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Is Pakistan Navy getting 10 P-3C Orion aircraft by 2012?

If thats true than its a bad move by GOP.It will end the creditability of suspect, what is the guarantee that he is capture during operation.

Exactly..... And thats why its a good move.... Many captured men before were released because of lack of evidence and you can do nothing about it..... Now if they captured and telling the media that they escaped put them in position where there is no asking them about the suspects.... And they can beat hell lot of info from them about the network.
Pakistan Navy ordered eight P-3C Orion aircraft in addition to what it already had.
Pakistan order and order but nothing deliver, so forget about it. its not coming my friend. I guarantee you that!
P-3C is probably one of our most important naval assets, it would be pure foolishness to under-estimate it's importance as you did.

how will pakistans P-3c Orions stand up to India's 17 P8-I poseidens that are soon to be delivered... i don't think China even has the technology to make sub hunter as adavanced as P8-I posideons... they are exclusive sales to India... So i don't think China can replicate
You may never know that some of them were actually captured alive and are being kept away from the media for interogation purposes. Remember, initially, twelve to fifteen armed men reported by media. Can anyone believe that with Malir river side cordoned off from the outside by rangers and police backed up by helo's that anyone could have escaped????

Let us wait and see how it pans out -- I have a hunch that intelligence has six or seven terr. in their custody alive or injured.

Yes, they don't want that media get any clue.
their is must connection of raw in pns mehran attack
because at attack time terrorists only hits p 3c Orion aircraft only why they don't hit Fokker or other helicopter
we all know that these are anti sub aircraft
we must to support nexas rebels to attack on newly purchase c-130j & refurnished il-38 & tu-142 of india
Pakistan likely to get two Orions from US

ISLAMABAD: The US is mulling to provide two P-3C Orion aircraft to Pakistan to help the later plug the shortage caused by the PNS Mehran attack in which two such planes were destroyed by the militants last month, Geo News reported.

US sources told Geo News that Pakistan had placed an order for provision of seven P-3C Orion aircraft. However, the preparation of the planes would take time, the sources added.

The surveillance aircraft would be provided to Pakistan on temporary lease but they will remain a property of the US.

The US government would not take any rental against the use of these planes with a view to help Pakistan make up for its loss.

The US will ensure that the planes are not used against India.
US to replace Orion planes destroyed at PN base

WASHINGTON, June 17: The United States will replace two P-3 Orion surveillance planes destroyed in a terrorist attack in Karachi last month, diplomatic sources, who spoke to Dawn, confirmed.

The Washington Post and DawnNews reported earlier that the US had offered to replace the two planes destroyed in the
May 22 militant attack on PNS Mehran in Karachi.

Under an agreement, the United States will provide nine P-3 Orion aircraft to Pakistan to enhance its surveillance capabilities.

Pakistan had already received five, of which two were destroyed in Karachi. Four more are being upgraded in the US before
their transfer to Pakistan. The two replacements will increase the total to 11.

The Post reported that Pakistan too would continue its cooperation with US Special Forces, although on a less visible scale.

The Pakistanis will take over what had been a joint training mission for the Frontier Corps at Warsak. But over the next few months, the overall US Special Forces presence will probably return to roughly what it was before the recent flap.

Pakistan had earlier persuaded the US to withdraw most of its 135 Special Forces personnel from the country following a dispute over the arrest of a CIA agent in Lahore early this year.

Tensions between the two nations increased further after the May 2 raid at Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad because the US failed to warn Pakistan before the attack.

The Post reported that the United States had also promised to consult Pakistan over a possible political settlement in Afghanistan.

A team working for Marc Grossman, the US special representative overseeing those negotiations, recently visited Islamabad to brief Pakistani officials on the issue.

The United States has rejected speculations that Ayman al-Zawahiri’s promotion to lead Al Qaeda would affect US-led peace efforts in Afghanistan.

“I’m not sure it’s a position anybody should aspire to, under the circumstances,” US Defence Secretary Robert Gates told a briefing in Washington. “I think he will face some challenges. Osama bin Laden has been the leader of Al Qaeda, essentially since its inception. In that particular context, he had a peculiar charisma that I think Zawahiri does not have.” Bin Laden, Mr Gates noted, was much more operationally engaged than Zawahiri had been. “I’ve read that there is some suspicion within Al Qaeda of Zawahiri because he’s Egyptian,” he said.

US to replace Orion planes destroyed at PN base | Newspaper | DAWN.COM
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