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Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant: “We Will Conquer Istanbul”


Feb 22, 2013
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Police operations arranged in six Turkish cities reveals critical information on the ISIS’s future plans regarding Turkey.

Recent operations carried out by the organization named Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), revealed schemes on preparing a jihad on Turkey.

The police operation against the organization began in January in the city of Van and spread to other bigger cities such as Istanbul, Adana, Gaziantep and Kayseri, resulting in many arrests including the leader of the organization, Halis Bayuncuk. Bayuncuk’s statement, “We will conquer Istanbul, too” was detected by audio surveillance and revealed other plans of the organization.

According to the plans, the organization was aiming at a jihad [an Islamic conquer] on Turkey when the inner conflicts would end in Syria. It was also discovered that the organization had been recruiting militants for two years in Turkey. The latest act of the organization was the abduction of the staff from the Turkish Embassy in Mosul.

According to the article by Hüseyin Özay from Taraf newspaper, the operations unveiled photos, videos and voice recordings of Bayuncuk during his stays on the camps in Syria, lecturing the recruited militia from Turkey. Bayuncuk openly states , “After the jihad of Syria, Turkey will be the next. We will conquer Istanbul, inshallah.”

The information acquired by the operation lead to other important details on the organization. According to the media, the organization ISIL firstly determines the countries with inner conflicts, then proceeds to prepare plans of jihad. The organization then sends armed forces to those countries, commencing the jihad by arranging daily or weekly acts. The militants who die during the acts are considered martyrs, and death for jihad is regarded as the ultimate point each member desires. The media belonging to the organization also revealed that the ISIL has declared jihad on Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Yemen and Sudan.

Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant: “We Will Conquer Istanbul” - Aydınlık Daily

Expecting original comments from my bros. :)
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Police operations arranged in six Turkish cities reveals critical information on the ISIS’s future plans regarding Turkey.

Recent operations carried out by the organization named Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), revealed schemes on preparing a jihad on Turkey.

The police operation against the organization began in January in the city of Van and spread to other bigger cities such as Istanbul, Adana, Gaziantep and Kayseri, resulting in many arrests including the leader of the organization, Halis Bayuncuk. Bayuncuk’s statement, “We will conquer Istanbul, too” was detected by audio surveillance and revealed other plans of the organization.

According to the plans, the organization was aiming at a jihad [an Islamic conquer] on Turkey when the inner conflicts would end in Syria. It was also discovered that the organization had been recruiting militants for two years in Turkey. The latest act of the organization was the abduction of the staff from the Turkish Embassy in Mosul.

According to the article by Hüseyin Özay from Taraf newspaper, the operations unveiled photos, videos and voice recordings of Bayuncuk during his stays on the camps in Syria, lecturing the recruited militia from Turkey. Bayuncuk openly states , “After the jihad of Syria, Turkey will be the next. We will conquer Istanbul, inshallah.”

The information acquired by the operation lead to other important details on the organization. According to the media, the organization ISIL firstly determines the countries with inner conflicts, then proceeds to prepare plans of jihad. The organization then sends armed forces to those countries, commencing the jihad by arranging daily or weekly acts. The militants who die during the acts are considered martyrs, and death for jihad is regarded as the ultimate point each member desires. The media belonging to the organization also revealed that the ISIL has declared jihad on Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Yemen and Sudan.

Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant: “We Will Conquer Istanbul” - Aydınlık Daily
Its probably smarter to take them out before they get bigger.

I read karanlik newspaper. :D
Lets see if they succeed in Iraq first but with our current government even Fiji could cause trouble in Turkiye.
Wow that was super fast ... first their intentions to wave their flag in Tehran and now Istanbul ... man these guys really have their balls in their mouth :lol:
Tehran, Istanbul and add New Delhi to the list as well. :disagree:
I can't keep track of all the future fallen capitals around the world. :lol:

When will they announce their march on Washington and their plans to replace the US flag on the moon with a black one?
I will support them up to the conquest of Bagdad, Erbil and Tehran. :lol:

Lets see if they succeed in Iraq first but with our current government even Fiji could cause trouble in Turkiye.

On a more serious note, ISIS wants their black banner to spread around the whole world. It is an ultimate dream for them. Their strategy looks more different though. They won't attack Sunni Turkey after we helped them. They want to consolidate power in Iraq and Syria to kick out Shia influence and then go after the "head of the snake" as they say which is "Tehran" according to them.
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Tehran, Istanbul and add New Delhi to the list as well. :disagree:

well i would see if they ever reach close to iran border ... and by the way before new dehli there is Islamabad :D we are already sending their jihadi brothers to hell
wow ... great muslims,,, and see they have declared jihad only in Muslim countries, are they the one's called "khawarij". and I was watching a video some days ago saying that they were funded by US IN Syria.. If I am wrong someone please correct me.
Shouldn't they have started with something smaller like Zanzibar? They could rent out huts on the beaches there and run like a package Jihad holiday. All in one, get your sun, sea and guns.
I would like to see them try :D


I'm not sure of that source though.
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