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Israeli doctors save Syrian girl's life

Dec 1, 2011
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JERUSALEM, Israel -- Israeli pediatric surgeons corrected congenital heart defects on a four-year-old Syrian girl at Wolfson Medical Center in Holon on Monday.

Save a Child's Heart made arrangements for the toddler and her mother to be brought to Israel from Jordan, where her mother fled from the violence in her own country to try to find the help her daughter needed.

Syrian doctors recognized the congenital defect -- one ventricle instead of two -- when her daughter was an infant, but they weren't able to provide the complicated surgery needed to reconfigure her heart.

"We kept taking her to doctors, but nothing could be done for her," her mother said. "She couldn't run and play as other children, and she was very sick most of the time."

Dr. Lior Sasson believes the child would not have survived much longer. "Without the surgery, she could have died within a few months, maybe even weeks," he said.

The mother met many other Arabic-speaking recipients of life-saving open-heart surgery and their families at the hospital, brought to Israel through the SACH program.

Save a Child's Heart has brought more than 3,200 children from dozens of countries for life-saving open-heart surgery.


Israeli Doctors Save Syrian Toddler - Inside Israel - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com

@Doritos11 , we share borders with the biggest terrorists in the world...our security forces have it hard..but we'll get there someday.
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I am impressed about Israels security, they are able to keep terrorism out of the cities, I hope Iraq can learn from them someday.

Well, it's not always been like that. Look at 2002 for example. So many suicide attacks that we were forced to build the barrier.

Our country is small and we don't have an internal security problem as much as you do.

You also have porous borders.

I look at the rebuilding of Iraq thread and it's amazing. Great architecture projects. If you manage to get security (which you will one day, it's inevitable that good people win in the end) then Iraq is going to be one awesome looking country.
and jews thought this bought them jews the right to subjugate arabs forever?
@Doritos11 , we share borders with the biggest terrorists in the world...our security forces have it hard..but we'll get there someday.

They allow scum like this to spread their ideology

Saudi Wahabi preacher Calls for Killing Shia Women, Children in Iraq
Saudi Wahabi preacher Sa’ad Al-Drihem has urged armed terrorists in Iraq to kill Shia women and children in Iraq to spread terror in the country.

In his latest statements that have been published on Twitter, the Wahabai sheikh regarded armed terrorist groups as "Mujahids” and urged them to kill any Shia Muslim they capture, no matter if those captured are women or children.


We safawis need to spread the safawi revolution in the GCC.
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Save a Child's Heart has brought more than 3,200 children from dozens of countries for life-saving open-heart surgery.

From all over the world. Nothing to do with just Arab kids or PR.

Still, given that some paracetamol probably costs you $100 now due to sanctions, I doubt your country will be helping any kids.

Well, you are helping kids - helping them to die in Syria.

I hope you choke on your next pistachio.
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