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Israel after Nigerian oil resources: Analyst

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Israel after Nigerian oil resources: Analyst

Interview with Abayomi Azikiwe, an editor of Pan-African News Wire

Press TV has interviewed an editor of Pan-African News Wire, Abayomi Azikiwe, to discuss the situation in Nigeria, nearly a month after Boko Haram fighters abducted over 200 schoolgirls.

What follows is a rush transcript of that interview:

Press TV: Now, we already have expert teams from the United States, Britain, and France on Nigerian soil and now, Israel is going to add a whole other dimension to this. How do you interpret that?

Azikiwe: I think the state of Israel has no right nor any legitimacy intervening in the internal affairs of the African continent. They themselves cannot embark upon any type of genuine effort to relieve the suffering of people in the northeastern section of Nigeria, considering the fact that they themselves have colonized the people in Palestine for decades. In fact, the Gaza Strip is the largest open-air prison in the world.

Also, the African migrant population in Israel has been suffering over the last several years from extreme racial discrimination. Some 80,000 people are there living under the conditions of racism and Zionism and this is being done with the tacit, as well as overt support of the United State. I think what is going on right now in Nigeria is an effort on the part of the imperialist states and allies to further deepen their intervention in this country. It’s oil-rich nation. It is strategically located and their concern is to exploit the oil in Nigeria to even a greater degree that they have been doing over the last several decades.

Press TV: Well Mr. Azikiwe, looking at the actions of Boko Haram in the name of “Islam,” one really has to question that who is benefitting here, because what they are doing is against all tenants of Islam, is not benefitting the Muslims in Africa or the Nigerians, so to speak. So, who seems to benefit from Boko Haram?

Azikiwe: I think a number of elements, both externally as well as internally within Nigeria, are benefitting from these actions that have been carried out by the Boko Haram sect. First of all, there’s an extreme amount of displeasure with the presidency of President Goodluck Jonathan. There are many politicians in the north of Nigeria as well as within the military structure of the country that have in fact utilized the incapacity of the Jonathan administration to resolve these internal security issues as a means of making a case for his removal from office during the 2015 elections. Also, we have to understand that the United States and its imperialist allies of Washington are in a position right now to intervene militarily and in terms of their own intelligence apparatus into the internal affairs of Nigeria.

This, of course, will weaken Nigeria’s capacity for its own internal security even further. We have seen this repeatedly throughout Africa over the last several years with the intervention of the United States Africa Command for example in Mali, in Sudan, has not strengthened the capacity of these African states to destabilize themselves and deal with their own internal problems and security. It has in fact weakened that capacity and it has in fact a provided a rationale for the United States, France, Britain, and Israel to intervene militarily and in terms of intelligence in the internal affairs of Africa.

So this is something that is not going to benefit the African masses to any degree and it’s also significant to note that the situation in Nigeria, although it is claimed to be the largest economy in Africa, there still is widespread unemployment and poverty inside the country. There have been strikes on the part of people in medical fields, education fields and the oil industry and the civil service, over the last two years. So, I think Nigeria is actually being set up by the United States and its allies in order to justify a deeper military, economic, as well as intelligence penetration of the structures within this country.

PressTV - Israel after Nigerian oil resources: Analyst

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