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Is India losing the water war against China?


Mar 31, 2014
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A resource struggle with China is afoot as the giant neighbour plans many dams on the Brahmaputra. India’s response to the strategic warfare has been lukewarm, defence expert Brahma Chellaney tells RN BhaskarS Balakrishnan

What's the biggest threat India is facing? It's China's growing need for water. Ask Professor Brahma Chellaney and he puts things in perspective.

When China's demand for water swells, it will ruthlessly pursue its national interest and tap into resources that provide water to India, Kazakhstan, Laos and Cambodia, he says.

China's policy on river waters itself is alarming. It believes in the Doctrine of Absolute Territorial Integrity over river waters. This doctrine calls for absolute control over river waters that originate from its territory, irrespective of what happens downstream, he says.

For example, China has already started building a dam on the Brahmaputra, and is planning many more. "This will affect India, Bangladesh and other neighbouring territories," he says.

Chellaney, who has been a major critic of India's water policy, or more precisely, the lack of it, says the government does not attach water the strategic seriousness it deserves.

The professor of strategic studies at the Center for Policy Research in New Delhi was recently in Mumbai for a meeting organised by the Asia Society Foundation.

The Doctrine of Absolute Territorial Integrity over river waters was a theory propounded by the US first, as the Harmon Doctrine. "This was then picked up by the Russians, and now China... Though the US has abandoned this doctrine, China continues to embrace it," says Chellaney.
"India, on the other hand, does not understand the value of leverage- based strategy. It gives data without reciprocal benefits. It has almost forgotten the principle of reciprocity," Chellaney says.

China, for instance, has agreements for selling hydrological data. India, he says, provides this data free of cost to Pakistan and Bangladesh, he says.
"India has to force China to negotiate this and other outstanding issues in exchange for commercial rights. If India does not protect its own interests, why should any other country? Chellaney says.
Though India has more fertile land, China has higher productivity. China manages its water resources far more efficiently than India. Its internally renewable water resources are at least 50% higher. But China has a problem. Almost 81% of its water is in South China, with only 19% in North.

The first visible signs of a water crisis are already visible in the Mekong basin, which used to be the breadbasket for Asia (The Mekong basin involves six countries – Cambodia, Yunnan in China, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand and Myanmar). China has six major dams on the Mekong river and three more are proposed. Work on five mega dams on the Salvin (Tibetan plateau) commenced year.

So, what does the future hold? Use of technology for harnessing new sources of power is one interesting possibility, he says. "Already desalination prices have begun tumbling with newer, energy-efficient technologies. I expect more technologies to emerge in this field. And as groundwater resources and rivers dry up because of overexploitation, the advantage will shift from mountains and headwater places to shorelines."

Is India losing the water war against China? | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis
I would implore our Chinese Friends to stop all water coming into India just as they are doing to Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Let us pay them back in the same coin.....:enjoy:
I would implore our Chinese Friends to stop all water coming into India just as they are doing to Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Let us pay them back in the same coin.....:enjoy:
did you eve read ICJ verdic on indus water treaty .
no one can stop water .. its international rule
India talks as if it is NOT building dams on its rivers,including those originated in the Tibetan Plateau,and flowing into other countries downstream。

India should stop acting like a crying baby。
India talks as if it is NOT building dams on its rivers,including those originated in the Tibetan Plateau,and flowing into other countries downstream。

India should stop acting like a crying baby。
buildig dam is one thing and storing is anohter ..
you can genrate electricity by run of the river water but cant store it..at uppar river
looking chinas behaviour with neighbors sorry to say you cant be trusted..
so concern..
better be cautious than sorry

India talks as if it is NOT building dams on its rivers,including those originated in the Tibetan Plateau,and flowing into other countries downstream。

India should stop acting like a crying baby。
this is illeage as per UN convention
China's policy on river waters itself is alarming. It believes in the Doctrine of Absolute Territorial Integrity over river waters. This doctrine calls for absolute control over river waters that originate from its territory, irrespective of what happens downstream, he says.
There is a whole thread on India's water terrorism against Bangladesh:
India working to make Bangladesh a desert

This USA documentary was posted there:

So it is height of hypocrisy that India is complaining about water policy of China.

The course of Jamuna (name of Brahmaputra inside Bangladesh) shown in OP is wrong. The correct course is shown here (not sure if this was an intentional error to mislead people):


India's river linking plan:


Indian river linking plan to destroy Bangladesh rivers system | BDINN.com

"Almost 73 rivers of Bangladesh will disappear from the country within next 50 years due to continued withdraw of water by India from the common rivers flowing from across the border.

This has been feared by the environment groups after analysing 255 reports on Bangladesh rivers. Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon (BAPA) and Jatiya Nadi Roksha Andolon (JNRA)at a press conference on Wednesday. Apprehended that Indian river linking project would provide an opportunity to the neighbouring country to withdraw over 60 percent water from the rivers which flown over Bangladesh.

Indian Bangladesh by India, BAPAsaid to the journalists from their research.

BAPA president SM Shajahan,General Secretary Dr Abdul Motin, executive members Journalist Syed AbulMoksud, Mihir Biswah and Sharif Zamil, among others, spoke in the function organised to release a compilation “State of the Bangladesh rivers-2011 report” at Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU).

BAPA executives said in both the countries the influential people having political linkage are responsible for encroaching the rivers of their localities. Corrupt officials in the local government are playing a collaborative role in grabbing the river banks, BAPA said from its observation.

BAPA identified four main causes for disappearing the rivers. They are: illegal encroachment by influential groups including politicians, businessmen and industrialists, acquisition of land for development works,administrative corruption and erecting unplanned bridges and dams across the rivers that obstructs the free flow of the rivers.

BAPA placed 18 points recommendation to the governmentfor saving the life line of the rivers and thus save the livelihood of the people."
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It is estimated that over 96% of the mighty Yangtze River flows into the Pacific Ocean.

We have plenty of water resources, we just need to harness it better. For example with our South–North Water Transfer Project, which will redirect Yangtze River waters up to the North. It will be an even bigger engineering project than even the Three Gorges Dam.
There is a whole thread on India's water terrorism against Bangladesh:
India working to make Bangladesh a desert

This USA documentary was posted there:

So it is height of hypocrisy that India is complaining about water policy of China.

The course of Jamuna (name of Brahmaputra inside Bangladesh) shown in OP is wrong. The correct course is shown here (not sure if this was an intentional error to mislead people):


India's river linking plan:


Indian river linking plan to destroy Bangladesh rivers system | BDINN.com

"Almost 73 rivers of Bangladesh will disappear from the country within next 50 years due to continued withdraw of water by India from the common rivers flowing from across the border.

This has been feared by the environment groups after analysing 255 reports on Bangladesh rivers. Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon (BAPA) and Jatiya Nadi Roksha Andolon (JNRA)at a press conference on Wednesday. Apprehended that Indian river linking project would provide an opportunity to the neighbouring country to withdraw over 60 percent water from the rivers which flown over Bangladesh.

Indian Bangladesh by India, BAPAsaid to the journalists from their research.

BAPA president SM Shajahan,General Secretary Dr Abdul Motin, executive members Journalist Syed AbulMoksud, Mihir Biswah and Sharif Zamil, among others, spoke in the function organised to release a compilation “State of the Bangladesh rivers-2011 report” at Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU).

BAPA executives said in both the countries the influential people having political linkage are responsible for encroaching the rivers of their localities. Corrupt officials in the local government are playing a collaborative role in grabbing the river banks, BAPA said from its observation.

BAPA identified four main causes for disappearing the rivers. They are: illegal encroachment by influential groups including politicians, businessmen and industrialists, acquisition of land for development works,administrative corruption and erecting unplanned bridges and dams across the rivers that obstructs the free flow of the rivers.

BAPA placed 18 points recommendation to the governmentfor saving the life line of the rivers and thus save the livelihood of the people."
give scientif proof ..
which UN conevetion of water india breaced wrt bangladesh
China's policy on river waters itself is alarming. It believes in the Doctrine of Absolute Territorial Integrity over river waters. This doctrine calls for absolute control over river waters that originate from its territory, irrespective of what happens downstream, he says.

Well I always see the Indians here saying that, in hindsight, they should NOT have signed the Indus Water Treaty.

Well, we have the benefit of your hindsight. Why should we sign any water treaties with anyone?

Wouldn't that put us at a disadvantage, without getting anything in return?

Anyway, despite multiple wars between China-India-Pakistan etc. no one has ever shut off the flow of water, since that is equivalent to a nuclear attack.
Well I always see the Indians here saying that, in hindsight, they should NOT have signed the Indus Water Treaty?

Well, we have the benefit of your hindsight. Why should we sign any water treaties with anyone?

Wouldn't that put us at a disadvantage, without getting anything in return?
my hole point is .. you cant store water at uppar river .. you can use it for electricity ..
transnational rivers not belongs one country ...
its As per UN system

Well I always see the Indians here saying that, in hindsight, they should NOT have signed the Indus Water Treaty.

Well, we have the benefit of your hindsight. Why should we sign any water treaties with anyone?

Wouldn't that put us at a disadvantage, without getting anything in return?

Anyway, despite multiple wars between China-India-Pakistan etc. no one has ever shut off the flow of water, since that is equivalent to a nuclear attack.
indus trety is as per international obligation beign world citizen and responsible power..
as indiviudal we may say we should not have signed but at govt level you get big view ..which is right
my hole point is .. you cant store water at uppar river .. you can use it for electricity ..
transnational rivers not belongs one country ...
its As per UN system

indus trety is as per international obligation beign world citizen and responsible power..
as indiviudal we may say we should not have signed but at govt level you get big view ..which is right

Have we ever shut off the water flow for the Brahmaputra, the Ganges, the Indus or the Mekong Rivers?

Even during war we never did that.

Like I said, it is equivalent to a nuclear attack, and will trigger a nuclear response.
I would implore our Chinese Friends to stop all water coming into India just as they are doing to Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Let us pay them back in the same coin.....:enjoy:
gr8 professional uncle ....what professionalism u are showing here........:tup:
U lost ur case in ICJ on kishan ganga dam ...so stop crying over it......u don't utilize the water that flow into ur territory and keep blaming us......
Have we ever shut off the water flow for the Brahmaputra, the Ganges, the Indus or the Mekong Rivers?

Even during war we never did that.

Like I said, it is equivalent to a nuclear attack, and will trigger a nuclear response.
true ..
even we never stop water of pak in all 4 wars..
till now india and china behaved like responsible power.
but sorry to say that.. indian still cant able to generate trust on china.. or vice a versa..
let hope for both govt logic and sense prevails..

gr8 professional uncle ....what professionalism u are showing here........:tup:
U lost ur case in ICJ on kishan ganga dam ...so stop crying over it......u don't utilize the water that flow into ur territory and keep blaming us......
it was conspirancy by jews, hingus, and west against pak..
and pak top leadship took money
either of standard reply

gr8 professional uncle ....what professionalism u are showing here........:tup:
U lost ur case in ICJ on kishan ganga dam ...so stop crying over it......u don't utilize the water that flow into ur territory and keep blaming us......
it was g8 zaid hamid who proved on tv channel where you dont need proof that fllod in pak made by india by realsing water..
There is a whole thread on India's water terrorism against Bangladesh:
India working to make Bangladesh a desert

This USA documentary was posted there:

So it is height of hypocrisy that India is complaining about water policy of China.

The course of Jamuna (name of Brahmaputra inside Bangladesh) shown in OP is wrong. The correct course is shown here (not sure if this was an intentional error to mislead people):


India's river linking plan:


Indian river linking plan to destroy Bangladesh rivers system | BDINN.com

"Almost 73 rivers of Bangladesh will disappear from the country within next 50 years due to continued withdraw of water by India from the common rivers flowing from across the border.

This has been feared by the environment groups after analysing 255 reports on Bangladesh rivers. Bangladesh Paribesh Andolon (BAPA) and Jatiya Nadi Roksha Andolon (JNRA)at a press conference on Wednesday. Apprehended that Indian river linking project would provide an opportunity to the neighbouring country to withdraw over 60 percent water from the rivers which flown over Bangladesh.

Indian Bangladesh by India, BAPAsaid to the journalists from their research.

BAPA president SM Shajahan,General Secretary Dr Abdul Motin, executive members Journalist Syed AbulMoksud, Mihir Biswah and Sharif Zamil, among others, spoke in the function organised to release a compilation “State of the Bangladesh rivers-2011 report” at Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU).

BAPA executives said in both the countries the influential people having political linkage are responsible for encroaching the rivers of their localities. Corrupt officials in the local government are playing a collaborative role in grabbing the river banks, BAPA said from its observation.

BAPA identified four main causes for disappearing the rivers. They are: illegal encroachment by influential groups including politicians, businessmen and industrialists, acquisition of land for development works,administrative corruption and erecting unplanned bridges and dams across the rivers that obstructs the free flow of the rivers.

BAPA placed 18 points recommendation to the governmentfor saving the life line of the rivers and thus save the livelihood of the people."

Just look at the map again, Brahmaputra/Jamuna is the longest & the most important river of Bangladesh running through the entire length of the country carrying the largest source of water for Bangladesh, you guys are absolutely silent about the implications of Chinese projects on that river, but never spare a chance to complaint about the water flow in the far smaller and primarily a seasonal river like Teesta, talk about misplaced priorities.

Our NE states get some good amount of rain, they can manage with lesser water in Brahmaputra, but remember not to complaint to us when China starts diverting water from Brahmaputra and dries it up in Bangladesh.
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