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Is North Korea's military firepower threat to Peace & Stability?

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Is North Korea's military firepower threat to Peace & Stability?

The next leader of North Korea will inherit an impoverished, isolated country with a large army brimming with artillery, chemical weapons and a nuclear arsenal.

Here are the basic facts of North Korea's military, which has an estimated annual budget of four to seven billion dollars:


North Korea has enough plutonium to build six or seven atomic weapons, according to international estimates. It remains unclear whether the North can manufacture nuclear warheads for its missiles but analysts believe it is likely close to that point.


The North has at least 1,000 missiles of various types, including some with a range of more than 3,000 kilometers (1,860 miles), according to South Korea's defense ministry. It has also test-launched three intercontinental Taepodong missiles.


Military planners believe that the North would be overwhelmed in a conventional war with the South, but they worry how Pyongyang would use its arsenal of chemical and biological weapons.

The North has a large stockpile of 2,500-5,000 tons of chemical weapons, Seoul's defense ministry and other estimates say, enough to inflict terrible casualties on South Korea.

The chemical agents could be delivered with long-range artillery, multiple rocket launchers, ballistic missiles, aircraft and naval ships.

The North also has a biological weapons program but analysts say it is unclear if the regime has moved beyond the research and development phase.

Pyongyang is believed to possess anthrax, mustard gas, sarin, botulism and phosgene.


With conscription starting at age 17, the armed forces currently number about 1.2 million. The country also has reserves of 7.7 million.


The army has a vast array of heavy guns pointed at Seoul. The weaponry includes 3,500 main battle tanks, 560 light tanks, 2,500 armored personnel carriers, 3,500 pieces of towed artillery, 4,400 pieces of self-propelled artillery, 2,500 multiple rocket launchers, 7,500 mortars, an unknown number of anti-tank guided weapons, 1,700 recoilless launchers, and 11,000 air defense guns, according to US government estimates and analysts.


The navy has a large fleet of submarines, estimated at 92.

It also has three frigates, six corvettes, 43 missile craft, 158 large patrol craft, 103 fast torpedo craft, more than 334 patrol force craft, 10 amphibious ships, two coastal defense missile batteries, 130 hovercraft, 23 minesweepers, eight midget ships, and four survey vessels.


The air force, designed for quick strikes across the border, has an estimated 80 bombers, 541 fighters and ground attack fighters, 316 transport planes, 588 transport helicopters, 24 attack helicopters and at least one unmanned drone as well as an ample supply of air-to-air missiles and surface-to-air missiles.

AFP: North Korea's military firepower
North Korea Test-Fires Short-Range Missile

North Korea test-fired a short-range missile into the East Sea on Monday, about three hours and 30 minutes before the official announcement of Kim Jong-il's death, which was belatedly reported after he died of a heart attack on Saturday morning.

A government source said, "At around 8:30 a.m., North Korea test-fired two missiles presumed to be KN-02 surface-to-surface missiles with a maximum range of 120 km off the coast of South Hamgyong Province."

The source added, "There were signs pointing to an impending missile launch starting from about a week ago, and we were monitoring the developments using KH-12 surveillance satellites, so the move appears unrelated to the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong-il."

"The latest test launch appears to have been aimed at testing the capability and range of existing missiles," said a government source.

The North has been conducting several test launches of the KN-02 in Wonsan and Hungnam on its east coast over the past several years in order to improve the capability of the missile, which is capable of striking U.S. military bases in Pyeongtaek and Osan, south of Seoul. It can be mounted on launch vehicles to increase its mobility.

The Chosun Ilbo (English Edition): Daily News from Korea - N.Korea Test-Fires Short-Range Missile
We'll see how the kid takes control of the country. Priority should be economic reform, I hope he has a plan or will hire great experts.
if a war breaks out bw two Koreas,the South will be doomed.
North Korea has some of the worst pilots(only 20 AFH's a year).
North Korean Soldiers are starving & have very low morale.
North Korean equipment is 40 years old on an average.
North Korea has some of the worst pilots(only 20 AFH's a year).
North Korean Soldiers are starving & have very low morale.
North Korean equipment is 40 years old on an average.
Hey but the Chinese will come to their rescue, NO wait they never show up; atleast our police officers arrive at the scene however late, but the famous CN army is known to tuck its tail between their legs when they fear large scale retaliation :usflag:
North Korea Flatten Seoul - North Korea’s Weapons Capabilties

When North and South Korea trade artillery rounds, as they did this past Tuesday, killing four and injuring at least 16, some panicked hyperbole is understandable. First, there's the unfortunate geography—the opponents' capitals are just 120 miles apart, with Seoul within 35 miles of the border. The numbers only get worse, with estimates of as many as 13,000 artillery pieces positioned along that border, many of them within range and presumably aimed directly at Seoul, one of the world's most densely-populated cities. Factor in the rate of fire of all those suspected artillery batteries, and throw in the potential launch of hundreds of missiles, and it's easy to conclude that if North Korea is pushed hard enough, the result could be, as the New York Times put it yesterday, "the destruction of Seoul."

The more common term for the potential fate of the South Korean capital, casually dropped on recent radio and television news reports, as well as in two separate AOL news op-eds from earlier this year, is that it would be "flattened." Analysis from Time magazine in 2003 went so far as to gauge how long this would take: "Its conventional artillery capability would allow North Korea to flatten Seoul in the first half-hour of any confrontation."

---------- Post added at 08:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:22 PM ----------

S.Korea will not have time to make counter attack.

North Korea Has 70,000 Cannons Targeted at Seoul
Nov 28, 2010 10:17 GMT; Last Modified: Nov 28, 2010 10:31 GMT

As the US South Korean naval exercise begins, North Korea deployed surface to surface missiles in the Yellow Sea, and also moved other missiles further south. The North Koreans have vowed that any trespassing of their borders, through land, air or sea, will meet a strong response.

And even without these latest movements, North Korea has a massive artillery array of 70,000 cannons pointed to Seoul – South Korea’s capital, which is very close to the border. A full utilization of this artillery could destroy Seoul withing hours.

NK has over 90 subs.. is it true???

The Korean People's Army Naval Force is the navy of North Korea. The Korean People's Army is made up of the Ground Force, the North Korean Air Force, and the Navy. It was established on June 5, 1946. The navy strength in the 1990s was about 40,000 to 60,000; current strength (2008) is at about 46,000.[1] There are some 708 vessels including 3 frigates and 70 submarines: approximately 20 Romeo class submarines (1,800 tons), 40 Sang-O class submarines (300 tons) and 10 midget submarines including the Yono class submarine (130 tons).

Source : WIKI
^^^ why do the chinese want only war, death and destruction? - they have a long list of countries they want to wipe out or to see wiped out.
Seoul accounts for 21 percent of the country's GDP and everything the best in Korea,when Seoul is gone,the war will be pretty much over.

you forgett that Seoul has some friends in comparison to Pyongyang...

remember back to 1950 when troops from several countries came to rescue South?
we didnt started this thread,I only show the fact that IF a war broke out,S.Korea will be totally destroyed within hours,that the hard fact.where did I say I want to see that happen??

---------- Post added at 08:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 PM ----------

you forgett that Seoul has some friends in comparison to Pyongyang...

remember back to 1950 when troops from several countries came to rescue South?

in 1950,the North didnt have this formidable canons,now they have so many of them.if N.Korea strikes first with all its might,other countries just dont have enough time to react before S.Korea was totally destroyed.
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