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Is Multiculturalism bad yes or no thoughts

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Depends...have to define the context etc. "Cultures" perceived today themselves come from earlier mixing/debate over extended period of time...the time factor really is quite an overlooked role. Our lifetimes are short and we only grasp so much on the bigger picture.

The whole extremist "diversity is a strength" NPC braying is a bunch of bull tho (when their context is taken into account -i.e they actually want to ironically system manufacture, top down, absolute homogeneity with no diversity...i.e a hive mind).

There is always a balance and nuance to whole discussion that disappears when you cant think critically + debate + re-evaluate etc.... and resort to feelz chants and brays (from whatever side) is really my core POV.

It depends. For restaurants and fusion cuisine, absolutely yes! :D

Some of the fusion cuisine can be quite gross too lol. It depends. God I love that word.
Question for the folks here on Multiculturalism
Well, it depends on what your definition of "bad" is.

But to he honest, all Multicultural states fell apart just from a little bit of external pressure because of their internal weakness.


Ottoman Empire

Austria-Hungarian Empire

West Pakistan-East Pakistan (two completely different peoples/cultures competing for limited resources)

Sudan (Arab North vs. Black South)

Iraq (Kurds, Arabs, Yazidis)

Iran (Kurds)

Syria (Kurds, Arabs, Turkmen)

Turkey (Kurds)

Russian Empire/Soviet Union

Etc... @Nilgiri @Psychic @Metanoia @LeGenD
Multiculturalism is a beneficial thing, yes, as long as different cultures and ethnic groups respect each other and are moving towards one common goal.

Racial or ethnic nationalism is not very secure either, as ethnic chauvinism is liable to cause splits and infighting in a community once the 'other' no longer exists or is no longer relevant.

Capitalism and Communism are both economic, social systems which unite society around a central theme, full of jingoistic and contrived nationalism. It is not a very natural way to organize a society.

Religion is the most powerful tool to galvanize a society and its ideal of serving the Creator is a benevolent theme throughout human civilization.

However, like all other ideals, the religion must be based on respect for minorities and others.
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Some of the fusion cuisine can be quite gross too lol. It depends. God I love that word.

Cross-pollination sometimes results in abominations, but sometimes it creates gems too. Both are part of the process. :D
Well, it depends on what your definition of "bad" is.
And what exactly is multicultural. I mean by one measure UK, Switzerland are prime examples of very succesful multicultural states. Scots, Welsh, Ulters union [UK]. The German, Italian, French federation [Swiss].
very much so.

Well, it depends on what your definition of "bad" is.

But to he honest, all Multicultural states fell apart just from a little bit of external pressure because of their internal weakness.


Ottoman Empire

Austria-Hungarian Empire

West Pakistan-East Pakistan (two completely different peoples/cultures competing for limited resources)

Sudan (Arab North vs. Black South)

Iraq (Kurds, Arabs, Yazidis)

Iran (Kurds)

Syria (Kurds, Arabs, Turkmen)

Turkey (Kurds)

Russian Empire/Soviet Union

Etc... @Nilgiri @Psychic @Metanoia @LeGenD
Correction... there are over 20+ ethnic groups in Iran.
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