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ISIL abducts nearly 3,000 women, girls in Iraq


May 1, 2014
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Monday, August 18, 2014 2:21 PM


Izadi woman Zilan Hassan talks in tears after ISIL attack in Mount Sinjar, Iraq. (File photo)
Up to 3,000 women and girls have been kidnapped by the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) thugs on the rampage in Iraq over the past two weeks.
They face the terrifying prospect of being forced into marriage or sold as sex slaves, reports the Sunday People.

Amnesty International said the victims, some just babies, were snatched from villages overrun by the heavily-armed Takfiri terrorists.

Hundreds of male villagers who refuse to convert to the Takfiri's deviant interpretation of Islam have been mercilessly shot dead.

The terrorists have executed 700 members of the Al-Sheeitat tribe in eastern Syria, a monitoring group said. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said many were beheaded.

It also emerged that 400 men from Iraq’s Izadi community were slaughtered in cold blood in just 48 hours after the village of Kojo was taken.

A hundred women and girls from Kojo were taken away. Their fate is uncertain, like thousands of women snatched since the ISIL, launched its cruel onslaught on August 3.

Senior Kurdish officials said 82 men died on Friday. Terrorists took men away in groups of a few dozen and shot them with assault rifles on the edge of the village, according to a wounded man who escaped by feigning death. They then strolled around finishing off any who appeared to be alive with their pistols, the 42-year-old said.

He added: “They thought we were all dead. When they went we ran away.

"We hid in a valley until sundown, and then we fled to the mountains.”

Amnesty spokeswoman Donatella Rovera said: “The victims are of all ages.

"It seems they took away entire families, all those who did not manage to flee.”

The women and girls are said to be held in ISIL-controlled Tal Afar, east of Mount Sinjar, or the city of Mosul.

- See more at: ISIL abducts nearly 3,000 women, girls in Iraq
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Targeting Iraq’s Izadi Kurds: ISIL Terrorists Selling Captured Izadi Women to Traffickers
By Press TV


Reports coming from northern Iraq suggest that the ISIL Takfiri terrorists are selling captured female Izadi Kurds as sex slaves.

Local Kurdish intelligence sources say the women are being sold to traffickers to work in bordellos across the Middle East.

The sources also say they have received information that the captured women are sold between USD 500 and USD 43,000.

Local residents and witnesses say several women have been forced to marry the ISIL militants.

This comes as al-Qaeda-linked militants have captured thousands of women, including at least 1,200 females from the city of Sinjar.

Thousands of members of the Kurdish minority group have fled their homes after ISIL Takfiri militants attacked them in remote areas of northern Iraq.

The notorious ISIL terrorists have already killed hundreds of the Izadi Kurds and captured their women. The ISIL and its associated militant groups consider them as apostates.

Meanwhile, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is stepping up aid for thousands of Izadi Kurds taking refuge in the neighboring Syria.

Some 15,000 Izadis are staying in the Newroz camp near the al-Qamishli district of the al-Hasakah Governorate in Syria. The UNHCR is working with local NGOs to supply the refugees with basic humanitarian aid.

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, has described the situation of the refugees as very dynamic and challenging.

Several local communities in Syria have warmly welcomed the refugees, providing them with food and clothes.

The ISIL terrorists have been committing heinous crimes in the captured areas, including the mass execution of civilians and Iraqi security forces.
WTF is wrong with these turds? I think they are being controlled by despicable reptilian beings from some hostile star system!! They don't seem to be humans anymore. :devil:
ISIL committing genocide in Sinjar, taking Yazidi women for 'jihad' marriage

Wednesday, August 06, 2014 12:24 PM


Displaced Iraqis from the northern town of Sinjar take a break while heading towards the autonomous Kurdistan region early on August 4, 2014.
Reports say the ISIL Takfiri militants are carrying out a "genocide" in Sinjar, a small town northwest of Iraq that was once home to Iraqi minority community, Yazidis.
The ISIL terrorists have recently captured the town after driving away the Kurdish forces in the region. Witnesses say the terrorists are executing dozens of Yazidis for refusing to convert to their faith.

Based on incoming reports 67 young men were shot dead by the militants. Besides executing the Yazidis, the Al-Qaeda offshoot, is also reportedly taking Yazidi women for "jihad" marriage.

Mohammed al-Khuzai, an official with the Iraqi Red Crescent Society said that ISIL took more than 100 Yazidi families to the airport at the nearby town of Tal Afar, where it executed the men.

"ISIL killed all the men," Khuzai said, "and are planning to keep the women for jihad marriage."

Reports claim that the terrorists have forcefully taken away a large number of children from the Yazidi town for their families.

Several Sinjar local government and municipal workers also have been executed by the ISIL.

“They arrested and executed four of my cousins because they worked for the municipality, and already they have begun destroying the homes of the people who fled, “ a witness said.

The United Nations that called the ISIL takeover of Sinjar as a 'Humanitarian Tragedy' also has raised concern over the fate of civilians, trapped in Jabal Sinjar mountains.

Reports claim that the ISIL militants are starving out the men, women and children stuck in the mountains without food and water.

"The United Nations has grave concerns for the physical safety of these civilians," Nickolay Mladenov, a top UN envoy in Iraq said in a statement.

A Yazidi lawmaker broke down in tears during a parliament session on Tuesday as she urged the government and the international community to save her community from the Takfiri militants who have overrun the region.

"Over the past 48 hours, 30,000 families have been besieged in the Sinjar mountains, with no water and no food," said Vian Dakhil.

The Yazidis, who coexist peacefully alongside Christian minority groups in the region, are considered "devil worshipers" by the terrorist group.

- See more at: ISIL committing genocide in Sinjar, taking Yazidi women for 'jihad' marriage

WTF is wrong with these turds? I think they are being controlled by despicable reptilian beings from some hostile star system!! They don't seem to be humans anymore. :devil:

They are receiving orders from their Saudian nejdi Muftis.
woman in the eyes of IS are just baby jihadi factories.
. . .
IS is scum of earth, I hope all of them are killed and then go to hell to suffer eternal hell fire. Let us 1.7 billion Muslims say in one voice, these are no Muslims, these beasts do not belong to us. If someone calls me Takfiri because of this call, so be it.
I doubt that's true bro.
Sometimes I wonder about your state of mind.
That is sad. It is worse when you know the buyers are the one fueling the hatred and the mayhem among Iraqis.
the octogenarian from the GCC and Jordan need to be dealt with.
ISIS or ISIL or whatever shit = Zionist foot troops
. . .
Something about Iranian PressTV and Elalam just doesnt feel right.

Seeing IS one cannot completely deny their heinous crimes.

One thing for sure is IS needs to be wiped out.
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