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ISIL gives 3 days for guards to evacuate the tomb


Jan 9, 2013
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ISIL warns Turkish troops to leave Suleiman Shah tomb.

This is my first thread. Apologies if in wrong section.
ISIL apparently made a video warning Turkey and giving them 3 days to leave the tomb so the can demolish it.
They obviously want to die a good death or are just full of shit.

There is no video link but I'll keep searching.

ISIL warns Turkish troops to leave Suleiman Shah tomb | General | Worldbulletin News
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They think having tombs is shirk. They have destroyed various other tombs in the area around this tomb. In Somalia and mali the wahabis do the same thing.
what i dont understand is why would they want to make another enemy they are already fighting other rebels and Syrian army
Aleppo Clashes Threaten to Spill into Turkish Territory

Thats actually a good question. There are 2 options they are either controlled from the outside or they see everyone as the enemy and they think that they have Allah on their side.
even if they see every one enemy they would fight one battle at a time to tell you the truth i think there is nothing good will ever come from what is happning in syria for everyone in the region the last in the last 3 years a lot of death and destruction and problems between shia and sunni
even if they see every one enemy they would fight one battle at a time to tell you the truth i think there is nothing good will ever come from what is happning in syria for everyone in the region the last in the last 3 years a lot of death and destruction and problems between shia and sunni
Thats what happens when people dont obey allahs order. He clearly says in the quran for Muslims not to fight each other. I dont even know where these people can justify their killings and brutality. :disagree:
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