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ISIS: "We will raise our flag in Tehran"

this is going to get bloody , some countries are just using these peoples for their evil purposes
I don't think so ISIS can finish its work in Iraq....... So far they've over run only most of the Sunni controlled Areas.... In Shia majority areas there's a bloody resistance against ISIS.....
The Iraqi army that retreated and left all their equipment to ISIS probably did it on purpose. They didn't want to fight Sunni versus Sunni. Probably if Sunnis can consolidate their power in Iraq. They might attack Iran.
Iran send Military personal and aid to Syria and now face a threat even closer. Hopefully ISIS takes Baghdad and teaches the crazy Rawafid mullahs to never ever under estimate the Sunnis. :angry:
You do realize ISIS is a total nutjob organization , a taliban like minded that would be more then willing to help them as well.
P.s massacre thousands in Iraq .
Let's hope peace prevails as Iraqi's already have suffered enough thanks to democracy brought upon them...
The Iraqi army that retreated and left all their equipment to ISIS probably did it on purpose. They didn't want to fight Sunni versus Sunni. Probably if Sunnis can consolidate their power in Iraq. They might attack Iran.

according to the Soldiers they were out of ammunition when asked for ammunition and reinforcements but didn't get any and the commanders deserted the soldiers ... so the soldiers had to run away.. which is understandable..
You do realize ISIS is a total nutjob organization , a taliban like minded that would be more then willing to help them as well.
P.s massacre thousands in Iraq .
Brother they have bought peace and stability in Syria to the parts they control.
The idea of them helping the Taliban is quite far fetched they win the hearts of the local populace compared to the Tribal warlords that is the Taliban who just destabilize further.
But do note that i don't agree with everything do. After all they are human and will commit mistakes
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