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Israel will not allow its officers to be terrorized by Turkey

King Solomon

Jun 6, 2011
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Lieberman: Israel will not allow its officers to be terrorized by Turkey


Foreign Minister urges European nations to 'put Turkey back in its place' after a Turkish court charged four IDF officers for deaths of nine activists in 2010 Gaza flotilla.

Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said Tuesday in a meeting with German President Joachim Gauck that despite Turkey's vicious tongue-lashing against Israel over the past few years, Jerusalem has been behaving with "maximum restraint toward the Turkish provocations."

Lieberman added that despite Israel's restraint, it will not allow its officers and soldiers to be terrorized, for they acted completely justifiably and in accordance with international law, as was also determined by the UN's international investigatory committee into the Gaza flotilla.

"We hope that the European nations will not cooperate with the Turkish provocation of baseless indictments against the former Israel Defense Forces chief of staff and other senior officers," Lieberman told Gauck, who is visiting Jerusalem. "We hope the European nations will put Turkey back in its place and prevent wild behavior by the NATO member that has gone off course and is behaving contradictorily to all acceptable international laws."

"Israel will continue behaving responsibly and will not be drawn into counter-provoking (Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip) Erdogan, out of a care for peace and stability in the Middle East," said Lieberman.

The foreign minister's comments came after a Turkish court formally pressed charges on Monday against four former top IDF officers over the killing of nine people aboard a Turkish ship trying to break Israel's blockade of Gaza in 2010.

The court in Istanbul voted unanimously to approve an indictment against Israel's former military chief Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, along with the former heads of its navy, air force intelligence, and military intelligence, Eliezer Marom, Amos Yadlin, and Avishai Levi, the Anadolu Agency said. They face nine consecutive life terms in prison for "inciting to kill monstrously, and by torturing," according to Turkey's state-run news agency.

It is unlikely Israeli military members will be brought before Turkey's judicial system, since Israel does not regard them as criminals. If they are convicted in absentia at the end of the trial process, which could take months if not years, the Turkish court could issue an order for their arrest, but such a move would be symbolic and not binding.

Israel did not respond officially to the submission of a Turkish indictment, but a foreign ministry official stated anonymously on Monday that the indictment reflects a tailspin in relations between Ankara and Jerusalem. "Erdogan is systematically killing relations between the two states," the official said.

Former Chief of Staff Ashkenazi released a response saying that "Turkey is an important state, and it shares with Israel a common interest in stability in the Middle East, and I am sure that in the end common sense will prevail." Ashkenazi added that "from the start of this affair I chose to appear in every forum, and defend IDF soldiers and the IDF itself; the soldiers and the army carried out its mission in the field, for the benefit of the state."

Lieberman: Israel will not allow its officers to be terrorized by Turkey - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
The arrogant child thinks he enjoys the level of manipulation it once had, how sad. Does Lieberman the clown think European countries need puny Israel more than Turkey? You are playing way beyond your league Lieberman, it will cost you dearly.
When an Islamist is the Prime Minister, one cannot expect anything other than utter stupidity.
When an Islamist is the Prime Minister, one cannot expect anything other than utter stupidity.

What about Jewish extremists in Israel, are they angels? At least look at two sides of the coin when conducting an argument. We did not kill Israeli citizens you fool, you killed our citizens and you will pay one way or another.
Lieberman added that despite Israel's restraint, it will not allow its officers and soldiers to be terrorized, for they acted completely justifiably and in accordance with international law, as was also determined by the UN's international investigatory committee into the Gaza flotilla.
Of course, all of Israel's acts are justifiable and in accordance with international law! Occupying lands, killing children, settlements, Gaza siege, killing activists who try to save Gaza and a few thousand other things are all justifiable!
They have a point however. I wouldn't let my soldiers judged by current Turkey's courts. But whatever crimes they have committed must be judged and punished one way or another

Perhaps israel should run her own investigation.
When an Islamist is the Prime Minister, one cannot expect anything other than utter stupidity.

The arrogant little brad thinks he's something big, Phah! Restraining back must be a joke from the 1 foot long nation. The utter stupidy of the israelis....
When an Islamist is the Prime Minister, one cannot expect anything other than utter stupidity.

and your leaders are the most sane, religiously tolerant and rational people is that right?

They have a point however. I wouldn't let my soldiers judged by current Turkey's courts. But whatever crimes they have committed must be judged and punished one way or another

Perhaps israel should run her own investigation.

IDF did spear-head its own investigation into Mavi Marmara incident (i believe); Turkish side disagreed and disputed with the israeli account of the incident.

it's stupid for Liberman to talk about respect of international law when, unfortunately, israel has held many of these laws in contempt....especially on the issue of continued construction of illegal settlements (on Palestinian/Arab land) and the blockade of Gaza (which is one of the primary motivations for the Flotilla in the first place!!!!!)
Lmaoo Israel feels like thier officers are being terrorized ..... What goes around comes around.
The arrogant little brad thinks he's something big, Phah! Restraining back must be a joke from the 1 foot long nation. The utter stupidy of the israelis....
A tiny nation which dominated the entire Middle East, that's who.

We even have a few thousand secret units in Arab and Muslim countries, filled with Zionist Sharks, Eagles and even Camels, according to Muslim media.
When an Islamist is the Prime Minister, one cannot expect anything other than utter stupidity.

Islamists are less of a threat to the World Peace than the arrogant ZIONIST. So the correct statement should be " When a ZIONIST is the Prime Minister of the illegal state of Israel, one can expect utter stupidity from him like killing 9 turkish peace activist ".
Islamists are less of a threat to the World Peace than the arrogant ZIONIST. So the correct statement should be " When a ZIONIST is the Prime Minister of Israel, one can expect utter stupidity from him like killing 9 turkish peace activist ".
I`m glad you think so, since everything you say is wrong, thus making my statement correct.
You seem to be stressed, i suggest you relax, brother. No one in Israel knows you exist nor cares for your hatred.

It will only consume you.
I`m glad you think so, since everything you say is wrong, thus making my statement correct.
You seem to be stressed, i suggest you relax, brother. No one in Israel knows you exist nor cares for your hatred.

It will only consume you.

As illegal occupiers of Palestine, the State of Zionist Israel is a non entity for us so no one gives a hoot about you or your opinions.

Judging from your response in the bold, I am willing to bet you are an immature kid. Have you had your Bar Mitzvah yet kid ? Now go to bed, it is past your bedtime. Have mommy come and tuck you in and sing you a ZIONIST lullaby.

By the way, I am quite relaxed sipping my evening lemonade, ZIONIST KID.

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