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Is Pakistan Developing its own self propelled howitzer at HIT?


Jan 21, 2013
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1)"Highlights from IDEAS 2002" By by Usman Shabbir published on Dec 27, 2002 states:

Work on a Pakistani 155 mm SP artillery gun has been started at HIT.

2)How many M109A5 howitzers does Pakistan plan and how much does it have currently?
highly classified info...
if it is under development no news would be out till it is tested in any exercise...:coffee:
I think Pakistan is very much capable of manufacturing these guns as HIT have know how from the 125mm turret for Al-khalid tank.

They know the right metal and right methods to make these gun . They also have know how of auto loader.

So i think it is very much possible that Pakistan have this kind of project .
Pakistan received 115 M109A5 howitzers in Feb 2010 .. According to Pakistan pushes artillery upgrade program article published in Oct 2011 on defensenews.com , Pakistan plans at least 297 M109A5's ...Are these 115 the part of this deal or is it a separate one.
There are rumours that Pakistan is working on local co-production of the Turkish Panter SPH. Panter is mobile, hower, it cannot be considered as a true SPH. Panter is based on Singaporean FH2000.
I personally don't think Pakistan can even build one. :coffee:

I could almost swear that after reading posts like these,my blood pressure will break one day....

Yes, a SPH was planned in the early 2000s but times have changed and not for the better,HIT has slowed down after the start of the new decade.
I personally don't think Pakistan can even build one. :coffee:

Good for you....:
A Pakistani Newspaper Monday said that the tank gun is ready to be delivered to the Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT) for Al-Khalid and Al-Zarar tanks. A tank gun is the main armament of a tank.

HIT used to earlier procure 125 millimetre 'blanks' from France for the army's two main battle tanks. Blanks are the final shape of the gun barrel before it is finished. It was then fitted into the tank at HIT.

While Al-Khalid - a joint venture between Pakistan and China - has been with the army since 2001, Al-Zarar is an upgraded T-59 tank.

The country's first blank was produced at the Heavy Mechanical Complex (HMC) in Taxila.

Dawn quoted an official as saying the army had given a go-ahead for the production of 50 125 mm barrels for the two MBTs.

A specialised weapons grade steel was used to manufacture the tank gun. A block of metal is pressed to become a five-metre-long square bar that is forged into a smooth bore 125 mm barrel.

The HIT has finalised a deal for Rs.200 million for the 50 barrels, which is slightly less than the cost of each barrel bought from France.

The official said that after delivering 50 tank guns, the HMC plans to produce artillery guns for the Pakistan Army.

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