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Israel admits giving birth control to Ethiopian Jews without their consent


Jun 1, 2012
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Israel gave birth control to Ethiopian Jews without their consent

Israel has admitted for the first time that it has been giving Ethiopian Jewish immigrants birth-control injections, often without their knowledge or consent.

The government had previously denied the practice but the Israeli Health Ministry’s director-general has now ordered gynaecologists to stop administering the drugs. According a report in Haaretz, suspicions were first raised by an investigative journalist, Gal Gabbay, who interviewed more than 30 women from Ethiopia in an attempt to discover why birth rates in the community had fallen dramatically.

One of the Ethiopian women who was interviewed is quoted as saying: “They [medical staff] told us they are inoculations. We took it every three months. We said we didn’t want to.” It is alleged that some of the women were forced or coerced to take the drug while in transit camps in Ethiopia.

The drug in question is thought to be Depo-Provera, which is injected every three months and is considered to be a highly effective, long-lasting contraceptive.

Nearly 100,000 Ethiopian Jews have moved to Israel under the Law of Return since the 1980s, but their Jewishness has been questioned by some rabbis. Last year, the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who also holds the health portfolio, warned that illegal immigrants from Africa “threaten our existence as a Jewish and democratic state”.

Haaretz published an extract from a letter sent by the Ministry of Health to units administering the drug. Doctors were told “not to renew prescriptions for Depo Provera for women of Ethiopian origin if for any reason there is concern that they might not understand the ramifications of the treatment”.

Sharona Eliahu Chai, a lawyer for the Association of Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), said: “Findings from investigations into the use of Depo Provera are extremely worrisome, raising concerns of harmful health policies with racist implications in violation of medical ethics. The Ministry of Health’s director-general was right to act quickly and put forth new guidelines.”
I wonder (not really ;) ) what excuses our Israel worshipping western and Indian forumers are going to come up with now to once again excuse their beloved entity.
I wonder (not really ;) ) what excuses our Israel worshipping western and Indian forumers are going to come up with now to once again excuse their beloved entity.

They'll say that this is just standard health care procedure.

I'm not kidding, there were some on Twitter who were saying just that today.
Isn't this ethnic cleansing and racial purifying? If Germans were doing it, it was bad but Israel is doing it then may be just an innocent mistake.

If this was done in a Muslim country, there would have been a resolution in UN and some country from west would have invaded or getting ready to invade that country. Moral and human rights police would have been out in full force condemning such a dastardly and inhumane act.
Frustrated Israel haters open already a third thread about same debunked issue.


They believe that if they will repeat same lie 1000 times it will became a truth. :rolleyes: As I said before. This birth control was given ONLY during their stay in transition camps in Ethiopia. For simple reason that birth during their stay in camps was problematic and dangerous. These are absolutely harmless pills used in al developed world. Once they arrived in Israel no one gave them any birth control.

If Israel was not willing to have blacks it was not simply bringing them to Israel. But Israel on contrary spend a huge effort to bring them to Israel:

Operation Moses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Operation Solomon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They believe that if they will repeat same lie 1000 times it will became a truth. :rolleyes:

We are not telling anything. We're just reporting stories published by mainstream newspapers.

This birth control was given ONLY during their stay in transition camps in Ethiopia.

How long do they stay in those camps? Those women were saying they were administered the drug every 3 months. It seems they had been taking the drug for quite a while. And why did their fertility levels drop even after coming to Israel? Because that was what first arose the suspicions against anti-Ethiopian fertility policies -- their ever-dropping fertility levels.

Have in mind that these accusations are old. RussiaToday reported on it back in 2010, in an interview with Jewish feminist that had noticed the low fertility of the Ethiopian women in Israel:

And if there was nothing harmful about the affair, if everything was done according to procedure deemed standard in the industrialized world, why only now is the Israeli government coming clean about the drug's use?

According to Haaretz: "The ministry and other state agencies had previously denied knowledge or responsibility for the practice, which was first reported five years ago."
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We are not telling anything. We're just reporting stories published by mainstream newspapers.
You are creating third thread about same exactly issue, each time you were debunked. Obviously thats sign of extreme frustration. Mainstream newspapers? - PressTV clowns, RT trolls and yellow tabloid. No one else is interested in this silly non story.

How long do they stay in those camps?
Pretty long time.

And why did their fertility levels drop even after coming to Israel?
Fertility level is very gradually decreasing. Thats natural process in all communities all over the world. For example fertility level of second generation Muslims in Europe is way lower than first generation.

reported on it back in 2010, in an interview with Jewish feminist that had noticed the low fertility of the Ethiopian women in Israel
Another nonsense claim. Ethiopian fertility level is way HIGHER than average in Israel. Its slowly decreasing but still higher than average.

And if there was nothing harmful about the affair, if everything was done according to procedure deemed standard in the industrialized world, why only now is the Israeli government coming clean about the drug's use?
Because no one made a request. Once Haaretz journalist made an official request it cot an answer.
You are creating third thread about same exactly issue, each time you were debunked. Obviously thats sign of extreme frustration. Mainstream newspapers? - PressTV clowns, RT trolls and yellow tabloid. No one else is interested in this silly non story.

Pretty long time.

Fertility level is very gradually decreasing. Thats natural process in all communities all over the world. For example fertility level of second generation Muslims in Europe is way lower than first generation.

Another nonsense claim. Ethiopian fertility level is way HIGHER than average in Israel. Its slowly decreasing but still higher than average.

Because no one made a request. Once Haaretz journalist made an official request it cot an answer.

israelis do most things illegaly and there is no one to stop them and to prove there illegal workings right they give justifications or negate to the allegations against them bluntly
You are creating third thread about same exactly issue, each time you were debunked. Obviously thats sign of extreme frustration. Mainstream newspapers? - PressTV clowns, RT trolls and yellow tabloid. No one else is interested in this silly non story.

The Independent is a pretty mainstream newspaper. As for RT, iot reported on nothing that wasn't on Haaretz, Israel's foremost newspaper.

Fertility level is very gradually decreasing.

Newspapers have reported on a 50% fall on the course of a decade. That's a very quick drop, one that many media outlets have referred to as drastic.

And in contrast to your claims, some have also noted that the women were shot the sterilization injections even after arriving to Israel. This is from France's very mainstream L'Express:

"Les migrantes expliquaient comment elles s'étaient vu menacer de ne pas obtenir le droit d'immigrer si elles refusaient de se voir injecter des contraceptifs avant et après leur arrivée en Israël, alors qu'elles étaient dans des camps de transit."

"The [female] migrants explained how they were threatened of not being able to obtain the right to migrate if they refused to be injected the birth control shots before and after their arrival to Israel, while they were in transit camps."

If this was all about their health, why did they need to be either threatened or lied to in regards to the shots' effects on their fertility? For many of the women are saying that they didn't know what were those shots.
The Independent is a pretty mainstream newspaper. As for RT, iot reported on nothing that wasn't on Haaretz, Israel's foremost newspaper.
Independent is a pretty tabloid and Haaretz is "not foremost newspaper" but most leftist newspaper.

Newspapers have reported on a 50% fall on the course of a decade. That's a very quick drop, one that many media outlets have referred to as drastic.
No, they report 20% drop:

Why is the birth rate in Israel's Ethiopian community declining? Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

For comparison between 1990-2000 birth rate in your beloved Iran dropped by 78%:



And in contrast to your claims, some have also noted that the women were shot the sterilization injections even after arriving to Israel. This is from France's very mainstream L'Express:
Just some spell mistake.
Haaretz is "not foremost newspaper" but most leftist newspaper.

Haaretz is the only Israeli newspaper that is taken seriously abroad. In fact, Israeli left-wingers in general are considered the only sane persons in your country, the only ones worth listening to. Your right-wing cultural idols are seen as a joke elsewhere. Who's the Israeli historian who's reviewed book for the Financial Ttimes - Avi Shlaim or Efraim Karsh?

No, they report 20% drop:

This article cites a 50% drop:

But Ethiopian Jews remain a marginalized group, often living in highly segregated communities. Because of this, many women’s and immigrant rights advocates believe that the 50 percent decline over the past 10 years in the birthrate of Israel’s Ethiopian community is the result of the Israeli government’s attempt to limit and restrict Ethiopian women’s fertility through forcible birth control injections.
And so does this one:

... il y était affirmé, sur la fois de nombreux témoignages, que des Ethiopiennes qui avaient émigré en Israël il y a huit ans avaient été contraintes de se voir injecter du Dépo-Provera, un contraceptif longue durée, si elles voulaient entrer sur le territoire. . . ne pratique qui pourrait expliquer la baisse de près de 50 % du taux de natalité de la communauté éthiopienne d'Israël au cours de la dernière décennie

For comparison between 1990-2000 birth rate in your beloved Iran dropped by 78%:

What's your point? No one in Iran is accusing the government of injecting women birth control shots against their knowledge or consent -- that's the difference between it and your country.

Just some spell mistake.

Look, another 'spelling mistake':

In some cases, women were first given the drug while still in transit camps; in other cases, it seems women were regularly injected after arriving in Israel. Some women apparently knew they were being given birth control but were told they wouldn’t be let into Israel if they didn’t agree; others report being told the shots were “inoculations.”
Haaretz is the only Israeli newspaper that is taken seriously abroad.
I did not say that Haaretz are lying. Haretz is a reliable newspaper (beside Amira Has and Gedeon Levy correspondents who are Hamas propagandists), I just said that they are ultra leftists who love to post non stories to show how bad is Israel. This is an example.

This article cites a 50% drop:
Haaretz is more rerliable.

What's your point? No one in Iran is accusing the government of injecting women birth control shots against their knowledge or consent -- that's the difference between it and your country.
You whine that 20% drop is huge and shows that Israel used racist birth control. But in fact this is a natural process and its very minor drop compare to all over the world. In your beloved Iran drop was 78%. Today Iranians have birth rate well below the reproduction level (2.1).

Look, another 'spelling mistake':
It "seems" to them. LOL.
If they really did this, then it was unfair on their part.
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