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Israel to build 1,730 new settlements over Green Line


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States

Ministry plans to market 698 units in east Jerusalem, 1,030 new homes in West Bank settlements; announcement comes ahead of visit by US Secretary of State John Kerry; Housing minister: Construction to help reduce housing prices.

Homes in Gilo Photo: REUTERS
The Housing Ministry on Sunday announced plans to market 1,700 new homes in east Jerusalem and West Bank settlements.

The announcement comes in advance of a visit this week by US Secretary of State John Kerry to Israel and the Palestinian territories.

It follows an announcement by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu last week that he planned to build thousands of more homes in these areas.

According to the Ministry, 698 of those units will be marketed in Jewish neighborhoods of east Jerusalem. This includes 387 homes in Ramat Shlomo and another 311 units Gilo.

In addition, the ministry said it plans to build 1,030 new homes in West Bank settlements, most of which are close to the pre-1967 lines and or within settlement blocs that Israel plans to retain in any final status agreement with the Palestinians.

This includes 284 units slated for Elkana located 3.1 kilometers from the pre-1967 lines and 196 for Karnei Shomron a distance of 9 kilometers from that line.

There are 114 homes slated for Ma’aleh Adumim located 4.5 kilometers from the pre-1967 lines and 102 for Givat Ze’ev located 4.9 kilometers from that line.


Still occupying our land and the US does not absolutely nothing. **** off.
The most shameful are the arabs who see their brothers oppressed and do nothing
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