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Is The Taj Mahal Pakistani ?

It's part of our history, but it's nothing to do with the state of Pakistan that exists today, with that said, it has almost equally less to do with today's republic of India too. Neither of which existed back then.
That bit is not true. Neither the republic of India or Pakistan existed when the Taj was built, but as of today it is located in the Republic of India, and is a property of the govt of India, who's responsibility it is to maintain and protect it. If the question is whether the architectural accomplishment is Indian or Pakistani, the question is invalid, as neither entities existed back then. But if the question is about who's property it is today, it is very much India's. It is Indian governmental property.

By the way I forget who, but somebody had described it as the ''soul of Persia in the heart of India'', and was quoted in the 'Discovery of India' by Jawaharlal Nehru. ''India'' in that quote obviously referring to the undivided India of that time, not present day republic of India.
Nope what countries do is exaggerate or concentrate on specifics events.
Not make up bullshit like Pakistan does.
You are wrong and you know it. However, you will never accept it because your hatred for Pakistan is more empowering than your intellect, but I wont lose my sleep over it. Good luck.
You are wrong and you know it. However, you will never accept it because your hatred for Pakistan is more empowering than your intellect, but I wont lose my sleep over it. Good luck.

You chose to run away the moment you saw your ill thought argument crumbling all around you.
Instead of answering any of the points raised by me, you took the easy way out by accusing me of having some kind of hatred for Pakistan.

You are wrong and you know it. However, you will never accept it because your hatred for Pakistan is more empowering than your intellect, but I wont lose my sleep over it. Good luck.
But you yourself said these tales are meant for young children.

These books are for young Pakistani children. What else remained to be explained?

Gosh you are full of self contradictions !

Continue living in denial.
Saanu ki :D
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You chose to run away the moment you saw your ill thought argument crumbling all around you.
Instead of answering any of the points raised by me, you took the easy way out by accusing me of having some kind of hatred for Pakistan.

Continue living in denial.
Saanu ki :D
You are free to think whatever you like. Proving my case through arguments is my profession, and I am pretty good at it. However, when someone choses language (highlighted parts) such as this and smilies, its time to let go.
ou are free to think whatever you like. Proving my case through arguments is my profession, and I am pretty good at it. However, when someone choses language (highlighted parts) such as this and smilies, its time to let go.
U are yet to answer his question. So u can teach the young kids anything u want right?
Pathetic brainwashing
Will you then answer the question which Jungibaaz did not ?
Does the Colosseum have anything to do with Italy ?
After all it was built when Italy did not exist as a country according to your definition.

If no then explain how.
If yes then explain how Italy and India are different.

What you choose not see is that nations are made by people.
They do not suddenly prop up one day like was the case with Pakistan.
India got a govt. in 1947, it existed long before that

It is amazing that some people have this ridiculous notion that India is somehow the equivalent of Pakistan which was created on the agenda of religious hatred and exclusivity (and identification with their own persecutors and invaders) while India is a continuation of the oldest and greatest civilization the world has ever seen.
The evidence proves contrary.
Unless the standards are really low in Pakistan :D
You are getting personal. You could have said "The standard of your arguments is low" but bringing Pakistan into it proves my point. Your ego and hatred towards Pakistan is overpowering.

It is amazing that some people have this ridiculous notion that India is somehow the equivalent of Pakistan which was created on the agenda of religious hatred and exclusivity (and identification with their own persecutors and invaders) while India is a continuation of the oldest and greatest civilization the world has ever seen.
It is amazing that people can find things which are not even remotely touched in their replies. Your beloved friend Israel was also created on religious hatred, and exclusivity as per your definition. The oldest and greatest civilization in which humans are divided into inhumane caste system. Good for you.
You are getting personal. You could have said "The standard of your arguments is low" but bringing Pakistan into it proves my point. Your ego and hatred towards Pakistan is overpowering.

Jaa yaar bore naa kar!!
Tere paas koi point nhi hai debate karne ko
Galti meri hai jo main itni der pathar pe sar maar rha tha.
Ja ek joke ke sar pe bana ke moral high ground lele.

As I said before
Continue living in denial
Saanu ki :D
It is amazing that people can find things which are not even remotely touched in their replies. Your beloved friend Israel was also created on religious hatred, and exclusivity as per your definition.

Now you are justifying Pakistan's existence on the basis of Israel? Do they make heroes out of the likes of Hitler like you do for people who perpetrated genocide and loot in your country?

The oldest and greatest civilization in which humans are divided into inhumane caste system. Good for you.

Is the inhuman system that promotes dhimmitude, eternal hellfire for kaffirs, rapine, booty, genocide and wajib-ul-qatl supposed to be superior?
The Dharmic history (pre-Islamic history) exclusively belongs to us by the very raison d'etre of Pakistan.
When India changes its status from a secular to a Hindu republic, you can lay claim on the Dharmic history. And if India is a secular country which you are so proud of, you should proclaim all of Pak's history, Dharmic or otherwise. After all secular India accommodates all, why not claim it all as well ? Pak's raison d'être was not what you think it was. Read up on it.
When India changes its status from a secular to a Hindu republic, you can lay claim on the Dharmic history. And if India is a secular country which you are so proud of, you should proclaim all of Pak's history, Dharmic or otherwise. After all secular India accommodates all, why not claim it all as well ? Pak's raison d'être was not what you think it was. Read up on it.

Secular doesn't mean that you are cut off from your heritage and civilization. That is a wrong notion on your part. It just means that the state doesn't discriminate between people on the basis of their origin in Indian context In European context the meaning was different.

And our heritage and civilization is Dharmic.

Why don't you tell us about Pak's raison d'être with some substantiation? Was it not the two nation theory based on religion alone?
No, it belongs only to Indians. It was built by Indian workers, using Indian material and with Indian money.

It is just Indian. Doesn't matter who commissioned it using Indian money.

Indian Money? Mughals built it and funded it. Unless a mystical indian baba donated money for Taj Mahal.
The title made me think; "Is Pakistan Indian"?? :-)
Secular doesn't mean that you are cut off from your heritage and civilization. That is a wrong notion on your part. It just means that the state doesn't discriminate between people on the basis of their origin in Indian context In European context the meaning was different.

And our heritage and civilization is Dharmic.

Why don't you tell us about Pak's raison d'être with some substantiation? Was it not the two nation theory based on religion alone?

'And our heritage and civilization is Dharmic', and this makes India not a secular country. If your civilization and heritage is Dharmic, how can a Muslim's or Christian's religious liberty be guaranteed when and if he doesn't agree and conform to your heritage and civilization. Are they not an outcast then, outsiders not accepting your country's civilization and heritage? And here lies the answer to your next question; Pak was created to guarantee that religious liberty for Muslims and anyone else who otherwise would have been dwarfed by the hegemony of the Hindu majority.
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