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ISIS declares ‘caliphate’

If this is the Caliphate promised by Prophet Sm it will survive .

If this is not, it will be destroyed.

Do not panick. Wait and See.
Caliphate boundary according to ISIS
ISIS militants declare formation of caliphate in Syria and Iraq and demand Muslims around the world swear their allegiance, as they announce they are changing their name to the Islamic State | Mail Online
Bangladesh is not a part of the caliphate??? The Bengali Turks would be furious about this mistake :rofl:
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If this is the Caliphate promised by Prophet Sm it will survive .

If this is not, it will be destroyed.

Do not panick. Wait and See.

Prophet Of Islam Promised you a terrorist khlaifa think before you speak.
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If this is the Caliphate promised by Prophet Sm it will survive .

If this is not, it will be destroyed.

Do not panick. Wait and See.
Before the caliphate it's supposed that Dajjal will have his caliphate .
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Do Shia and Sunni require the caliph to be a quraish? (in this case shia automatically yes)

I don't know about Sunnis , but Shia and twelver shia know their Caliphe/Imam for more than 1200 years ....
Imam Mahdi is the Savior and he will rule Muslims as caliphs ...
Velayat Faqih theory ( Islamic Republic is based in this theory ) just fill the gap between now and appearance of Imam Mahdi ...

Faqih is a just and righteous Alim ( ayatullah / scholar) that muslin ( shiia ) choose him to rule them in absence of true Imam/Calipha ...

although Vali Faqih is limited and can't do somethings that Imam/Caliphat can do ... ( for example Faqih can't declare offensive Jihad against none Muslims in Shiia and only Imam has this kind of authority ... something that even sunni mosque imam in a little village can do !!! )

and for Shiia , Caliphate is just material accept of Imam-at .... so Imamat is above Caliphat ....

side note : there is some different between Jihad in Shiia and Sunni

Don't you consider Hazrat Umer, Abu-Bakr and Usman (R.A) for Khalifa.

No ...
but they were some of best rulers in human history .... ( aside from their problems with Imam Ali ) ...
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Caliphate cannot be declared by a group of terrorists.
The basic requirement of Islamic Caliphate is that it should have control of Makkah and Madinah,

So this guy can claim whatever he likes....

Having control of Makkah Mukarrama and Madeena Munawwara is not a requirement for Islamic Caliphate.

I would never accept a fat caliph. By the way, doesn't a caliphate need to hold the majority of muslim lands including the most important, mecca.

The requirement is to choose a Caliph, and that is a well documented process in Islamic jurisprudence (Shariat)

Don't hold your hopes high, these cowards will not raise a finger towards Israel to Jerusalem. The only thing they know is killing Muslims.

iran has been killing Iraqis since the iran-Iraq war. Iraqis are Muslims too.

Which criteria of Khilafat do you think they do not meet.

they don't meet the most basic first step
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