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Israeli Air Force holds flight exercise ahead of Iran talks


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
IDF holds flight exercise ahead of Iran talks - Israel News, Ynetnews

IAF holds drill to examine abilities to reach remote destinations. 'When we say all options are on the table, we're talking about military options as well,' IDF website says, noting drill was to prepare troops to any possible threat

The Air Force had a widespread drill this week utilizing several squadrons, in order to test the force's ability to reach remote destination during lengthy flights.

In one of the highlights of the drill, where the Air Force cooperated with a foreign army, fighter jets were fueled midair.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held several interviews with European media outlets, warning against Iranian fraud in the nuclear talks with the West, which are to be held next week in Geneva.

The IDF website defined the mid-air fueling as "testing the abilities to fly long distances. When we say, 'all options are on the table', we're talking about military options as well. The Air Force, the longest reaching arm of the IDF, is responsible for realizing that option if it is so required. In the force, we're enforcing a range of abilities, including long-term flights. In this field the Air Force is required to develop all relevant ability, from a pinpointed activity to a wide-range action."

Almost all of the F-15 and F-16 squadrons of the IAF participated in the drill, and training similar to it is held several times a year.

The IDF said the training, which is expected to go on until next week, is no different from drills that took place in recent years, practicing operational planning, flight, fueling and radio control.

The commander of one of the squadrons thatho took part in the drill said: "Challenges in a flight like this start in the planning phase, and continue in the flight itself which is far from home, in unfamiliar weather and terrain conditions, as well as all possible threats."

Turned out to be a joint exercise with Greece over Greek waters.

we are so freaking scared right now ; u know ?:rofl: :rofl:

Such is the time, even if an Israeli farts, it'd be termed as simulated nuclear detonation by the Iranians.
Israelis doesn't have the military capacity to successfully destroy/halt Iranian nuclear program. Thats a fact. Accepted by anyone with even an iota of military knowledge.

Unless Israel uses its ballistic missiles armed with miniaturized nuclear weapons, it can't take out all Iranian nuclear facilities in a lightening quick surprise attack.

Using Airforce will be useless.

Only United States have the capacity to take out Iranian nuclear program..but U.S is in no position to start another freaking war!
Unless Israel uses its ballistic missiles armed with miniaturized nuclear weapons, it can't take out all Iranian nuclear facilities in a lightening quick surprise attack.

then we will turn them into the dust for the business !

tiny?? maybe it was tiny but now ........ :undecided:

You like big @$$es !? :pop:
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