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Is The U.S. Navy In Danger Of Falling Behind China’s PLAN?

Did I say I hate America?
America is a nice place to have, vast spaces and rich in resources.
Its the LIARS, CHEATERS and THIEVES who go MURDERING all over the world, should leave America.

By the way, Google is begging us to use it so they can sell their advertisements.
I use DuckDuckGo, also an US search engine.

Tell me when the US belongs to YOU, I will then consider not using anything from the US.

I guess China never invaded others , it's almost like China is equally worse like Russia and America
I guess China never invaded others , it's almost like China is equally worse like Russia and America
Hey, you don't have to post if you have NOTHING RELEVANT to post.
Hopefully I don't have to read your childish drivel anymore.
Hey, you don't have to post if you have NOTHING RELEVANT to post.
Hopefully I don't have to read your childish drivel anymore.

Cry harder knowing the U.S and it's allies can crush Chinese forces pretty easily :azn:

The U.S and Japan alone has more experience in naval/air battles than China , how funny
another Chinese wet dream from a fanboy

a single USN Carrier Group has more firepower not to mention the knowledge and experience than entire Chinese Navy
LMAO. if this was true then why cant 1 US AC group AKA NIMITZ stay and dock close inside the persian gulf??? if it isnt afraid of IRanian missiles then why cant it come close and stay put in the Persian gulf given the assumption 1 AC group is stronger than the entire Iranian navy???

For a fact, 1 US aircraft carrier group IS NOT stronger than the entire PLAN...people who think otherwise are responsible for recent and multiple US military losses in recent decades. lol.
with increasing unemployment and homelessness, with one out of every 3 american families not knowing how will they get food the next day as per president biden's own admission, the u.s. military has the nerve to barf out bullshit lies like this to suck the living blood out of the already american tax payer!!! america's biggest enemy is its own military industrial complex!
Also China lost to Vietnam , so idk what're you're on

China invaded Vietnam. During this inavsion 100k civilians and much of northern Vietnamese infrastructure was destroyed. Vietnam failed to get revenge to kill a single Chinese civilian or cause any infrastructure damage. At most, they could only restore the status quo. Loss?

A few years later, China invaded Vietnam again, took Vietnam's islands, and shot 60 Vietnamese soldiers with naval weapons while taking zero casualties. Loss?

China invaded Vietnam. During this inavsion 100k civilians and much of northern Vietnamese infrastructure was destroyed. Vietnam failed to get revenge to kill a single Chinese civilian or cause any infrastructure damage. At most, they could only restore the status quo. Loss?

A few years later, China invaded Vietnam again, took Vietnam's islands, and shot 60 Vietnamese soldiers with naval weapons while taking zero casualties. Loss?

Hmm I thought China was the innocent one , so why are they invading countries hmmmm :azn:

Lmao the U.S killed millions of VC/NVA and they only killed 50,000 of our own men , the loss happened cause we pulled out due to political BS.

And plus America did the first blow which made the Chinese invasion much easier anyways , losing a small bit of land is nothing since China wanted more.

All the wars China has won was with the Russian strategy of sending massive numbers of men , however still China is still less experienced than America since America fought way too many wars and some don't even get recognized. Don't get me started on naval , Japan alone has more experience and if it wasn't for Russia and America China would be in Japanese hands.

So idk how you guys claim " MUH HUH THE U.S LOST THE WAR " no we didn't , even a NVA commander admitted that they would have lost if we kept bombing them.

So in the end no China isn't stronger than America and has even fewer allies
China invaded Vietnam. During this inavsion 100k civilians and much of northern Vietnamese infrastructure was destroyed. Vietnam failed to get revenge to kill a single Chinese civilian or cause any infrastructure damage. At most, they could only restore the status quo. Loss?

A few years later, China invaded Vietnam again, took Vietnam's islands, and shot 60 Vietnamese soldiers with naval weapons while taking zero casualties. Loss?

So what? The U.S. killed many Vietnamese civilians and Vietnam didn't kill an American civilian in the states. How does that work? China pulled out without completing its objective.
Maybe the Americans, hyphenated Americans, and American wannabes here can answer a simple question: If America is so strong and its position so unassailable, why is it so panicked?
Not within 30 years.
You should get a medal from the SFA. You angling for Comrade Gordon Chang's position, brah?
Maybe the Americans, hyphenated Americans, and American wannabes here can answer a simple question: If America is so strong and its position so unassailable, why is it so panicked?

You should get a medal from the SFA. You angling for Comrade Gordon Chang's position, brah?

We have to. Remember the U.S. was panicking when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik?
So what? The U.S. killed many Vietnamese civilians and Vietnam didn't kill an American civilian in the states. How does that work? China pulled out without completing its objective.

But there was no Vietnam at the time, it was North and South Vietnam. US lost the territory of South Vietnam and many South Vietnamese civilians were killed by the North.
Is The U.S. Navy In Danger Of Falling Behind China’s PLAN?

ByPeter Suciu
December 13, 2020

Earlier this year China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) surpassed the United States Navy is size, and in addition to having the greatest number of ships and submarines, it is also becoming far more modern. However, in September, then-Secretary of Defense Mark Esper maintained that Beijing couldn’t match the United States in terms of naval power and suggested it would take the PLAN years to close the gap to reach the U.S. Navy’s capability on the high seas.

But is there a way China could close that gap? And what Washington should do in response?

What the Research Says

A new Congressional Research Service (CRS) report, “China Naval Modernization: Implications for U.S. Navy Capabilities – Background Issues for Congress,” was published on December 3 and it laid out the situation as it stands, and addressed how the United States needs to respond.

“In an era of renewed great power competition, China’s military modernization effort, including its naval modernization effort, has become the top focus of U.S. defense planning and budgeting,” the report’s summary noted. “China’s navy, which China has been steadily modernizing for more than 25 years, since the early to mid-1990s, has become a formidable military force within China’s near-seas region, and it is conducting a growing number of operations in more-distant waters, including the broader waters of the Western Pacific, the Indian Ocean, and waters around Europe.”

CRS also warned that China’s navy, which could pose a major challenge to the U.S. Navy’s ability to achieve and maintain wartime control of blue-water ocean areas notably in the Western Pacific, is the first such challenge faced since the end of the Cold War. A key element of the PLAN is to challenge the long-standing status of the United States as the leading military power in the region.

The report added, “China’s naval modernization effort encompasses a wide array of ship, aircraft, and weapon acquisition programs, as well as improvements in maintenance and logistics, doctrine, personnel quality, education and training, and exercises. China’s navy has currently has certain limitations and weaknesses, and is working to overcome them.”

An Evolving Threat

China’s naval warships, aircraft and weapons are now far more modern and capable than they were at the start of the 1990s, and are now comparable in many respects to those of Western navies. The CRS report cited the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), which noted that “Chinese naval ship design and material quality is in many cases comparable to [that of] USN [U.S. Navy] ships, and China is quickly closing the gap in any areas of deficiency.”

The report also addressed the U.S. Navy’s response to counter the PLAN’s modernization effort. This has included a greater percentage of its fleet in the Pacific, and the assigning of the most capable new ships and aircraft as well as the best personnel to the region. The U.S. Navy has also maintained and increased its general presence operations, training and developmental exercises, and engagement and cooperation with allied and other navies in the Indo-Pacific. Additionally, the Navy has begun to develop new operation concepts – including new ways to employ Navy and United States Marine Corps forces – to counter Chinese maritime forces.

The Right Response?

The issue for Congress is now whether the U.S. Navy is in fact responding appropriately to Beijing’s naval modernization the CRS report laid out. This included whether the planned size of the Navy will be “appropriate for countering China’s naval modernization effort in coming years while also permitting the Navy to perform other missions, including countering Russian military forces and defending U.S. interests in the Middle East.”

Moreover, the question remains whether the U.S. Navy is doing enough to counter China’s new weapons including its anti-ship ballistic missiles (ASBM) and Anti Access/Area Denial (A2/AD) weapon platforms.

The report also questioned whether “Congress should modify acquisition policies or the metrics for judging the success of acquisition programs so as to facilitate faster development of new technologies and weapons for the Navy—and if so, how those policies or metrics should be modified.”

These are important questions that the new Congress will have to address under the Biden Administration in the New Year and beyond.

Looks like some people are concerned about the potential of decreasing or freezing the US Defence budget - let's hype up the Chinese threat some more shall we?
a single USN Carrier Group has more firepower not to mention the knowledge and experience than entire Chinese Navy

if China deployed 3 carriers against a single USN carrier strike group all 3 Chinese carriers would be sunk

USN has 100 years of experience and knowledge behind it with over 80 carriers constructed

China builds 1 carrier and fanboys are dreaming again

Lmao....Chinese fanboys.......and their leader BeijingWalker...

China has yet to put forth an actual Carrier....the current one is used for research if I'm not wrong. The Chinese Navy is also very inexperienced.
But a lost is still a lost, Russia suffered more causalties than Germany during WW2, but Germany still lost.


You are using the wrong term---. Germany got defeated in war---. Its land conquered and taken over.

The vietnamese got decimated---.

The americans are an extremely deceitful people---specially in showing off their combat capabilities---.

You will never find out the truth about their true might till you are getting into striking distance of their main land mass---and not by LR missiles but ground troops or ships---.

The monstrosity that is named united states of america will then unveil its true potential. But then it would be too late for the aggressor---.

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