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Israel admits it is deliberately targeting civilians in Gaza

Israel : " We suspect there might be weaponry in your house, so leave the house or die within it. F**k you, we're Israel we're supported by the US we'll do whatever we want "
Israel : " If a Palestinian state is established they have no right to be armed. They will also not get any land in Jerusalem and we'll continue to build illegal yet supported-by-the-US settlements. F**k you, we're Israel we're supported by the US we'll do whatever we want "
Israel : " X neighboring state has a nuclear reactor that may be used against us, we'll pre-emptively strike it because we're Israel and our security is above the security and the well-being of any other country. F**k you, we're Israel we're supported by the US we'll do whatever we want "
Need I say more? Israel literally breaks the international laws and their actions break all the rules of common sense, but hey, they're Israel. If they wanna go invade a country in Latin America because they suspect an ICBM is being built in Argentina, literally noone will stop them. Everyone will be like " Yes it's true, Argentina is a real security threat to Israel and they could 100% be building an ICBM. Go Go Israel, you have our support! "
P.S : I don't mean any offense to Argentina, just stating it as an example.
Israel is deliberately targeting civilians in Gaza | The Electronic Intifada


The UN says 77 percent of Palestinians killed in Israel’s relentless bombing campaign on the besieged Gaza Strip have been civilians.

A report by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs details Israel’s current assault, now it in its sixth day.

With over 150 killed, including an alarming number of women and children, and the death toll in Gaza rising by the hour, Israeli officials insist they are doing all they can to avoid civilian casualties.

Using precision guided missiles, the Israeli army claims it is only bombing people and infrastructure “affiliated with Hamas terrorism” — and the international community is buying it.

What is not being discussed, however, is who and what constitutes a Hamas affiliate.

Hamas is more than just a militant organization, it is the political party that was democratically elected in 2006 to govern the Gaza Strip and West Bank. Hamas’s control means that almost everyone and everything in Gaza can be considered a Hamas affiliate. This unchallenged loose definition has enabled Israel’s war architects to widen the definition of legitimate targets to include civilians and civilian infrastructure, includingmosques, schools, hospitals, banks, electricity lines and residential homes, all of which have been targeted.

Aside from a weak condemnation issued by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,Navi Pillay, the international community has largely accepted Israel’s methodology, completely abandoning defenseless Palestinian civilians as they’re being maimed and slaughtered by one of the world’s most powerful armies.

Israel admits to targeting civilians
Even as Israeli officials openly admit that they are deliberately and systematically bombing the family homes of suspected militants, the international community has raised little objection.

Moshe Ya’alon, Israel’s so-called defense minister, boasted to Israel Army Radio: “We are destroying arms, terror infrastructures, command systems, Hamas institutions, regime buildings, terrorists’ houses, and killing terrorists of various ranks of command.”

This explains why entire families have been wiped out by US-supplied Israeli bombs.

Israel has tried to absolve itself of responsibility for these massacres by sometimes warning its victims over the phone to evacuate their homes and “roof knocking” — hitting the roof of a home or building with a small mortar shell prior to bombing it.

But as one raw and terrifying video captured by a Palestinian in Gaza demonstrates, Israel’s airstrike follows within seconds of the warning, giving residents little time to flee, especially children, the elderly and disabled.

Another hasbara (or propaganda) tactic deployed by Israel has been unsubstantiated accusations that Hamas stores weapons within civilian buildings.

But Israel has failed to provide any evidence to corroborate this claim beyond grainy aerial footage and photos that prove nothing.

Everyone is a terrorist
Eighteen people were killed and dozens injured in a single Israeli airstrike on Saturday night targeting the home of Gaza’s police chief, Taysir al-Batsh.

This was not Israel’s first time intentionally targeting Gaza police officers, who the Israeli army classifies as militants despite their civilian status. To kick off “Operation Cast Lead,” Israel’s murderous three-week assault on the Gaza Strip in the winter of 2008-2009, the Israeli army rained down bombs on a graduation ceremony for Gaza police cadets, killing 255 people.

Prior to Saturday, Israel bombed a care facility for people with special needs in Beit Lahiya, killing two physically and mentally disabled women as they slept.

Another family was killed after fleeing their home in accordance with a “warning call,” bombed while taking shelter with their neighbors under a tree. The homes, however, were not hit.

Following Knesset deputy speaker Moshe Feiglin’s demands that Israel cut off electricity to Gaza’s dialysis patients, Israeli bombardments have repeatedly damaged Gaza’s electricity lines, leaving 75 percent of Gaza City in the dark.

Israel’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee chairman Ze’ev Elkin recently recommended cutting off water and electricity to Gaza. Gaza-based journalist Mohammed Omar reports that Israeli airstrikes have since targeted Gaza’s already vulnerable water and sewage system, destroying wells and at least five water pipelines, in clear violation of international law. And it is no accident.

The Dahiya doctrine
This isn’t the first time Israel has targeted civilians on a mass scale, but rather a repeat of war crimes committed in Lebanon in 2006 and perfected in Gaza in 2008-2009 and again in 2012.

The Dahiya doctrine (which refers to the Dahiya neighborhood in Beirut that Israel purposely decimated in its 2006 assault on Lebanon) is Israel’s preferred method of warfare. Under this doctrine, the Israeli army deploys overwhelmingly disproportionate force against civilian infrastructure to restore Israel’s deterrence and turn the local population against its enemy, i.e. Hizballah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza.

In the lead up to Operation Cast Lead, senior Israeli army General Gadi Eisenkot disclosed Israel’s plans to expand the Dahiya doctrine, telling an Israeli newspaper, “We will wield disproportionate power against every village from which shots are fired on Israel, and cause immense damage and destruction. From our perspective, these are military bases.” He added, “This isn’t a suggestion. This is a plan that has already been authorized.”

Two months later Israel pulverized the Gaza Strip, killing some 1,400 people, including almost 400 children, some of whom were deliberately murdered while raising white flags.

Based on statements such as Eisenkot’s combined with Israel’s murderous rampage in Gaza, the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, better known as The Goldstone Report, determined that “The Israeli military conception of what was necessary in a future war with Hamas seems to have been developed from at least the time of the 2006 conflict in southern Lebanon. It finds its origin in a military doctrine that views disproportionate destruction and creating maximum disruption in the lives of many people as a legitimate means to achieve military and political goals.”

The report continued (emphasis mine), “Statements by political and military leaders prior to and during the military operations in Gaza leave little doubt that disproportionate destruction and violence against civilians were part of a deliberate policy.”

Israel employed this same strategy in its November 2012 Gaza onslaught, which killed 162 Palestinians. Less than two years later, the international community is again witnessing the deliberate slaughter of Palestinian civilians in Gaza and has by and large sided with the butcher.

How much longer will the world allow Israel to wipe out Palestinian families with impunity? How many Palestinian children’s lives will be cut short before the world demands and end to Israel’s war crimes?
are you palestinian? or brazilian?

Another stupid lie by false flag propagandist. Israel never said anything like that.

The small rocket is only the LAST warning. They were called before, thats why they knew building will be attacked and filmed it. Same happened in this video:

look where israel is targeting the build, and the time between the rocket and bomb is like 25 seconds, how can people have enough time to get out of the building?
how can israel not expect there to be retaliation after attacks like this? if i lived in gaza and this happened near my house i would certainly do my best to cause israel damage…@500 if you were a palestinian and this happened near your house what would you do?
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look where israel is targeting the build, and the time between the rocket and bomb is like 25 seconds, how can people have enough time to get out of the building?
how can israel not expect there to be retaliation after attacks like this? if i lived in gaza and this happened near my house i would certainly do my best to cause israel damage…@500 if you were a palestinian and this happened near your house what would you do?
First of all as I said small missile is only the LAST warning. They were called before thats why they went out to watch and film:


Secondly video is cut at 0:15. Real time which passed is much longer.
Palestiinan Envoy to UNHRC: Israelis Warn Civilians Before Attacks, We Don't

A warning before an attack doesn't justify the attack, you know. A warning before an attack is as ridiculous as a bully telling another child " Either leave your things at school and go home within 2 minutes, or I'll punch you right in the face ".
It is not illegal to target civilians, as long as they are within a military target, and the loss of the lifes
are acceptable, based on the significance of the military target, according to rules of proportionality.
Stop this BS.

Intentional attacks on the Palestinian population can be deemed a war crime and accountability for violations of international law must be imposed, Bill Van Esveld, Israel, Palestine researcher at Human Rights Watch, told RT.

RT: As we know, the death toll in Gaza has climbed to 100. Many of them are children under the age of 17 – we’re talking about dozens here. Do you think the issue’s getting enough attention, considering the amount of civilian deaths?

BE: I think the general issue is getting enough attention, but the civilian suffering is not getting enough attention – it’s not getting enough attention from the Israeli forces who were conducting those airstrikes, naval strikes, tank shelling, and other forms of attack. Under the laws of war – which bind Israel as they bind any military force – you cannot shoot first and ask questions later. You have got to make sure what you’re shooting at is a legitimate target, and if there’s any doubt in your mind whether it might be civilian, you have to hold fire, and I’m very concerned that we are not seeing that – we may be seeing the opposite.

RT: Israel is saying it’s acting only to protect its population from Hamas – but since 2008 over 1000 civilians were killed in Gaza. That’s about 20 times more than the Israeli civilian death toll. And if we look at the total number of Palestinian children killed since 2008, we’re talking about over 500. Do you think Israel’s response is measured considering all this?

BE: Well, it’s not a question of whether Israel has a right to defend itself – that’s an obvious yes; of course they have a right to defend themselves. The question is how they are going about it. When they make mistakes, do they learn from them? When forces do something deliberate or reckless are they punished? And the answer to those last questions is a clear “no.” We’ve seen virtually no accountability for very well-documented past cases of abuse, violations, and even war crimes, and without accountability and with impunity, then abuses will obviously continue.

RT: We’re interested to hear what you have to say about what the former mayor of the Israeli town of Shiloh thinks – he says the only way to win this war is to destroy the enemy without excessive regard for who’s a soldier and who’s a civilian. How does your organization respond to a statement like this?

BE: Well, that would be a complete disaster and I hope that nobody listens to that official. If that official were a commander in a military and his troops acted on that order, he could be prosecuted for war crimes. That is a blatant out-and-out disregard for the most fundamental rule of war, which is to spare civilians, and there is a good reason for it. You weaken your enemy by attacking their fighters and their military objects. You do nothing to weaken your enemy by attacking a civilian population who’s not fighting you. It does nothing for you; it’s a war crime, and it should not be advocated.

RT: World leaders are calling for an end to the violence, but Israel seems determined to continue. What do you think it would take to agree a truce?

BE: It’s difficult to say at this point; obviously both sides feel that they need to keep doing what they’re doing which is harming – unfortunately – civilians. World leaders need to make a very clear statement that the violations of the objective laws – the laws that apply to both sides – will not be tolerated. Not to just say things like “We call for restraint” or “We hope the situation will go away.” They need to make it clear that there will be accountability for violations and this is going to be looked into and it’s not going to be swept under the carpet as the Goldstone Report was eventually put aside after the terrible carnage in 2008/9. My organization has been calling for the state of Palestine to go to the ICC for a year now, and it’s high time for them to do that.

Source : Targeting civilians ‘is a war crime’ – HRW — RT Op-Edge
Stop this BS.

Intentional attacks on the Palestinian population can be deemed a war crime and accountability for violations of international law must be imposed, Bill Van Esveld, Israel, Palestine researcher at Human Rights Watch, told RT.

RT: As we know, the death toll in Gaza has climbed to 100. Many of them are children under the age of 17 – we’re talking about dozens here. Do you think the issue’s getting enough attention, considering the amount of civilian deaths?

BE: I think the general issue is getting enough attention, but the civilian suffering is not getting enough attention – it’s not getting enough attention from the Israeli forces who were conducting those airstrikes, naval strikes, tank shelling, and other forms of attack. Under the laws of war – which bind Israel as they bind any military force – you cannot shoot first and ask questions later. You have got to make sure what you’re shooting at is a legitimate target, and if there’s any doubt in your mind whether it might be civilian, you have to hold fire, and I’m very concerned that we are not seeing that – we may be seeing the opposite.

RT: Israel is saying it’s acting only to protect its population from Hamas – but since 2008 over 1000 civilians were killed in Gaza. That’s about 20 times more than the Israeli civilian death toll. And if we look at the total number of Palestinian children killed since 2008, we’re talking about over 500. Do you think Israel’s response is measured considering all this?

BE: Well, it’s not a question of whether Israel has a right to defend itself – that’s an obvious yes; of course they have a right to defend themselves. The question is how they are going about it. When they make mistakes, do they learn from them? When forces do something deliberate or reckless are they punished? And the answer to those last questions is a clear “no.” We’ve seen virtually no accountability for very well-documented past cases of abuse, violations, and even war crimes, and without accountability and with impunity, then abuses will obviously continue.

RT: We’re interested to hear what you have to say about what the former mayor of the Israeli town of Shiloh thinks – he says the only way to win this war is to destroy the enemy without excessive regard for who’s a soldier and who’s a civilian. How does your organization respond to a statement like this?

BE: Well, that would be a complete disaster and I hope that nobody listens to that official. If that official were a commander in a military and his troops acted on that order, he could be prosecuted for war crimes. That is a blatant out-and-out disregard for the most fundamental rule of war, which is to spare civilians, and there is a good reason for it. You weaken your enemy by attacking their fighters and their military objects. You do nothing to weaken your enemy by attacking a civilian population who’s not fighting you. It does nothing for you; it’s a war crime, and it should not be advocated.

RT: World leaders are calling for an end to the violence, but Israel seems determined to continue. What do you think it would take to agree a truce?

BE: It’s difficult to say at this point; obviously both sides feel that they need to keep doing what they’re doing which is harming – unfortunately – civilians. World leaders need to make a very clear statement that the violations of the objective laws – the laws that apply to both sides – will not be tolerated. Not to just say things like “We call for restraint” or “We hope the situation will go away.” They need to make it clear that there will be accountability for violations and this is going to be looked into and it’s not going to be swept under the carpet as the Goldstone Report was eventually put aside after the terrible carnage in 2008/9. My organization has been calling for the state of Palestine to go to the ICC for a year now, and it’s high time for them to do that.

Source : Targeting civilians ‘is a war crime’ – HRW — RT Op-Edge

He is correct in everything he says, and this is exactly my position.

Note that he does not accuse Israel of War Crimes in this operation, just notes that they may have occurred.
He also notes that Israel has the right to defend itself, (I.E. Attacks on Gaza has a legal basis).
- But must be made in accordance to International Law.
If that happens, or not, can only be determined after thorough investigations of each and every case.

The only debate is on the phrase "Targeting Civilians". Two possible interpretations:
  • Firing on a target where civilians are present - Israel is obviously doing this, but the target may be legal
  • Firing on a target which has civilians but no perceived military significance - Yet to be proved
Noone had been able to look at Israeli Documentation yet, so the word is still out.

Source: 4th Geneva Convention

The title of the thread implies that Israel admits it is committing war crimes, which is not the case.
Iron Dome showing off some tricks.

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some chinese and indians on this forum go on a rampage whenever they see muslims getting killed, justifying any deeds and blindly (or willingly out of bad intention) siding with a party as long as muslims are on the receiving end. shame.
Do you feel weird that there is no much country to condemn israel's action in this event?

In the past we Chinese did have sympathy for palestiny. Thanks for uyghur's terrorist attack in recent months, now there is a landslid support for Israel on the China forum.


that would be tragical.
what tragical? your jihad attack?
Do you feel weird that there is no much country to condemn israel's action in this event?

In the past we Chinese did have sympathy for palestiny. Thanks for uyghur's terrorist attack in recent months, now there is a landslid support for Israel on the China forum.

what tragical? your jihad attack?
because of X you change your attitude towards Y? that simple? is that also Chinese wisdom? no offense to Chinese culture and members, but some of you guys as individuals write the strangest and/or illogical stuff.
jihad attack? you make 0 sense again, re-read my posts or spare us your ignorance.
my last post in this thread, am done with repeating myself.
If I were IDF, I would have killed 10 and 100 more for any one Israel citizen died due to hamas attack.

Let's see which way is sustainable: terrorism vs anti-terrorism.

For those palestinians, if you want to avoid being attacked, clean your house first. If you cannot control hamas, and get rid of them, well, you get yourselves bombing problems.

By hiding them, providing support for them, allowing them to fire rockets into Israel..., you have make very clear that you are not civilians any more but same as those terrorists.

So do not post this stupid fake pictures from some place called intifada. Just drop your crocodile tears. We do not give a damn to those terrorist supporters.
If I were IDF, I would have killed 10 and 100 more for any one Israel citizen died due to hamas attack.

Let's see which way is sustainable: terrorism vs anti-terrorism.

For those palestinians, if you want to avoid being attacked, clean your house first. If you cannot control hamas, and get rid of them, well, you get yourselves bombing problems.

By hiding them, providing support for them, allowing them to fire rockets into Israel..., you have make very clear that you are not civilians any more but same as those terrorists.

So do not post this stupid fake pictures from some place called intifada. Just drop your crocodile tears. We do not give a damn to those terrorist supporters.
Check what palestine teaches their kids

Just like what I have said, those palestinians are not innocent at all, especially those who side with hamas.

They chose it, and they live with the consequence.

Check what palestine teaches their kids

because of X you change your attitude towards Y? that simple? is that also Chinese wisdom? no offense to Chinese culture and members, but some of you guys as individuals write the strangest and/or illogical stuff.
jihad attack? you make 0 sense again, re-read my posts or spare us your ignorance.
my last post in this thread, am done with repeating myself.
When we take measures to deal with our domestic terrorrst issues, you guys cry foul about the repression. Now you expect us to tell X from Y, you really have wisdom.

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