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Is India behind Stuxnet-based cyber espionage virus attack?



New Recruit

Oct 17, 2011
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The new virus’ precise targets have not been disclosed, but they include European firms that make the software that controls power stations and other industrial facilities. By infiltrating their computer networks, it aims to steal confidential information and potentially reveal vulnerabilities that could be exploited in later attacks.
Inside a target network Duqu seeks out sensitive documents and spies on network users’ activities, including the passwords they type into their keyboards. The information is then smuggled out, disguised as ordinary web picture traffic to circumvent security systems, to a “command and control” server located in India.

Stuxnet-based cyber espionage virus targets European firms - Telegraph

If so is Pakistan totally geared up for cyber espionage from india?
So what are you suggesting , that after using water as weapon against pak , India might use this computer virus to remotely shut down all your power-plants

At most this piece of brainfart will give rise to conspiracy theories and Editorials by The News and Express Tribune as the cause of widespread blackout occurring across pakistan on a regular basis
what a bull crap story comes out of Pakistan these days, they act like all their power stations are fully computer controled and as if there is full scale automation done to their power plants.
So what are you suggesting , that after using water as weapon against pak , India might use this computer virus to remotely shut down all your power-plants

At most this piece of brainfart will give rise to conspiracy theories and Editorials by The News and Express Tribune as the cause of widespread blackout occurring across pakistan on a regular basis

Dude you forgot Dengue spread via CIA bio-weapons ...
So according to this, it was india that attacked iran with the virus and not israel...
yes may be possible.Coz its very difficult for either USA or Israel to deploy virus in Iranian Nuke plants.but its too easy for India to do it.Coz Indian scientists did have access to Iranian nuke plants when Indian scientists were helping them.And their is circumstantial evidence and motive for India might have done it for USA in bargain for civil nuke deal from USA.It has to be further noted that India also voted against Iran on nuke deal on when USA asked it to do for nuke deal.
yes may be possible.Coz its very difficult for either USA or Israel to deploy virus in Iranian Nuke plants.but its too easy for India to do it.Coz Indian scientists did have access to Iranian nuke plants when Indian scientists were helping them.And their is circumstantial evidence and motive for India might have done it for USA in bargain for civil nuke deal from USA.It has to be further noted that India also voted against Iran on nuke deal on when USA asked it to do for nuke deal.
you have this in born talent for writing conspiracy, you need a little bit refinment and seasoning. Once that is done you can write more conspiracy bull craps to feed workless fools aroind the globe or to your own job seeking socity
:rofl::rofl:for power stations to be hacked they should be completely computerised and automated...which i suspect is the case(european power plants may be but Pakistans...i dont think so)........and before that (your power plants)they should actually produce "POWER":cheesy:...so that we can cut it.....
you have this in born talent for writing conspiracy, you need a little bit refinment and seasoning. Once that is done you can write more conspiracy bull craps to feed workless fools aroind the globe or to your own job seeking socity
conspiracy is one which has no evidence.but in this case evidence and motive both are there.its not a cospiracy but reality.India took 180 degree turn against iran in past 5-6 year just to please its master ie usa.
conspiracy is one which has no evidence.but in this case evidence and motive both are there.its not a cospiracy but reality.India took 180 degree turn against iran in past 5-6 year just to please its master ie usa.
I don't know what have you been smooking, but calling USA who has been your master for a very long time as our master is truly annoying.
We in India belive there is no one above others are are all equals, It is USA that is pushing the deal to our courts for us to agree and we are the one who are sending it back to say that their insurance in case of a accident is not enough.
Have you been reading the news papers or the bbc news channels on this issue.
We have never given our back for some one to slap as you have done since the birth of your country. Only that your masters are changed over the years nothing has changed you from seeking freebies from your masters so far where as we have the dignity of buying them with a fair deal (win - win) on both the side.
I don't know what have you been smooking, but calling USA who has been your master for a very long time as our master is truly annoying.
We in India belive there is no one above others are are all equals, It is USA that is pushing the deal to our courts for us to agree and we are the one who are sending it back to say that their insurance in case of a accident is not enough.
Have you been reading the news papers or the bbc news channels on this issue.
We have never given our back for some one to slap as you have done since the birth of your country. Only that your masters are changed over the years nothing has changed you from seeking freebies from your masters so far where as we have the dignity of buying them with a fair deal (win - win) on both the side.
oh really?Usa was ur master through out.India was launchpad for CIA operations into tibet throughout 1950-68 period then you changed your master from usa to ussar till 1992.Agian you chainged your master from russia to present usa.
oh really?Usa was ur master through out.India was launchpad for CIA operations into tibet throughout 1950-68 period then you changed your master from usa to ussar till 1992.Agian you chainged your master from russia to present usa.
No longer I am going to abet your troll post, see ya...
As far as your last post is considered, the world knows the truth even if you are not willing to see it.
Pure un-adulterated bulls**t! What motive does India have to foil Iran's Nuclear ambitions?
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