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Is this the right time to inflict irreversible damage to india for supporting terrorism in Pakistan

Is this the right time to inflict an irreversible damge to India

  • Yes

    Votes: 53 79.1%
  • NO give peace talks another try

    Votes: 14 20.9%

  • Total voters
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Nov 27, 2011
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As discussed to its death Indian DM's threats to Pakistan are proving real and its the first time . He has been issuing such statements for quite some time and we all have seen on this forum Indian NSA dovals video he openly accepts Indian ability to control Pakistani Taliban.

Pathankot was a false flag and that's evident from the fact that India is refusing Pakistan any sort of evidence required to pursue in a court of Law and after that recent attacks in Pakistan and todays University attack shows India desperately want the world to see Pakistan as a state embroiled in internal terrorism and thus not feasible for investment and lately Indian policy makers are in a mix on how to sabotage CPEC which will change the equation in the region beyond Indian control.

Pakistans attempts to broker peace between KSA and Iran also projects its powers letting world see how much a rational and sober state we actually are but such moves certainly irks Delhi as it washes over her decades of efforts to malign Pakistan by overt and covert means.

Now I guess Pakistan has acted a lot calmly and its right time to act and let these cowards on our east taste their own medicine.

Hindus are a nation that will take your efforts for peace as your weakness and will never abstain from their sinister agendas they need to be told where they stand both morally and strategically otherwise they will keep brewing troubles for us.

Fcuk Nawaz sharif and if require put him behind bars again and lets teach India a lesson so that for coming centuries any parriakar, modi , Chawla , sharma , verma would not even dream of killing our innocent brother and sisters.

As I stated countless times earlier its time to get offensive and as being defensive has only made cowards more bold in their proxy games.

We shouldn't give a shit about trying to make any one believe about indian involvement in Pakistan we are a sovereign state and we all know who is behind BLA and TTP and who is playing dirty games in Afghanistan that should be enough for us to act and act immediately and swiftly.

For those who will claim India is innocent and never did anything in Pakistan. Read

And listen what are Dovals intentions for Pakistan from this secret video.

"How do we tackle Pakistan? .. You make it difficult for them (Pakistan) to manage their internal security... Pakistan's vulnerability is many many times higher than India's....Taliban have beheaded 23 of their (Pakistani) soldiers...funding can be countered by giving more funds...more than one-and-a-half times the funding they have available and they'll be yours..the Taliban are mercenaries...go for more of a covert thing"

The Poll is for Pakistanis only .
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Firstly I am happy that

1: Pakistani media showed more responsibility compared to Indian media
2: Pakistani armed forces cleaned the garbage better and quicker than Indian counter parts.
3: Pakistani nation showed more wisdom and unity compared to Indian nation.

So lets give the final blow, lets keep the peace route open. As per this incident, investigations are going on. Wait untill final result is placed at one place. I am hyper too, also in bad mood because of today incident. But still I prefer PEACE deserve more chance than WAR....................

So dear PDF members, its fine to get emotional, but don;t let those emotions rule your wisdom.
Yes ,what has a bankrupt unstable Pakistan got to lose .Another war perhaps but then they are used to it.
You always have some thing to lose.............always...............lives of innocent people matter
As discussed to its death Indian DM's threats to Pakistan are proving real and its the first time . He has been issuing such statements for quite some time and we all have seen on this forum Indian NSA dovals video he openly accepts Indian ability to control Pakistani Taliban.

Pathankot was a false flag and that's evident from the fact that India is refusing Pakistan any sort of evidence required to pursue in a court of Law and after that recent attacks in Pakistan and todays University attack shows India desperately want the world to see Pakistan as a state embroiled in internal terrorism and thus not feasible for investment and lately Indian policy makers are in a mix on how to sabotage CPEC which will change the equation in the region beyond Indian control.

Pakistans attempts to broker peace between KSA and Iran also projects its powers letting world see how much a rational and sober state we actually are but such moves certainly irks Delhi as it washes over her decades of efforts to malign Pakistan by overt and covert means.

Now I guess Pakistan has acted a lot calmly and its right time to act and let these cowards on our east taste their own medicine.

Hindus are a nation that will take your efforts for peace as your weakness and will never abstain from their sinister agendas they need to be told where they stand both morally and strategically otherwise they will keep brewing troubles for us.

Fcuk Nawaz sharif and if require put him behind bars again and lets teach India a lesson so that for coming centuries any parriakar, modi , Chawla , sharma , verma would not even dream of killing our innocent brother and sisters.

As I stated countless times earlier its time to get offensive and as being defensive has only made cowards more bold in their proxy games.

We shouldn't give a shit about trying to make any one believe about indian involvement in Pakistan we are a sovereign state and we all know who is behind BLA and TTP and who is playing dirty games in Afghanistan that should be enough for us to act and act immediately and swiftly.
Support for secessionist groups stopped during Mushy's era - we need a strong military ruler who has the b@lls to begin funding and supporting these groups again - we know that India's words are just wind; when they mobilized their forces two times yet did not step an inch into Pakistani territory. There are currently 4 major insurgencies in India that can turn into wild fire if we add a bit of masala.

Nawaz Sharif is a pacifist fool, who despite seeing Indian sponsored terrorism refuses to act.
Hope finally Pakistan is going to stop with this bad and good terrorist policy. Then we all can be friends inshallah.
Hope for best...... to be honest I also Believe that Afghan Taliban and ISI did some terrible stuff in Afghanistan. But their is need to unite against a common and much worse enemy.......... ISIS............ continuous confrontation between both parties will strengthen ISIS in Afghanistan. Which no one can afford.
I am a Persianspeaker Tajik Sunni Hanafi from Western Afghanistan. You are obsessed with Indians, bro.

Hope finally Pakistan is going to stop with this bad and good terrorist policy. Then we all can be friends inshallah.
We are bounded by blood, culture, religion and history - yet I dont understand Afghanistan's hatred for Pakistan and the need to ride India's dck. We dont support 'bad and good terrorist' this isnt 1980 or 2003 anymore.

We accept millions of your refuges, give them billions of dollars worth of zakat and food, give them jobs and education, and so much more - we accept this burden because its our Islamic duty - but we cant tolerate to help those who hate us.
Yeah you are such a nice and kind hearted people. Not like us. Actually the whole world is bad/wrong except Pakistanis whom are always right. Pakistanis have never backed terrorism in Afghanistan. Pakistan has never trained terrorist groups against Afghanistan. Pakistan has never harbored any terrorist group such as Haqqani or Shura Quetta. Pakistan has never interfered into Afghanistan internal issues,.. basically you guys are angels and we are demons and we have no right to hate you at all lol

Dude we all know how to play this game. I am kinda happy to see nationalist Pakistanis like you butthurt. Now you can experience what we have been feeling during all these years. ;)

Well if you are an Indian you will be banned and if you are afghani then you don't have a right to speak here as despite Americans at your back you guys still cant control your own country after getting spanked continuously for last 15 years by real Afghanis because of few nut heads like you who prefers a few dollars from US or India and sell their soul.

You Pathetic Afghanis are unable to sit with your own nationals and resolve your internal issues.
India is connected but still a third party main culprits are your afghan brothers aka northern alliance aka NDS aka abdullah abdullah
You can reason with an indian but not with an afghan, thats why their is an ALLAH AZAB on them for the past 30 years in the shape of foriegn occupation
Don't lose your cool. Keep it civil. If you can not refute my points it would be better for you to accept your mistakes and work hard to solve them out.

I stated truth why despite having the world at your back you guys are unable to bring peace back to your country.

Because a true Afghan will never salute any white or any foreigners they are very respectful men and takes pride in their culture and history its because of such stooges who sell their motherland for few dollars that Afghanistan is still in deep shit .

Its a fight between real afghan and a sell out afghan and knowing Afghans and their rich history I am sure real Afghans will win.
As discussed to its death Indian DM's threats to Pakistan are proving real and its the first time . He has been issuing such statements for quite some time and we all have seen on this forum Indian NSA dovals video he openly accepts Indian ability to control Pakistani Taliban.

Pathankot was a false flag and that's evident from the fact that India is refusing Pakistan any sort of evidence required to pursue in a court of Law and after that recent attacks in Pakistan and todays University attack shows India desperately want the world to see Pakistan as a state embroiled in internal terrorism and thus not feasible for investment and lately Indian policy makers are in a mix on how to sabotage CPEC which will change the equation in the region beyond Indian control.

Pakistans attempts to broker peace between KSA and Iran also projects its powers letting world see how much a rational and sober state we actually are but such moves certainly irks Delhi as it washes over her decades of efforts to malign Pakistan by overt and covert means.

Now I guess Pakistan has acted a lot calmly and its right time to act and let these cowards on our east taste their own medicine.

Hindus are a nation that will take your efforts for peace as your weakness and will never abstain from their sinister agendas they need to be told where they stand both morally and strategically otherwise they will keep brewing troubles for us.

Fcuk Nawaz sharif and if require put him behind bars again and lets teach India a lesson so that for coming centuries any parriakar, modi , Chawla , sharma , verma would not even dream of killing our innocent brother and sisters.

As I stated countless times earlier its time to get offensive and as being defensive has only made cowards more bold in their proxy games.

We shouldn't give a shit about trying to make any one believe about indian involvement in Pakistan we are a sovereign state and we all know who is behind BLA and TTP and who is playing dirty games in Afghanistan that should be enough for us to act and act immediately and swiftly.

The Poll is for Pakistanis only .

Here we go again.... people can say anything but its should be proven that he actually had a hand in it... your earlier dossiers and lack of evidence were rubbished by the Americans same goes for the some INdian evidences... how about Pakistan stop showing partiality for the terrorists groups in the first hand!!!!

Why are you taking your frustration on India and Indians when most of the Pakistanis here only support terrorism in India ???

Dude plz.... you're already supporting them.. stop kidding
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