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Is this honey real?


Apr 24, 2022
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The white stuff at the top makes me wonder if this honey is actually pure or not. It seems like sugar has been added to the honey. What do you guys think?

I love honey but raw honey in America is very different as its very thick and this honey is kinda watery.
1) Foam on top of honey is normal. It's due to air bubbles in the honey escaping to the top. It's more common in less thick honeys.

2) The thickness (viscosity) of honey is a function of many things, including the bees that made it and the bottling process (filtration, heat, etc.)

3) 'Raw' and 'organic' honey (and other similar terms like 'natural') are thrown around randomly. In the West, there are still some clear standards. Generally, raw refers to honey that has not been heat treated.

4) Enjoy this honey! The beauty of honey is its variety (in taste, thickness, color, consistency, etc.) based on the species that made it, the location it came from, the flowers that the bees visited, the process by which it was extracted, etc.

5) Please, please, please stop falling into the personal experience-as-evidence fallacy, also known as faulty generalization. Just because you've experienced some honeys that are different, etc. Desis love to fall for this one :)

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Dear try this Pakistani specific procedure to check the honey, this person is a reliable name to discover adulteration in food items:

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