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Ishihara rattles saber against China


Jun 18, 2012
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Viet Nam
Nuclear 'simulation' swagger is coupled with sympathy for Tibetans, call for defense buildup
Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2012 By NATSUKO FUKUE | Staff writer


Former Tokyo Gov. Shintaro Ishihara gestures during a news conference Tuesday at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan in Tokyo. AFP-JIJI

Shintaro Ishihara, the new head of Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Restoration Party), remained true to his China-hawk form Tuesday by saying Japan should "simulate" possessing nuclear arms as a deterrent to Beijing.

Ishihara's remark during a news conference at the Foreign Correspondents' Club of Japan in Tokyo, is likely to ruffle feathers both at home and abroad, especially amid the territorial row with China over the Senkaku Islands.

"It's high time Japan made simulations of possessing nuclear arms," Ishihara said. "That would become a form of deterrent" against China's possible military encroachment.

The 80-year-old former Tokyo governor also said the defense budget should be increased while dealing with China in a "calm but resolute manner."

"We need to say no to China when necessary because I don't want Japan to be like Tibet, which has fallen under Chinese power," said Ishihara, who coauthored the best-selling essay "The Japan That Can Say No" in 1989 with late Sony cofounder Akio Morita. The book urges Japan to become more assertive in international affairs.

"I feel so sorry for the Tibetan people," he said.

Ishihara repeatedly referred to China as "Shina," the name often associated with Japan's military occupation during the war, instead of "Chugoku," the Japanese word for the country.

"Shina is not a negative word. And for Japanese, Chugoku means Hiroshima and Okayama" — the Chugoku region in western Honshu, he said.

Ishihara asserted that most Japanese agree with him that Japan should deal with China in a calm but assertive manner when conflict arises.

The platform of Nippon Ishin no Kai, which was founded by Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto, states the party will urge China to agree to bring the Senkaku dispute to the International Court of Justice for a ruling on which country has sovereignty over the rocky islets long held by Japan.

Ishihara said defense spending, now limited to 1 percent of the national budget, should be boosted.

"I think the skills of the Japanese military industry are high," he said, voicing his personal view. "Why not boost the ability of (the nation's) self-defense?"

Ishihara said he basically supports the U.S.-led Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade talks but then added "he cannot forgive" the U.S. promotion of genetically modified food. The TPP is opposed by farmers who fear it would lead to a flood of cheap, imported produce after tariff barriers are removed.

He said the government should not rush to abandon nuclear power and instead calculate how the economy would fare without such energy. "Hashimoto and I agree that we should do such calculations," he said.

Hashimoto had advocated abandoning nuclear power by the 2030s and had earlier said his party would pursue this goal. But in consideration of Ishihara's stance, he did not include this in the joint statement issued Saturday when his party absorbed Ishihara's four-day-old group.

Ishihara rattles saber against China | The Japan Times Online
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This man Ishihara really talks tough on China. He even dares to mention the taboo words "Nuclear weapons".
This gentleman had just found a new political party "The Sunrise Party",
which reminds me Greek "The Golden Dawn".
I would not take anything Ishihara says seriously he has a long history of outbursts like this, he is an attention seeker.

Sure, this man loves provocation, I know. However, as Japan holds general election next month, there is a high chance that Abe becomes the next Prime Minister, a hawk too, and supported by rightwing nationalists such as Ishihara.
Every Country has their Own Looney Tunes . " Japan should "simulate" possessing nuclear arms as a deterrent to Beijing."

WTF does it even means .
That is fantastic if Japan officially decided to seek for nuclear weapon, which means China can nuke Japan legally,:yahoo:
a WW2 defeated nation wants to revenge to those victors,just like Germany after WW1.:woot:
Sure, this man loves provocation, I know. However, as Japan holds general election next month, there is a high chance that Abe becomes the next Prime Minister, a hawk too, and supported by rightwing nationalists such as Ishihara.
Abe was the Japanese PM in 2007,Everyone knows he is a big hawk.
However, Be a hawk doesn't mean Japan can get its interests more easily,it is exactly the opposite.
If he wants to remain as PM more than 1 year, he must first save Japan's economy ,
Let's see what he can do without the cooperation from China and South Korea.
That is fantastic if Japan officially decided to seek for nuclear weapon, which means China can nuke Japan legally,:yahoo:
a WW2 defeated nation wants to revenge to those victors,just like Germany after WW1.:woot:

Don´t talk crap. The Japanese feel threatened by you. They are scared before China thus all the talks. I don´t see that Japan seeks nuclear weapons soon as long as it possess the US nuclear umbrella.

More likely is that Japan increases defence spending in order to catch up with China.
Don´t talk crap. The Japanese feel threatened by you. They are scared before China thus all the talks. I don´t see that Japan seeks nuclear weapons soon as long as it possess the US nuclear umbrella.

More likely is that Japan increases defence spending in order to catch up with China.

A nukeless Japan is under US nuclear umbrella protection, but a nuclear Japan might be another story.

They are not idiot of committing the suicide, that old man is just a fool.
Don´t talk crap. The Japanese feel threatened by you. They are scared before China thus all the talks. I don´t see that Japan seeks nuclear weapons soon as long as it possess the US nuclear umbrella.

More likely is that Japan increases defence spending in order to catch up with China.

Of course they are scared of China's re-rise, after they have committed so many crimes during the WW2 in China and Korea.
As long as they still deny the war crimes they committed in WW2 and continue visiting the Yasukuni Shine ,worship those war criminals as their national heroes,Chinese nuclear weapons are always prepared for Japan.

If they want to make good relations with its neighbors, at least try learning from Germany, However they have made their choice- Making conflicts with all its neighbors, shouting they are threatened, and then regain the Japanese militarism.

Japan wants to use anti-China or anti-NK as the excuse for abolishing the Peace Constitution ,increasing its military power, and finally become a normal country out of the control of USA。While USA needs a dog barking for him but he will never lose the chains,
Japan is the 3rd economic power and has a over 120 million population,If Japan gets nuclear weapon(which is of 0 possibility),Then there will be no business with USA in East Asia or even the whole Euro-Asia continent. Maybe at that time USA will be scared of Japanese
nuclear revenge for what they dropped at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I can only say the fate of Japanese has been doomed since they failed to conquer the most weakest China in history during the WW2 and the world entered atomic era。To be USA's dog or be China's dog, To be obliterated by the WW2 victors or live peacefully with its neighbors, There is no other option:coffee:

That is the difference between Chinese and Vietnamese. I understand you cannot forget what Japan did before and during the WWII. Sure, Imperial Japan committed endless war crimes in China and Asia including Vietnam. The Japanese know that China never forgets, thus they are very scary.

Again, how many times China and Japan went into wars? one or two times? Compared to China and Vietnam confrontations (17 times), that´s really not worth mentioning, or not much. But every time after the war, we always seek to restore the relationship and try to forget and forgive. Regardless of you regret and say sorry or not.
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That is the difference between Chinese and Vietnamese. I understand you cannot forget what Japan did before and during the WWII. Sure, Imperial Japan committed endless war crimes in China and Asia including Vietnam. The Japanese know that China never forgets, thus they are very scary.

Again, how many times China and Japan went into wars? one or two times? Compared to China and Vietnam confrontations (17 times), that´s really not worth mentioning, or not much. But every time after the war, we always seek to restore the relationship and try to forget and forgive. Regardless of you regret and say sorry or not.

Well,to forget those wars(17 times?So you still remember and wrote it in you history books。I hear it for the first time,none of these China-Vietnam wars are written in Chinese history textbooks:D)and maintain a good relation with China is the precondition that your country can focus on developing。

China is not like Vietnam or some other small countries,
we dont need to forget because we have the ability to revenge, if 100 years is not enough then 200, 300.....

if Japanese are scary, then destroy the shrine and apologize with practical action just like what the Germany has been doing。
Otherwise they need buy more nappy:coffee:
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Well,to forget those wars(17 times?So you still remember and wrote it in you history books。I hear it for the first time,none of these China-Vietnam wars are written in Chinese history textbooks:D)and maintain a good relation with China is the precondition that your country can focus on developing。

China is not like Vietnam or some other small countries,
we dont need to forget because we have the ability to revenge, if 100 years is not enough then 200, 300.....

if Japanese are scary, then destroy the shrine and apologize with practical action just like what the Germany has been doing。
Otherwise they need buy more nappy:coffee:

Really, none of these China-Vietnam wars are written in Chinese history textbooks? Cool!
But I guess your CCP history textbooks are full of Japan committed war crimes, with China as victim. :lol:

Our history version is full of wars dated back since the first ever Han´s invasion in 111 B.C. :rofl:
A nukeless Japan is under US nuclear umbrella protection, but a nuclear Japan might be another story.

They are not idiot of committing the suicide, that old man is just a fool.

I did not understand the concept of nuclear umbrella,suppose china nuked tokyo so by this nuclear umbrella thing USA is obligated to nuke Beijing ? and get nuked in return ?
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