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Is being light-skinned considered more beautiful?

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Sep 4, 2012
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Is it true that in every culture and society, being light-skinned is considered more beautiful and dark skin is considered ugly or undesirable.

In Pakistan and india there are advertisements for skin cream that makes the skin light. Also most people in the entertaimment industary tend to be light-skinned
In the US back in the 18-19 century it was considered better to be 'clean' white skinned because it showed your wealth to be able to stay at home and not in the fields working.

In the 1950-present it is better to have a 'tan' because it shows your wealth to be able to take vacations and not sit in the office all day.

Just like back in the day it was better to be a fat man/woman because it showed your were able to have your fill.

These are just fashion statements these fads come and go.
Im light skinned. Although i dont consider myself superior but i must admit that even when i was a child, i did get special treatment.
I dunno why but sumhow gora (white) color is considered superior in subcontinent
In Ancient China, having light skin meant that you were rich enough to stay indoors most of the time. Whereas darker skin meant that you had to work in the field all day.

But nowadays people love to get sun tanned. :D

Regardless, Chinese women already have light skin, so when they try to lighten their skin they end up being pale as ghosts. Which is no good.
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