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Is Anjem Choudary a neo-con funded Mullah ? From drunk playboy to extremist

Pak Jawaan


New Recruit

May 16, 2010
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what do you guys think about this Anjem Choudary character ?

He was a drunk playboy in his youth and he use to do drugs and screw every white chick around. There are pictures of his playboy years in the daily mail news website.

Now this guy lives on public aid in England and is over the top media-whore who is giving a bad name to Muslims. His stupid campaign of Sharia in the west and his constant over the top interviews to right-wing Islamophobic news channels (like fox news) is doing alot of damage to Muslim community's image. Most of us Muslims in the west want to live in peace and raise our families. But anjem choudary's media stunt of imposing Sharia on a country where Muslims are a small minority is giving fuel to right-wing whites to make life hell for Muslims living in the Uk and USA.

Do you guys think this Anjem Choudary clown is funded by Zionist neo-cons to be their poster boy of the Islamic bogeyman ?
Anjem Choudry is just the poster boy of the extremist muslims in UK. So you think all those nut cases are funded by zionists? The only thing I have to agree with you is, the UK media giving this guy way too much importance than he deserves. It will create a sense of paranoia among the public.

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