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Is Musharraf Ahemadi (Qadiani) ??

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Feb 12, 2006
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I have heard rumors on the net that Gen. Pervez Musharraf married in a Qadiani family and prime minister Shaukat Aziz, a Qadiani himself..

is it true?

Can anyone confirm it? with authentic sources.
Would it make a difference who or what he is or whom he married?
Just curious...
president is DEobandi.......................

The northern Indian Deobandi school argues that the reason Islamic societies have fallen behind the West in all spheres of endeavor is because they have been seduced by the amoral and material accoutrements of Westernization, and have deviated from the original pristine teachings of the Prophet.

Deoband is a town a hundred miles north of Delhi where a madrasa (religious school) was established there in 1867. The so-called 'Deobandi Tradition' itself is much older than the eponymous Dar-Ul-Ulum at Deoband. The Deoband madrasa brought together Muslims who were hostile to British rule and committed to a literal and austere interpretation of Islam.

For the last 200 years, Sunnis often have looked to the example of the Deoband madrassa (religious school) near Delhi, India. The Deoband school has long sought to purify Islam by discarding supposedly un-Islamic accretions to the faith and reemphasizing the models established in the Koran and the customary practices of the Prophet Mohammed. Additionally, Deobandi scholars often have opposed what they perceive as Western influences.

Just as Sikhs originated from Hinduism, but are not Hindus, and Protestants came from Roman Catholicism, but are not Catholics, similarly, the Deobandi sect originated in the Sunni community, but are not strictly Sunnis. The tack of Darul Uloom Deoband is in accordance with the Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah, Hanafiate practical method (Mazhab) and the disposition (Mashrab) of its holy founders, Hazrat Maulana Mohammad Qasim Nanautavi (Allah's mercy be on him!) and Hazrat Maulana Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi (may his secret be sanctified).

The Deobandi interpretation holds that a Muslim's first loyalty is to his religion and only then to the country of which he is a citizen or a resident; secondly, that Muslims recognise only the religious frontiers of their Ummah and not the national frontiers; thirdly,that they have a sacred right and obligation to go to any country to wage jihad to protect the Muslims of that country.

The Deobandi interpretation of Islamic teachings is widely practiced in Pakistan. The Deobandi movement in Sunni Islam, was founded in response to British colonial rule in India and later hardened in Pakistan into bitter opposition to what its members views as the country's neo-colonial elite. The Islamic Deobandi militants share the Taliban's restrictive view of women, and regard Pakistan's minority Shiia as non-Muslim.. They seek a pure leader, or amir, to recreate Pakistani society according to the egalitarian model of Islam's early days under the Prophet Mohammed. President Musharraf himself, is a Deobandi, actually born in the city in India, where the school took it's name.
During the first half of April 2000, the Government of Pakistan permitted a 3-day conference organized by the Deobandi Muslim political party Jamiat-Ulema-Islami (JUI). Several speakers at the conference made anti-Western political declarations. Deobandi and Barelvi sects struggled, sometimes violently, for control over local mosques in Lahore neighborhoods.

The fundamentalist Deoband Dar-ul-Uloom brand of Islam inspired the Taliban movement and had widespread appeal for Muslim fundamentalists. Most of the Taliban leadership attended Deobandi-influenced seminaries in Pakistan. The Taliban was propped up initially by the civil government of Benazir Bhutto, then in coalition with the Deobandi Jama'at-ulema Islam (JUI) led by Maulana Fazlur Rehman [who by 2003 was the elected opposition leader at the Center in Islamabad and whose protégé is now the chief Minister in the NWFP]. Traditionally, Sunni Islam of the Hanafi school of jurisprudence was the dominant religion of Afganistan. The Taliban also adhered to the Hanafi school of Sunni Islam, making it the dominant religion in the country for most of 2001. For the last 200 years, Sunnis often have looked to the example of the Deoband madrassah (religious school) near Delhi, India. Most of the Taliban leadership attended Deobandi-influenced seminaries in Pakistan. The Deoband school has long sought to purify Islam by discarding supposedly un-Islamic accretions to the faith and reemphasizing the models established in the Koran and the customary practices of the Prophet Mohammed. Additionally, Deobandi scholars often have opposed what they perceive as Western influences. Much of the population adheres to Deobandi-influenced Hanafi Sunnism, but a sizable minority adheres to a more mystical version of Sunnism generally known as Sufism. Sufism centers on orders or brotherhoods that follow charismatic religious leaders.

Although the majority of the Islamic population (Sunni) in Afghanistan and Pakistan, belong to the Hanafi sect, the theologians who have pushed Pakistan towards Islamic Radicalism for decades, as well as the ones who were the founders of the Taliban, espoused Wahabi rhetoric and ideals. This sect took its inspiration from Saudi Hanbali theologians who immigrated there in the 18th century, to help their Indian Muslim brothers with Hanbali theological inspiration against the British colonialists. Propelled by oil-generated wealth, the Wahhabi worldview increasingly co-opted the Deobandi movement in South Asia.
While he may have ancestoral lineage, the President hardly seems like a person who even considers what sect or the sect of a sect he belongs to.

And no he's not Ahmadi... It won't matter to me if he had any other faith either. He's a damn good president and his trip to the US has proven that so far. It's been quite rosey so far.
what are your sources cheeta? any link that says that musharraf is not Ahemadi.. need it to counter pak bashing on some extremist forum
Just tell them "So what if he is..."

Lemme guess... Islamica?
Would it make a difference who or what he is or whom he married?
Just curious...

Other people might not have the courage to answer you straight but i will.

Yes it does matter.....according to the constitution of Pakistan.....only muslims can occupy the office of president and prime minster.

Ahmadis are declared Kafir ( non muslims ) by the constitution of Pakistan and are treated as a non muslim minority....all papers issued to them are in that capacity...and all Papers to muslims are issued after they specifically accept Ahmadis as Kafir.

If either of them are married to Kafir ( ahmadi ) then they themselves are kafir ( you can ask any alim moderate or extremist since Quran forbids marrying kafir )....which would mean they are no longer eligible to hold offices of President and Prime minster.

But mushi like majority of muslims of Pakistan is Sunni--following sunni fiqh hanafia ( mushy daughter married shia )........Shaukat Aziz too is sunni fiqh hanafia........their oaths specifically condemn ahmadis as kafir and condemn head of Ahmadeya as imposter......now if they were ahmadis why would they take that oath ( btw there is no choice of oaths )......and i have heard/seen shaukat aziz specifically refuting this allegation on him...that he was ahmadi ( this happened around the time he was being crowned PM ).
Just tell them "So what if he is..."

Lemme guess... Islamica?

no Islamicity is very nice forum. you should join it,

The link to extremist forum was posted by "Palestine" of PFF
Accusing people of being Qadiyani is an old ploy in Pakistani polotics. And BTW there are two sects of Qadiyanis, only one is objectionable on theological grounds. Most of the pakistani Qadiyanis belong to the second less objectionable one.
Yes it does matter.....according to the constitution of Pakistan.....only muslims can occupy the office of president and prime minster.
We need to lobby for some change then... That's no good.

Ahmadis are declared Kafir ( non muslims ) by the constitution of Pakistan and are treated as a non muslim minority....all papers issued to them are in that capacity...and all Papers to muslims are issued after they specifically accept Ahmadis as Kafir.
Really? To my fellow Pakistanis? You mean another Pakistani like me is treated socially less than me? Just because of their faith?

So the choice we put to them is either be Pakistani and a Muslim like us, or remain lesser Pakistanis as non-Muslims. How unfair is that? It's kind of like forcing them to become Muslims for full rights. That is not how a conversion to Islam is even allowed.

That is so wrong.

If either of them are married to Kafir ( ahmadi ) then they themselves are kafir ( you can ask any alim moderate or extremist since Quran forbids marrying kafir )....which would mean they are no longer eligible to hold offices of President and Prime minster.
But that still does not matter to me as he's a damn good President, bringing benefits to Pakistan. Maybe he'd be questioned for it in the afterlife. Maybe he'd have an answer.

But mushi like majority of muslims of Pakistan is Sunni--following sunni fiqh hanafia ( mushy daughter married shia )........Shaukat Aziz too is sunni fiqh hanafia........their oaths specifically condemn ahmadis as kafir and condemn head of Ahmadeya as imposter......now if they were ahmadis why would they take that oath ( btw there is no choice of oaths )......and i have heard/seen shaukat aziz specifically refuting this allegation on him...that he was ahmadi ( this happened around the time he was being crowned PM ).
... And that's why I'm just a plain Muslim.
to;Asim Aquil

many countries have conditions....usa bars anyone born outside usa from being president...Pakistan was founded on the principle of homeland for muslims…..its not that odd for it to have that condition….like israel basis and ideology of Pakistan is religion.

Constitution declares Ahmadis non muslim…it doesnot ask them to be treated in anyway particular socially or in anyway ask for their conversion, what rights do people have anyway as muslims ( other than the right to be exploited )…that Ahmadis are somehow missing out on? besides Ahmadis there are other non muslim minorities like christians, Parsis, hindus, sikhs and even few jews in Pakistan…..they are not declared non muslim….they themselves are what they want to be i.e. non muslims….are they missing out on some rights that muslims are enjoying.?
Rahman forget what they say on some forums claimed to be neutral :) i had been bombared by some of these so-called friends of ours you what i mean :).

Dear they even dont know how to respect even their own religion let alone respecting others.
After failing to malign our leaders our rivals have now decided to touch religious sensitivities of ours.
As Asim said ignore them.
Even if they are married to some Ahmadis it dosnt mean they are not Muslims themselves.
SO many of our leaders had married foreigners non-muslims.
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