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Is It Too Late To Build A 'Haseen' Relationship Between India And Pakistan

Another inferior pakistani :lol:

Do i have to post your weak Athletes,wrestler or MMA players humiliated by Indians at every International platform

Come back when you win any Medal against us in wrestling

The above example was for your physical traits and as for Mentally we are sending Space Missions on regular Basis including Mars.

So Congrats you suck on both counts


I don't even have to type 7-8 lines just one simple sentence is enough to aggravate your inferiority complex.

Indians are Physical Weak (Short, Skinny and weird looking things). Period!
I don't even have to type 7-8 lines just one simple sentence is enough to aggravate your inferiority complex.

Indians are Physical Weak (Short, Skinny and weird looking things). Period!
Says a inferior Pakistani yet to win a medal against us in wrestling :lol:

And are you the fan of that Skinny Fawad who works in our B grade films.
Simple answer:
Yes,it's too late.We have a lot of record to settle with Bhartis.

too late indeed

Says a inferior Pakistani yet to win a medal against us in wrestling :lol:

And are you the fan of that Skinny Fawad who works in our B grade films.

the one which your north indian women (the only ones who matter apparently) voted him 'sexier' than whatever india has in store

me personally i dont watch much movies or even television so it's all like Mandarin to me, all these names. But without Khans or "Khans" - your industry would be F grade so take a chill pill and smoke some good stuff to calm you down
But without Khans or "Khans" - your industry would be F grade so take a chill pill and smoke some good stuff to calm you down

There must be MILLIONS of Khans in Pakistan

Then Why is your film industry F Grade

It is NOT about looks and surnames

It is about AN ENABLING ENVIRONMENT ; a robust ;dynamic and vibrant film industry

that is why your actors and actresses are desperate to work in India
and even want Indian Citizenships
too late indeed

the one which your north indian women (the only ones who matter apparently) voted him 'sexier' than whatever india has in store

me personally i dont watch much movies or even television so it's all like Mandarin to me, all these names. But without Khans or "Khans" - your industry would be F grade so take a chill pill and smoke some good stuff to calm you down
F grade Haha

Those Khan were simpleton living in some unknown town before they picked up by the likes of Karan johar.

And as for Fawad he just a skinny struggler came here to make his fortune,unfortunately fit for low budget B grade films.
I don't even have to type 7-8 lines just one simple sentence is enough to aggravate your inferiority complex.

Indians are Physical Weak (Short, Skinny and weird looking things). Period!
Indians were , now indian sports is on a rise. Very soon you will see an indian dominance on sports and athlete.

I personally think only Iranian are worthy fighters. I chew And throw rest asian fighters including Egypt. MMA!

And another Fawad Khan-starring show ends. Like many other women in the subcontinent, I too love Fawad Khan, my dreams and reveries comprise of only him. How I waited for Waqt Ne Kiya Kya Haseen Sitam to begin, how I longed for the clock to strike 8 at night and how I watched the show, with bated breath, in absolute awe, never flickering eyelashes. But it was not only his irresistible good looks that had me hooked, this show was different, in several ways.

I have studied the times of the Partition repeatedly, whether it be in history or anthropology. This show, however, added visuals to the brutal truth of the Partition. Reading ethnographic studies of that time was difficult enough, but watching them on screen concretised the fearful visual imagery scarring my mind. The dream that people had of undivided India as they struggled against the oppressive British Raj, the ugly face of communalism, the vested interests of people driving the communal agenda, the tactics used by them to draw the attention of the general populace to the 'fact' that Hindus and Muslims comprise two several nationalities, the horror and wrath of the Partition and the dangerous trail of misery and hatred it left behind--I am now even more familiar with. I can only consider myself fortunate to be born post Partition. However, this hatred still chars the fragile relationship between the two countries born due to this false and devious propaganda. Will India and Pakistan ever enjoy a haseen relationship or will it be fraught by zulm? While haseen means beautiful, sitam implies torture. Usage of the two words together, recognises an unlikely possibility. Is a normal relationship between India and Pakistan an unlikely possibility too?

This brings me back to the dream that the people subjugated by the colonial imperialists must have dreamt of. Unfortunately, their voices are lost to the 'leaders' of the freedom struggle, thus compelling generations to believe that an independent India and Pakistan would not have translated to reality, had there been no leaders to wage the war against the British. Sadly, we would never come to know the names of the people involved in mass movements, the countless individuals who sacrificed everything in the name of freedom so that the Indians and Pakistanis will be emancipated and live peacefully, ever after. The terrors of Partition, the subsequent wars and hostilities between the two nations, deride this dream.

Like several 'Banos' and 'Hassans', numerous others must have been attracted to the communal propaganda, only to realise that it was a farce. Numerous people across the border must have dreamt like Bano that their nation would be the best nation in the world. However, all of us find ourselves caught in the same dilemma and facing the same problems against the powerful. The subaltern is always oppressed by the hegemonic State and society. Bano had no inkling of the fact that a Sabeen Mahmud will be born to fight and then tragically be murdered. The Indians remained oblivious of the fact that fake encounters will occur, voices against those in power will be silenced, the poor will be crushed to make way for the rich. No one knew that hegemonic, unequal power relations will remain constant.

Partition created blurred lines, but people living on either side of those blurred lines must not forget that they have more similarities than differences. The callous, cold indifference tolerated by the subaltern in both the nations is the same. These are not the times to be misled by communal and hate propagandas. This is the time to build ahaseen relationship, to fill in the emptiness of the dream, to alter the power structures, to recognise the similarity and blur the distances, and most importantly, to recognise the fact that we are the same people. We could have been together, we could have avoided the Partition had our ancestors not acted on the instructions of those who desired fissions in a country and we could have built a beautiful haseen mulk, having multiple plural identities, recognising different perspectives. If only we had listened to our voices; the voice of the subaltern rather than voices of our 'leaders'. Let's listen to the voices within us this time and withstand any endeavour to crush the subaltern's voice, demolish existing power structures, build an egalitarian State and society and create sulah between ourselves.
Is It Too Late To Build A 'Haseen' Relationship Between India And Pakistan | Devyani Tewari

When time pass by we can expect many such article . "The point" constantly changing its dimensions but still reflects the same. You all from either side would wonder what is "The POINT" am talking about . The point is - Willingness or I may say Compulsory attempt to portray India and Pakistan as equals . But its no way be a reality . Check this statement by this author "The Indians remained oblivious of the fact that fake encounters will occur, voices against those in power will be silenced, the poor will be crushed to make way for the rich. No one knewthat hegemonic, unequal power relations will remain constant."

Our partition was brutal and was never acceptable to any sensible Indian or those who born in this soil . Its like chopping your one of the hand for someone's(Mughals) atrocity. Past is past. But since our partition we both drafted with literally nothing . Even more India faced with a problem of facilitating Muslims for whom huge part of body been slit and given away . And one had Islamic State formed with overwhelming support if US UK and blessings or what ever . On other hand India with multi cultural centers and multiple languages where put to gether Was like puting lions , tigers ,wolfs , cow in a same cage . But the basic culture (Patriotism ,Hinduism and its teaching) brought us together and united us as a ONE strong nation. Am from south India (basically a mallu but born and brought up in Tamilnadu) In Tamil we grew up with tamil poem by freedom fighters like Bharathi Yar . And famous tag was simple "Indian endru sollada , Thalai nemirndhu Nillada" meaning " Don't let your head down , You are an Indian :-) " So even with so much odd and challenges we in 2015 challenging the global super powers .We grew in a way that all the super powers who ruled us are waiting at our doorsteps for money (Business) . And look where you are today? You were created on 1 ideology Islamic Ideology .Even then you can't keep your house in order and where is the democracy ? Where are those so called Hindu minority today ? Mere 1% or 2% ? Ok I know its not my duty to care about your internal situation . But where are your huge part of Pakistan landmass ? Which you got it Where you were created ?
So you lost your land ? Lost your identity to some Afghan or Arab ideology , failed to save our people (your) , completed destroyed social fabrics of beautiful land you have ,economically a complete failure then you keep equating Pakistan with India as equals ?

And this from the author who looks like reflecting the situation of her country and tapping her own back like living in Ethiopian world "The Indians remained oblivious of the fact that fake encounters will occur, voices against those in power will be silenced, the poor will be crushed to make way for the rich. No one knewthat hegemonic, unequal power relations will remain constant."

Today my country is lead by a son of a tea seller , Vice president belongs to a vibrant minority , even after 1000 years of plunders literally left with empty coffers today as a one Nation Hindustan/Bharat/India is the growing super power . But still India and Pakistan are equals !

Its not too late to mend our friendship .But it will be too × too late once GREAT WALL OF INDIA will be completed all along the border . The one and only leverage you enjoyed to have friendship was proxies . Why India need to talk with Pakistan if its stopped completely . You got nothing to give but to get . We are not super rich Chinese to shed free 46 billion dollars so u will get strong and kick our back :P
. .
Too late? Good riddance ........
Riddance hee nahi ho rahi. They are obsessed with us, har jaga peechay ajatay hain. self respect , dignity!!!!???? What do these words mean?
Says a inferior Pakistani yet to win a medal against us in wrestling :lol:

And are you the fan of that Skinny Fawad who works in our B grade films.

Lol little saffron chadis get so insecure when you talk about their looks.

Indians were , now indian sports is on a rise. Very soon you will see an indian dominance on sports and athlete.

I personally think only Iranian are worthy fighters. I chew And throw rest asian fighters including Egypt. MMA!

I guess you did not take your medicines today. Skipping medicines is not a good habit. :rofl:
These words mean that one should hang his head in shame and drown himself in chullu bhar paani after losing all the wars, skirmishes and half the country. As I said before, while India reached Mars, Pakistan is still trying to reach India, and unsuccessful as usual.
Then go jump down a gutter and do suicide who stopped u? Go go away miserable indian.
Then go jump down a gutter and do suicide who stopped u? Go go away miserable indian.

Okay... poor education attributing to comprehension problem...Meant the likes of you...
There is nothing too late for anything, a small step is required but whenever the civilian govt. tries to approach or make a move non state elements makes it difficult... Remember Afghanistan attach when Mr Sharif visited India.
Lol little saffron chadis get so insecure when you talk about their looks.

I guess you did not take your medicines today. Skipping medicines is not a good habit. :rofl:
Haha green bikini,that ranting won't change the fact Mawad being skinny.
Lol little saffron chadis get so insecure when you talk about their looks.

I was trying to think of some places where one gets employed due to looks.. Brothels may be ? You work there ?

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