraq & Syria since 2014. The killer machine....

Iranian UAV shown striking targets in Syria and Iraq
Gareth Jennings, London and Neil Gibson, London
- IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
05 February 2016

A screenshot from an Iranian TV news programme showing an armed Shahed-129 UAV being demonstrated to the country's media. Source: SimaNews / YouTube
Iran appears to have conducted strike missions over Syria and Iraq using its Shahed-129 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), according to footage released by national media on 2 February.

A news report filed by media channel SimaNews shows at least two armed Shahed-129 UAVs being demonstrated at an undisclosed airfield, presumably in Iran, as well as electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) imagery taken from the UAV's weapon systems purportedly showing them striking vehicles and other targets in Syria and on Iran's 'western borders'. At least some of the strike footage is from October 2015, as shown by a date stamp on the weapon system EO/IR imagery, while latitude and longitude co-ordinates also shown correspond to Aleppo province, Syria.

Both UAVs are shown in the report equipped with twin underwing hardpoints. They appear to be carrying Sadid-1 tube-launched air-to-surface missiles that have been modified into glide bombs specifically for use on the Shahed-129, given that they are not stowed on the launch rails that would normally be used for missiles. At least two seekers types are present, most likely imaging infrared (IIR) and charge-coupled device television (CCDTV). The Sadid-1 shares features that are common to US BGM-71 TOW, Denel Dynamics Ingwe, China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) HJ-12 (Red Arrow 12), and Rafael Spike LR.

A screenshot showing what appears to be the terminal phase an attack by the Shahed-129 on a vehicle in either Syria or Iraq. (SimaNews / YouTube)

IHS Jane's reported in April 2014 that the Shahed-129 was believed to be operating over the Syrian capital of Damascus, following the publication of images of a UAV flying over the city that had a very similar V-tail and straight-wing configuration as the Iranian aircraft. At that time, the UAV was believed to be conducting surveillance mission and was not seen to be armed.

First revealed by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) in September 2012, the single-engined propeller-driven Shahed-129 is billed as being Iran's most sophisticated UAV, with an endurance of 24 hours and a range of 2,000 km.
In such a case US/Israel is already the winner but don't we both know that they (neither of those two) do not seek the complete removal of the Al-Assad regime in "fear" of certain opposition groups gaining too much ground in the process? Especially now with Trump being the president (not exactly the greatest fan of "Islamist-inspired" groups).

I think we both know what they must be going through. 40 years of living under martial law in one of the most oppressive and inefficient regimes in the world (apropos Russians - modeled after the old Stalinist model that North Korea too has been inspired by). Al-Assad regime used to punish/exile/kill whole families if their sons shown dissident behavior let alone now during wartime. I too do not believe that it is a valid excuse (there is always an option and if everyone thought like that there would be no Syria anymore IMO).

Yes, Daesh are people with a suicide wish and them being high on the brainwashing scale to begin with and add to that the drugs that they receive (are more or less forced to take from what I have read), it becomes a toxic combination.

BTW I was more referring to the ordinary Syrian opposition fighter from way back and until recently. There is just something else about them. They are fighting against all odds against one of the largest standing armies in the region. Now aided by a superpower (granted nothing compared to the US but still a power nevertheless just for its military power more than economy or cultural influence) but still it is remarkable if you study many of the battles.

BTW I added some added information to my post that you did not see/miss due to my late edit. I think this information makes the mess even more complex to solve. I did not imagine (ever) to witness a conflict that is more complex than the Yemeni one currently but after seeing events in Syria in the past 10-14 days, it takes the cake (for now).

Lastly what do you think is the goal of the US and Israel? Where should those of us here who are openly against the Al-Assad regime and always being that, look for some "hope"? Obviously I believe that the removal of the Al-Assad regime is a question of time like that of all regimes in the region but you know what I mean here. Fairly short-term (say next 12 months) situation.

Of course the ideal situation would be a ceasefire and autonomy but we all know that this is impossible. Too much blood has been spilt.

With the End of ISIS... Syria has started his countdown...to blow at the face of everyone...
They are thinking that the Evil is gone... little did they know... that they were made from the same flesh...
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Yep Shahed is operating in Iraq & Syria since 2014.

Iranian UAV shown striking targets in Syria and Iraq
Gareth Jennings, London and Neil Gibson, London
- IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
05 February 2016

A screenshot from an Iranian TV news programme showing an armed Shahed-129 UAV being demonstrated to the country's media. Source: SimaNews / YouTube
Iran appears to have conducted strike missions over Syria and Iraq using its Shahed-129 unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), according to footage released by national media on 2 February.

A news report filed by media channel SimaNews shows at least two armed Shahed-129 UAVs being demonstrated at an undisclosed airfield, presumably in Iran, as well as electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) imagery taken from the UAV's weapon systems purportedly showing them striking vehicles and other targets in Syria and on Iran's 'western borders'. At least some of the strike footage is from October 2015, as shown by a date stamp on the weapon system EO/IR imagery, while latitude and longitude co-ordinates also shown correspond to Aleppo province, Syria.

Both UAVs are shown in the report equipped with twin underwing hardpoints. They appear to be carrying Sadid-1 tube-launched air-to-surface missiles that have been modified into glide bombs specifically for use on the Shahed-129, given that they are not stowed on the launch rails that would normally be used for missiles. At least two seekers types are present, most likely imaging infrared (IIR) and charge-coupled device television (CCDTV). The Sadid-1 shares features that are common to US BGM-71 TOW, Denel Dynamics Ingwe, China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) HJ-12 (Red Arrow 12), and Rafael Spike LR.

A screenshot showing what appears to be the terminal phase an attack by the Shahed-129 on a vehicle in either Syria or Iraq. (SimaNews / YouTube)

IHS Jane's reported in April 2014 that the Shahed-129 was believed to be operating over the Syrian capital of Damascus, following the publication of images of a UAV flying over the city that had a very similar V-tail and straight-wing configuration as the Iranian aircraft. At that time, the UAV was believed to be conducting surveillance mission and was not seen to be armed.

First revealed by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) in September 2012, the single-engined propeller-driven Shahed-129 is billed as being Iran's most sophisticated UAV, with an endurance of 24 hours and a range of 2,000 km.

Yep it seems so that this is the drone that was tracking IS movement in the area when it got shot down.
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