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Israel, US jointly planned 2008 Mumbai attacks: German author

you haven't even read the books but its propaganda that the Indians third class mentality for you
anything which dost suit their broken narrative is propaganda and those who refute their bogus arguments are brainwashed
Who would read a 1000 page of conspiracy theory? People who lack critical thinking will make their own versions, there will always be some dumb sheeps believe everything he farts through his pen and mind you he is the one who wrote those 9/11 conspiracy theories.

Now his second shit book came on Mumbai attacks as another Jewish - American conspiracy. He follows the same line as the other book.

Elias Davidsson (Icelandic spelling Elías Davíðsson, born Kahn, born January 23, 1941 in the League of Nations Mandate Palestine) is an Israeli-Icelandic composer living in Germany for exercise for music lessons.
He is considered the main Icelandic representative of anti-Zionism. :pop:

About the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Davidsson published in 2011 a series of articles in the journal Ossietzky in which he denied the official investigation results and instead propagated the other 11 September 2001 conspiracy theorists spread false flag thesis. He called Islamist terrorism a "myth."

Davidsson is considered the main Icelandic advocate of anti-Israeli and anti-American theories.

That guy surely writes a load of shit. Spend 1000 PKR and read his gem(Betrayal of India). It's available on Amazon.
Who would read a 1000 page of conspiracy theory? People who lack critical thinking will make their own versions, there will always be some dumb sheeps believe everything he farts through his pen and mind you he is the one who wrote those 9/11 conspiracy theories.
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Now his second shit book came in mumbai attack was another Jewish conspiracy. He follows the same line as the former.

Elias Davidsson (Icelandic spelling Elías Davíðsson, born Kahn, born January 23, 1941 in the League of Nations Mandate Palestine) is an Israeli-Icelandic composer living in Germany for exercise for music lessons.
He is considered the main Icelandic representative of anti-Zionism. :pop:

About the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Davidsson published in 2011 a series of articles in the journal Ossietzky in which he denied the official investigation results and instead propagated the other 11 September 2001 conspiracy theorists spread false flag thesis. He called Islamist terrorism a "myth."

Davidsson is considered the main Icelandic advocate of anti-Israeli and anti-American theories.

That guy surely writes a load of shit. Spend 1000 PKR and read his gem(Betrayal of India). It's available on Amazon.
Everything i don't like/don't want to see is propaganda and conspiracy theory
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Yeah, that's the best you can come with. SNOW:lol:
dont shy away from the truth just because its hurts "In order to be effective truth must penetrate like an arrow and that is likely to hurt it will piss you off but then it will set you free produce the courage and guts in yourself to face truth no matter how harsh it is you cant just pass everything under the carpet by calling it propaganda and conspiracy theory
It's the deep state of America, Israel and India working together to gain maximum strategic milage out. Poor Indians had to die. The gullible among them still believe it was Pakistan because their inbred hatred will not allow them to think rationality.

As for Pakistan, it has kept a dignified stance. False flags like 9/11 where muslim lands were devastated , will not work against Pakistan. If these three have guts, they need to face Pakistan in direct war.

what you have managed to achieve whenever you went for direct war ?
dont shy away from the truth just because its hurts "In order to be effective truth must penetrate like an arrow and that is likely to hurt it will piss you off but then it will set you free produce the courage and guts in yourself to face truth no matter how harsh it is you cant just pass everything under the carpet by calling it propaganda and conspiracy theory
Come on, don't give up easily. Please prove he is right. I'm not pissed, at least it looks like you are not comfortable with the facts about that writer. :D You need a book written by Mr. Ghora (white guy), while Pakistans establishment and government is stuck. That's pathetic.
Come on, don't give up easily. Please prove he is right. I'm not pissed, at least it looks like you are not comfortable with the facts about that writer. :D You need a book written by Mr. Ghora (white guy), while Pakistans establishment and government is stuck. That's pathetic.
Maybe you should read the book first. If it's too expense to purchase for your ego then let us know.
Come on, don't give up easily. Please prove he is right. I'm not pissed, at least it looks like you are not comfortable with the facts about that writer. :D You need a book written by Mr. Nobody, while Pakistans establishment and government is stuck. That's pathetic.
the author has wrote a 1000 page book to prove he is right along with pieces of evidence now it's up to you to read that book and write your own book countering this Author until then your 1 lines are not going to do anything

Maybe you should read the book first. If it's too expense to purchase for your ego then let us know.
this is the valid point @SOUTHie buddy let us know if you dont have money to buy this book we can start a gofundme campaign for you
Maybe you should read the book first. If it's too expense to purchase for your ego then let us know.
the author has wrote a 1000 page book to prove he is right along with pieces of evidence now it's up to you to read that book and write your own book countering this Author until then your 1 lines are not going to do anything
It's too expensive for my time. Maybe you can get me another job which pays well to read third-rate propaganda.
this is the valid point @SOUTHie buddy let us know if you dont have money to buy this book we can start a gofundme campaign for you
Start one for the writer. :enjoy: Not for me.
It's too expensive for my time. Maybe you can get me another job which pays well to read third-rate propaganda.

Start one for the writer. :enjoy: Not for me.
Well you have plenty of time to spend the whole day on a Pakistani defence forum. Come up with something original. Typical daily Indian troll on defence.pk.
highly likely they also planned Chittisinghpura massacre and hijacking of their own plane in 71 so they can cry like a raped widow in front of the world

Yes, those two attacks plus the pathetic attack on Indian Parliament shortly after 9/11 in 2002; the 2002 attack was obviously an excuse to squeeze Pakistan by deploying troops at the borders, taking advantage of the changed situation in Afghanistan.

But I think the damage and the scope of the Mumbai 26/11 attack doesn't make it likely that it was an Indian inside job.
It's too expensive for my time. Maybe you can get me another job which pays well to read third-rate propaganda.

Start one for the writer. :enjoy: Not for me.

Everything that is against India is a propaganda?? and you super Indians are angels and cant do anything wrong??
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Guess you lot never reads a book (obv with 50% lit). :D It takes a lot of time to read. It's easy to debunk you lot in PDF, when the quality of posts on pdf is propaganda.

Then what are you doing on PDF if its low quality, you can shine in your 3rd class bharat rat shak where you will be taken more seriously??


Do you know what you are talking about??:no:
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