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ISIS threatens to topple Hamas in Gaza

I have a picture of Falcon29 and I know where he lives. I'm going to send his picture to ISIS so they can hunt him down.
You don't even want to know what I would do to an ISIS terrorist if found one in the US. :butcher:
The only way for ISIS to take root in Gaza is if there is an indigenous movement in Gaza that sympathizes with ISIS ideology.
I may be wrong, but Palestinians in general (especially in West Bank but even in Gaza) does not have those salafist impulses and tendencies. Palestinians are among the most secular people among Arab muslims. Even the more religious ones in Gaza, are moderate.
So the chances of ISIS replacing Hamas as a government entity, is quite slim.
wonder on which side Israel is going to be in this fight! :devil:
The self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS) insurgents threatened on Tuesday to take control of the Gaza Strip, accusing Hamas, the organisation that rules the Palestinian territory, of being insufficiently stringent about religious enforcement.
... Israeli hawks are popping champagne and throwing a party at the prospect of this ....

Yet another way to demonize Palestinians and more excuses to resist a 2-State solution while Israel steals more land under the guise of settlement building.
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I don't understand why Muslim countries just can't team up for once and annihilate ISIS??
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Truly fits your profile picture and signature :enjoy:
Lol, if Vader was real he would have vaporized ISIS. If Stalin was alive he would have steamrolled into the Middle East and deported all ISIS to the Gulags.
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Baghdadi is a jew and ISIS is a conspiracy of Mosad and CIA.
what bullshit are you stating. Stop slandering jewish people my pal. It is very easy to use scapegoats yet noone comes up and states that the half assed verbiage used by ISIS is from the koran and noone from Saudi Imams or learned islamic institution has the balls to come out and condemn with full might the heresy.
Yet the Saudis and its croonies have the balls to bomb poor yemenis senseless yet are quiet about ISIS. They have no guts to resolve Syrian conflict let alone go right across the border to clear ISIS. I believe ISIS has tacit support of the Saudis and others.

I don't understand why Muslim countries just can't team up for once and annihilate ISIS??
Simple, they have internal support for ISIS, alqaeda and all radical groups who are used as proxies. they serve a meaningful role for their governments without getting involved directly. Look at Pakistan itself - supported the Taliban, proxies in Kashmir etc. Now the hyenas have come home to bite.
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Secularist hamas?

Hamas is similar to Brotherhood if I'm not wrong, they may be violent but they seem to believe in some sort of political stability. ISIS are full blown retards that want nothing but death and destruction. It doesn't mean I like Hamas, just saying how I see things.

wonder on which side Israel is going to be in this fight! :devil:

ISIS of course. More instability gives them more legitimacy to continue building illegal homes on Palestinian lands. Slow erosion of Palestinian people as an ethnicity will help Israel in the long term, long term as in 50-60 years.

Next country to be taken out: Jordan.
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