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Apr 28, 2012
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United Arab Emirates

WASHINGTON – Analysts say because Israel now believes diplomacy has failed to halt Iran’s nuclear program and the Jewish state’s very survival is at stake, Israelis have not ruled out a Jericho III missile launch to detonate a single electromagnetic pulse warhead at high altitude over central Iran.



The assessment is underscored by recent comments from Israeli officials that the Islamic republic is reaching its “zone of immunity” from conventional military attack on its nuclear sites.

In addition, analysts point out the use of long-range aircraft with refueling capability would be highly complex and pose many logistical problems. Israel also probably would not be allowed overflight permission from Turkey, Iraq or Saudi Arabia to reach its Iranian targets. Further, such an approach would minimize any element of surprise.


Given that Iranian sites may be hardened against a conventional military attack, several Israeli andforeign sources believe that Israel has a nuclear device to create an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, that would produce little radiation on the ground but could knock out all of Iran’s electronics.

Israel also is assessed to be able to launch nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles from its German-supplied Dolphin electric submarines that could carry a one-kiloton or more device and explode over Iran, effectively neutralizing all of Iran’s electronics.

This would include Iran’s command and control capabilities and its ability to launch ballistic missiles in retaliation to a pre-emptive Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear sites, which Western intelligence has assessed is a cover to make nuclear weapons.

Sources say that an Israeli EMP attack also would effectively halt Iran’s ability to launch its forces to block the Strait of Hormuz, which the Islamic republic has threatened to do if it is attacked, along with targeting a number of U.S. military facilities in the region, as well as Israel.

An electromagnetic pulse occurs following a nuclear weapon exploded at a high altitude, creating a very strong electrical field that can overwhelm all electronics, knocking out or seriously damaging any electronic devices connected to power sources or antennas, including communications equipment, computers, electrical appliances, automobile and aircraft ignitions systems. Experts say it also can adversely affect a person’s implanted heart pacemaker device.

The effect from an EMP would be very similar to electronics in a near lightning strike or a solar storm which also can affect electronics but on a lesser scale than a pulse from a high-altitude nuclear explosion.

Another scenario discussed among some Israeli leaders is the detonation of an EMP over the entire Middle East, including Israel, whose military infrastructure has been hardened against such attacks. This would allow Israel to fly its jets directly to Iran without concerns about detection. Though it would also turn out the lights in Israel, sources there say the Jewish state could bring power back for civilians in a matter of days. A detonation at an altitude of up to 250 miles not only would affect all electronics in Iran but could damage electrical systems from the Middle East and much of Europe, these experts add. Such an EMP event also would dramatically affect all U.S. military facilities in the region.

Is Israel planning EMP attack on Iran?
Another conspiracy theory at its best.
No Israel is not going to use an EMP,because it will cause a total blackout from Pakistan and all over the ME to Europe,it would just be a good suicide for Israel.
Yes true but the article speaks about different scenarios if the EMP is used and which can be directed at the Nuclear sites the damage would be confined just to Iran, with min loss of human life....?

I do not think they will be using it over ME as it will be calling for the wrath of the Turkish and SaudiAirforce.
You can not direct an EMP only to nuclear sites,it's effective are is much larger.Using an EMP is no different than nuclear attack and even U.S considers an EMP attack,as a full scale nuclear attack on its soil,it will damage billions of dollars to infrastructures and economy.This is not a joke,it's a freaking nuclear weapon,and the world will not sit quiet.As you know,the 'international community' is not only U.S and Europe.
You can not direct an EMP only to nuclear sites,it's effective are is much larger.Using an EMP is no different than nuclear attack and even U.S considers an EMP attack,as a full scale nuclear attack on its soil,it will damage billions of dollars to infrastructures and economy.This is not a joke,it's a freaking nuclear weapon,and the world will not sit quiet.As you know,the 'international community' is not only U.S and Europe.
Here's what I wanna know: what's 'blast radius' of an EMP?? The article mentions the center of the country when the most impt installations are in the North!!!! Natanz is becoming obsolete with FORDO and we also have the IR-40 reactor up north. Say they target the North, won't it **** up the entire Central Asian region as well?

Yes,EMPs are no jokes,all countries consider an emp attack to something like a nuclear attack.The radius of an EMP depends on how powerful the nuclear weapon is,but Iran's defense and nuclear facilities are scattered all over the country,so the have to use a powerful one,which is going to Fu** up all neighboring countries,including U.S bases in Afghanistan,Bahrain,Qatar.
Don't take this news serious,as always theyare spreading this nonsense to scare Iran or to show how powerful Israel is.By using an EMP,Israel just signs its death sentence.Then Iran will have every right to open gates of oblivion to Israel (if you know what I mean :lol:)
I think if Israel uses emp it will work more for iran as most of the us tech works on electronics with this out of the question things would be different, But if they r gona attack they will think of the side effects also.

I think the electronic war has alrdy begin with RQ-170 incident?

god knowns how many more such incidents have alrdy happened?
wtf is an EMP attack ? i know electromagnetic pulse but how does it work and did it ever happen before?
EMP could be generated without nukes. I don't know if Israel has the technology, but it would certainly be interesting scenario.
After getting all these sort of news from illegal state of israel i think IRAN if attacked israel to safeguard itself, then it will be justified.

As now we are these sort of news daily,

Go Iran Go Nuke, this will shut the israel mouth for once and all .....
If israel thinks they are justified to attack Iran first to safe guard itself , then Iran is justified to do the same...
If Israel wants to take out Iran nukes, it should use only conventional weapons systems.

If its not sure of completing its mission with conventional methods, better not to attack at all and keep relying on stuxnet like softwares which may provide more time for talks.
This just goes to show that Iran should now concentrate on building a nuclear weapon. The little argument about it being a nuclear weapon to generate an EMP but only a little amount of radiation dropping on the ground is pathetic at best and this would be nothing less then a nuclear attack on Iran........
its a fact whenever israil attacked it was sudden with out warning and when it givs warning it never attacks
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