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is there going to be a Saudi Arabia,Pak,Iraq axis in muslim world


Dec 30, 2008
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is there going to be a Saudi Arabia,Pak,Iraq axis in muslim world,and become the real leader of muslim world.after US army retreat from Iraq.
is there going to be a Saudi Arabia,Pak,Iran axis in muslim world,and become the real leader of muslim world.after US army retreat from Iran.

Let me ask my eightball. "Magic eightball, Please answer!"

..... Answer: "Ask again after 50 years"

On a serious note, America wouldn't attack Iran instead Israel would carry out a surgical strike within Iran to eliminate it's nuclear ambitions. They've been staging Massive air force exercises for a couple of years now which all point to this direction. Which in return will provoke the Iranians and they'll retaliate. How will they retaliate is something that only time will tell.

As far as the Axis is concerned, Iran would never join hands with the Saudis due to their decades of rivalries. Iran is a Shia country while Saudi's on the other end are Sunni Arabs. Besides, to fight a common enemy, Saudi's and Pakistani's must first expel all the "Western" presence from their homelands.

Only then some sort of a coalition could take shape.

EDIT: You probably meant "Retreat from Iraq". Never mind the first half, that was directed towards a U.S/Israeli Invasion of Iran.
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is there going to be a Saudi Arabia,Pak,Iraq axis in muslim world,and become the real leader of muslim world.after US army retreat from Iraq.

Most unlikey.

It remains to be seen if Iraq retains the existing political boundaries after US pull out ( if at all).

The ruling family of KSA will not leave the US shadow if it wants to survive.

Pak needs to stabilize itself before it can think of any alliance.. in any case with whom ? What dividend will Pak get from such an alliance ? Whom will be against ?
Pak needs to stabilize itself before it can think of any alliance.. in any case with whom ? What dividend will Pak get from such an alliance ? Whom will be against ?

Well, on a relatively medium scale, Pakistan-China alliance has been there for quite some time now and that's pretty much the reason why India's been able to get away with purchasing billions of dollars worth of military equipment, which should've been invested in projects to help over come the poverty and hunger which India isn't so concerned about.

So for now, Alliance between Pakistan and China has kept you people on your toes for quite some time now. It surely is an effective alliance in the region.
Well, on a relatively medium scale, Pakistan-China alliance has been there for quite some time now and that's pretty much the reason why India's been able to get away with purchasing billions of dollars worth of military equipment, which should've been invested in projects to help over come the poverty and hunger which India isn't so concerned about.

So for now, Alliance between Pakistan and China has kept you people on your toes for quite some time now. It surely is an effective alliance in the region.

There appears to be reading / comprehension prob here.

The subject is of a Pak - KSA - Iraq axis.

Not PRC.
There appears to be reading / comprehension prob here.

The subject is of a Pak - KSA - Iraq axis.

Not PRC.

No problem here. You inquired about how Pakistan is not stable enough to carry on with any sort of alliance and what benefits it would receive from such an alliance in the future, and I merely gave you an example about one such alliance that is not only stable, but also quite effective in it's role. That's all. I suppose YOU might be having some comprehension problems?
No problem here. You inquired about how Pakistan is not stable enough to carry on with any sort of alliance and what benefits it would receive from such an alliance in the future, and I merely gave you an example about one such alliance that is not only stable, but also quite effective in it's role. That's all. I suppose YOU might be having some comprehension problems?
Your's is not an alliance to vouch for. You can not talk of having an alliance, wherein you get the boot from the enemy, while your ally keeps merely watching, offering only lip service. No PLA Division, ever marched South when any IA Division marched West or East. That's the difference. IMO, the thread starter did start a candid question - "Is an alliance between Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Iraq possible, wherein the allies will be bound to collectively declare war on any country that attacks any one of them?"

Read NATO/Warsaw Pact MoUs.
Your's is not an alliance to vouch for. You can not talk of having an alliance, wherein you get the boot from the enemy, while your ally keeps merely watching, offering only lip service. No PLA Division, ever marched South when any IA Division marched West or East. That's the difference. IMO, the thread starter did start a candid question - "Is an alliance between Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Iraq possible, wherein the allies will be bound to collectively declare war on any country that attacks any one of them?"

Read NATO/Warsaw Pact MoUs.

I never said that it was a "Nato" like alliance. Exactly why I gave an "Example" of an alliance that we currently share with the Chinese. As far as their support is concerned, they don't exactly have to build "Permanent" Military bases inside Pakistan to support us. If you're aware of our achievements and co-developments, I'm sure you can weigh them against your silly comment and see which end is more heavier.
No problem here. You inquired about how Pakistan is not stable enough to carry on with any sort of alliance and what benefits it would receive from such an alliance in the future, and I merely gave you an example about one such alliance that is not only stable, but also quite effective in it's role. That's all. I suppose YOU might be having some comprehension problems?

didn't enquire. Merely stated.

anyway cut it out.
I never said that it was a "Nato" like alliance. Exactly why I gave an "Example" of an alliance that we currently share with the Chinese. As far as their support is concerned, they don't exactly have to build "Permanent" Military bases inside Pakistan to support us. If you're aware of our achievements and co-developments, I'm sure you can weigh them against your silly comment and see which end is more heavier.
Reread the post.
An alliance or ally is different from a friendly country.
PRC might be friendly to GoP...even might be selling/collaborating vital tech to it, but its far from being a alliance in the military sense. Atleast history didn't prove it otherwise. You don't need standing forces of an ally on your soil to deter an enemy. You just need a formal written declaration that reads :
"Any act of aggression on country A will be treated as an act of aggression against country B".
Your enemy will have to think thrice before acting in a detrimental way.
The PLA never did give GoP any such assurance. Stop having wet dreams.
Dig up some materail about the 1971 crisis and the PA's desperate calls to the Sinos to open up a 3rd front in the North and the PLA's reluctance.
Silly Comment indeed.

On a second thought, yes Saudis and GoP could have such a strong worded alliance in place, not sure about Iraq though. The only loopholes are, GoP would be too wary seen as forming alliance against the US and Western powers with whom they have long stood and ofcourse the Royals opposition for any such alliance in KSA.
Iran is so different a country from other muslim world.

what is the different between Shia and Sunnite,is there a big valley?

i think Saudi has vast of cash,which will help Pak economy a lot.while Pak has large numbers of talented person.the economy structure should be complementary.
Impossible as long as they all are allies with the U.S and the countries have a very different culture. history and ideology
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