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'Is Singapore my home, daddy?'

Some long posts with full of insecurity that I see here.
@ Indians,
See? this is what happens when you grab someone's job and make him unemployed. He feels disgusted and comes to the online forum and then rant about India. You guys should give someone else a chance.
Indians have three no's going for them - lazy, dumb, and violent.

Each group, whether they be national, ethnic, religious, racial, etc. have at least one good thing to say about them. Mexicans might not be very smart, nor peaceful, but they are very hard workers. While their lack of intellectually superiority will limit their opportunities in wealth creation and innovation, and their violence does likewise in regards to social and political stability (especially in a multi-racial society like the USA), their ability to work for long hours consistently and productively gives them a 'place', so to speak, in the world.

Mexicans are just one example but you get the point.

Indians are not only intellectually daft (even more so than Mexicans) and quite violent (though fair to say considerably less so than Mexicans, though violent nonetheless), they are ALSO not hard workers. They are VERY lazy and are about as productive as Africans.

Indians have nothing going for them, except a huge population making up 1/5th of the planet, giving them the false and arrogant belief that these small immigrant communities that are set-up by rich nations to attract the smarter of their 1.2 BILLION people, are in fact representative of the population as a whole.

This is just proof pudding that Indians can't possibly comprehend simple things; the Indians in Singapore or the US, no matter how rich, are not only worthless when it comes to their contributions to the entire country, but are also nowhere near a true sampling of the average Indian living in INDIA.

Do you know what's the best sampling of the Indian people?


You are not racist at all!
Aren't the people who built Singapore, and now have to accept people like you into their country, the same people as Mainlanders? Aren't they descended from Mainlanders themselves?

You Indians are truly pests. You should be grateful when a country grants you the right to live with them. They don't gain even close to as much as you do in such an exchange. I doubt they'd have much to lose if even the smartest Indians had left; after all, Singapore, Canada, the UK, USA, etc. got on just fine before Indians started showing up.

Yes, three-quarters of us are descendent from mainland China. We belong to the same racial stocks as the mainland Chinese.
Local vs foreigners is the issue what I originally intended this thread to be. And this is an issue in USA as well (.. so much hue and cry over H1B and L1 visas). And those countries which have sizable foriegn power, this is always (valid) point of discussion.

(India or say china doesn't have this issue because foreign workers (legal ones alteast) are even less than 1%; in any case, illegal Banglaeshis, for example, is still an issue in India -- even though ethnically bangladeshis are indistinguishable from Indians).

But the thing is, mid-way, this became a racist issue (which some other posters, esp "LightingBolt" tried to make this to be).. .. and which I know Singapore is to a large extent free off. And Singapore govt knows that progress needs peace ... not violence or even ill-will among its citizens of different background.. from which they came from, a few generations back.

-- Back to the topic, I still believe singapore became richer because it managed to attract rich foreigners (for whatever reasons) ... rich Eurpoeans / americans precisely ... and they could come is sufficient numbers in a small country like singapore to completely transform the small country itself (This kind of transformation isn't possible in India or china, or even bangladesh or pakistan -- there not so many rich Europeans or Americans to come and transform these large countries).



That is the real face of Singapore economy.

Like any other Chinese states, like Taiwan, Singapore is just a slave for the Westerners.

Truth hurts!
Have you people ever wondering.......

Why are Chinese workers paid so low compare with other developed countries like US, Japan and Western Europe?

Despite we study and work harder than any of these people.

Our leaders love to say...for the sake of economy (aka SLAVE ECONOMY).

Truth hurts!

That is the real face of Singapore economy.

Like any other Chinese states, like Taiwan, Singapore is just a slave for the Westerners.

Truth hurts!

Not at all. There is a mutually benefitial relationship (with equal mutual respect).

As for ecomonic successes, the truth lies in between.

We could not have reached here, without collaborating with the rest of the world.

And we did a few things right ourselves too.

As for future, the middle path always works the best. We will continue to welcome foreign talent, but we are constrained by limited land and water resources. So, it is entirely possibly we will necessarily need to impose restrictions.

Some such restrictions are already in place. And they need to be reviewed from time to time (can be tightened or relaxed, in future).

However, by numbers the foreign manpower definitely seems to have rapidly increased since 1990 - from 11% of the the resident population (0.3 million non-resident to 2.7 million residents) to 37% of resident population (1.4 million non-resident to 3.8 million residents).

Given the limited land availability / water availability, rents will be high.

More so, when the economy is doing well and when more foreign manpower is hired.

The government makes efforts to boost the productivity of manpower, so that same economic growth can be achieved with less number of people.

The restrictions on foreign mapower are strictly non-discriminatory on the basis of ethnic background (or race).

It just about what kind of skillsets are deficient or labour is needed by the businesses.
Not at all. There is a mutually benefitial relationship (with equal mutual respect).

As for ecomonic successes, the truth lies in between.

We could not have reached here, without collaborating with the rest of the world.

And we did a few things right ourselves too.

As for future, the middle path always works the best. We will continue to welcome foreign talent, but we are constrained by limited land and water resources. So, it is entirely possibly we will necessarily need to impose restrictions.

Some such restrictions are already in place. And they need to be reviewed from time to time (can be tightened or relaxed, in future).

However, by numbers the foreign manpower definitely seems to have rapidly increased since 1990 - from 11% of the the resident population (0.3 million non-resident to 2.7 million residents) to 37% of resident population (1.4 million non-resident to 3.8 million residents).

Given the limited land availability / water availability, rents will be high.

More so, when the economy is doing well and when more foreign manpower is hired.

The government makes efforts to boost the productivity of manpower, so that same economic growth can be achieved with less number of people.

The restrictions on foreign mapower are strictly non-discriminatory on the basis of ethnic background (or race).

It just about what kind of skillsets are deficient or labour is needed by the businesses.

The high rent is because of government policy. They took the policy that enable high rent and land price.

Singapore should learn from Germany, the forth largest economy power in the world. They don't have the so-called real estate speculation and buffing the price up. Germany can became world wealthiest at the same time keep the land price low and affordable cheap rent rate. High minimum salary standard, free healthcare and free education.

If people praise and call Lee Kuan Yaw as a great man. It's totally BS! He and his family just make Singaporean life even more difficult. Singapore government just took credit from the self-sufficient and hardworking Chinese-Singaporean.
Singapore is where it is today due to a hard-working, intellectually superior, peaceful, serene, and prosperous people. These are things that Indians lack, so they could not possibly understand how the most populous country per sq. mile could achieve such a high standard of living, when they themselves have had a huge head-start.

Thanks AM, I agree on your statement but our views differ on the issue of race. I had the good fortune of working with many great Indians on the job an I really respect the working attitude of those I come to contact with.

Of course there are certain Indians who have a different outlook of things (big ego - then again this aint race specific) that gives the majority a bad rep.

Anyway we're supposed to be multi racial, its tolerance we preach more then anything else.

The high rent is because of government policy. They took the policy that enable high rent and land price.

Singapore should learn from Germany, the forth largest economy power in the world. They don't have the so-called real estate speculation and buffing the price up. Germany can became world wealthiest at the same time keep the land price low and affordable cheap rent rate. High minimum salary standard, free healthcare and free education.

If people praise and call Lee Kuan Yaw as a great man. It's totally BS! He and his family just make Singaporean life even more difficult. Singapore government just took credit from the self-sufficient and hardworking Chinese-Singaporean.

You do realize if Lee Kuan Yew wasn't Prime Minister during one of the harshest period of Malaysia Singapore history its an 80 - 90% certainty Singapore would still remain under Malaysia's control up to today.

In fact Malaysia let Singapore go so easily because they thought we would collapse overnight and rejoin them without Lee Kuan Yew in power.
You do realize if Lee Kuan Yew wasn't Prime Minister during one of the harshest period of Malaysia Singapore history its an 80 - 90% certainty Singapore would still remain under Malaysia's control up to today.

In fact Malaysia let Singapore go so easily because they thought we would collapse overnight and rejoin them without Lee Kuan Yew in power.

Not just the foreigners were looking down on Chinese, even some fellow Chinese too. Like the Christians and the Communists. That is why they are Christians and Communists in the first place, because they look down and don't have any fond to anything Chinese.

At the time, Chinese was no different than a dog. Dog even better than Chinese.
Not just the foreigners were looking down on Chinese, even some fellow Chinese too. Like the Christians and the Communists. That is why they are Christians and Communists in the first place, because they look down and don't have any fond to anything Chinese.

At the time, Chinese was no different than a dog. Dog even better than Chinese.

And how does that tie in with my post? Sorry maybe I am missing the plot here
And how does that tie in with my post? Sorry maybe I am missing the plot here

People at the time looked down the Chinese people capability. That is why everyone, including Malaysia government think that Singapore is going to collapse and begging to return to Malaysia one day.

Just like people looked down on South Korea over Philippine too at the time. Where South Korea was destined as a poor country forever unlike the Philippine.

Not just the foreigners looked down on Chinese, even fellow Chinese too, like the Christians and Communists.
Thanks AM, I agree on your statement but our views differ on the issue of race. I had the good fortune of working with many great Indians on the job an I really respect the working attitude of those I come to contact with.

Of course there are certain Indians who have a different outlook of things (big ego - then again this aint race specific) that gives the majority a bad rep.

Anyway we're supposed to be multi racial, its tolerance we preach more then anything else.

You are so politically correct.
People at the time looked down the Chinese people capability. That is why everyone, including Malaysia government think that Singapore is going to collapse and begging to return to Malaysia one day.

Just like people looked down on South Korea over Philippine too at the time. Where South Korea was destined as a poor country forever unlike the Philippine.

Not just the foreigners looked down on Chinese, even fellow Chinese too, like the Christians and Communists.

Kolaps, are you longing for the 2nd rise of the HAN dynasty ?
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