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Is A Nuclear Iran Good For India?

Oh and you are all free true Zoroastrian ancient Iranians having the ancient Lion and Sun flag still on? Or did the mid century Arabs just visit over the end of your dying empire for a friendly chat? :lol: Some big hero.

We speak English which makes our life easier outside India and our familiarity with a language that is universal. English itself derives significant words from Sanskrit for example Father from "pitr", mother from "Matr", brother from "Bhratr" etc.

Don't embarrass yourself with half-made self-denial argument points.

The "brave warriors of Tehran against the evil demon west". :rofl:. That's a story only bought in PDF. Not even your real life "Islamic brother countries" value that in real life.

Next time you fancy talking about slave mentality, do some homework on your real language and real culture rather than what Arabs taught you in good ol' days. :wave:

The White Man himself made us his Relative!

The English language belongs to the Anglo-Frisian sub-group of the West Germanic branch of the Germanic family, a member of the Indo-European languages

English language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Of the twenty languages with the largest numbers of native speakers according to SIL Ethnologue, twelve are Indo-European: Spanish, English, Hindi, Portuguese, Bengali, Russian, German, Marathi, French, Italian, Punjabi, and Urdu, accounting for over 2.7 billion native speakers.

Indo-European languages - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

English is only one of the Kids in our Long Joint Family :lol:
god you're an idiot
Iranians have been calling the country Iran for more than 2500 years.

India's official name in Sanskrit and now national language Hindi is also "Bharat". And Sanskrit is tens of thousands of years old. The national song in India "Vande Mataram" is in the same language-- the mother of all current Indian languages. Your point is?

Listen to our national anthem from 200 years ago and it has the word Iran in it. Read our maps fromm thousands of years ago and it has Iran in it. Persia is a Greek word even and not a Persian word. The shah of Iran simply asked the international community to use the correct name and not the ancient Greek name.

What about the word Fars? What language is that in? Certainly not Greek. That's in your ancient language.

And Islam is a religion.

You're seriously not telling me that you follow the same way of life that you did before Arabs conquered you and changed your entire foundation. Because whatever is left of your wonderful ancient culture is now in India.

you're a grade A fool.

You're only fooling yourself by buying off whatever the Ayatolla regime is feeding your people about your history. We've enough people from your old country here to know about you much better.
What culture other than invasions of medieval era do we share? Zoroastrians are now a part of India. Iran under its current regime is simply isolating its wonderful potential from rest of the world.
By the way we cant lose a muslim country as friend. If korea was in place of iran , it would have kicked our ___ .
By the way we cant lose a muslim country as friend. If korea was in place of iran , it would have kicked our ___ .

Who's talking about losing a friend? We don't really have to do anything in this case when their regime starts howling the K word over and over now and then. I don't understand the context of why you mentioned Korea here? :blink:
1 Does Iran need nukes?
Would we call KSA, Israel, Turkey as close friends of Iran? Can we call the US a close friend of Iran? US has bases all around Iran, in Turkey, Iraq, KSA, Kuwait, Baharain, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgistan. These bases encircle Iran from the north west to the north east. This does not mention an almost permanent US Navy presence in north Arabian sea and the Persian Gulf. Iran is the only major Shia nation in the world though some other nations too have significant Shia populations. Most Muslim nations in the world are Sunni ruled/dominated. They are also virulently anti Shia. A popular Shia majority uprising in Bahrain against ruling Sunni tyranny was branded as having been engineered by Iran and ruthlessly crushed by KSA/Gulf states with the total support of the US. Sunni Pakistan sent thousands of mercenaries to suppress the Shia rebellion.

In view of the above, does it make sense for Iran to claim that nuclear weapons will give it the sense of security it lacks? Since Iraq, no country has been hounded, ostracised, sanctioned against and openly threatened military action as much as as Iran has. So, I think that Iran has a very strong case in its favor to go nuclear if it so desires. Iran is a sovereign nation. As a sovereign nation it has the right to decide what is in its best interests.

2. Will Iran acquire nukes?
Of course it will. It may take two years or three years, but eventually it will.

3. What does India do about it?
Nothing. It is for Iran to decide whether it needs nukes or not. India has always opposed the 'divine' right of the so called 'Big Five' to possess nuclear weapons to the exclusion of all others. We have always called the CTBT as unfair. India went for nuclear weapons as it felt threatened, Israel did the same, Pakistan did likewise. Why is Iran's case any different? We have to realise the hostile world that Iran lives in. This does not mean we go supporting Iran in its quest for nukes. But we do not have to join the coterie opposing it either. If an abstention implies tacit support, then so be it.

Iran has been a friend of India for long. We have for long tried to steer an independent foreign policy. We have to decide if the time has come to change track and throw in our lot with the US dominated west, to the exclusion of all others? I think not. We have to learn to resist arm twisting. Not easy, Even China and Russia have gone along with the US on every major UNSC vote in recent years.

That Iran will eventually become a nuclear state is a certainty. India has to visualise the power structure of the middle east and central Asia when this happens and work out its priorities.

The article is a pile of trash. What is the percentage of Shias in India? Why should Iran provoke India Shias? And even if it does, so what? Does Iran have an agenda to establish Shia rule in India? Are Indian Shias being prosecuted by the State?
India does not need Iran to counter Sunni terrorism. What a joke. India needs Iran to counter Pakistan and its Saudi backers.
I'm quite surprised to see the indifference (or even acceptance) shown by most Indians towards the idea of a nuclear Iran. The reason for this seems to be India's "cultural ties" or "economic links" with Iran.

The cultural ties crap is a complete non-sense -- when it comes to foreign policy, self-interests are paramount.

And what major economic links India has with Iran apart from crude oil imports?

Consider this -

*Indian involvement in IPI gas pipeline remains a pipe-dream --

Iran's pipeline plans for India 'stalled' - UPI.com

*India's multi-billion dollar investment plans in Iran's oil & gas industry have been repeatedly delayed --

India's ONGC sees more delay in Iran South Pars deal | Reuters

*And lastly, and more importantly, Iran recently issued a threat to halt crude supplies to India --

Iran 'could halt' India oil supplies - FRANCE 24

Fact remains, India has plenty of options to replace Iranian crude. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and UAE have in recent years significantly increased oil supply to India and their crude grade is similar to Iranian crude grades. Besides, given the economic sanctions, Iran will find it nearly impossible to find another major customer to replace India's share of nearly 400,000 barrels/day crude imports --

India has upper hand in Iran oil wrangle | Energy Source | Energy and environment news and analysis

As I have said before, the less reliance India has on Iranian crude oil, the better.

Though Iran has not particularly shown hostility towards India, Iran has maintained hostile relations with almost all of India's close allies (from United States, to European nations, to Israel and even Arabs). Iran's nuclear program will create greater regional instability which will have severe adverse economic consequences for India (especially because the Middle East is India's biggest energy supplier).

And therefore, it is India's interest to extensively isolate Iran in order to prevent it from acquiring nuclear weapons. The sooner most ordinary Indians realize this, the better.
Why is Iran's case any different? We have to realise the hostile world that Iran lives in. This does not mean we go supporting Iran in its quest for nukes. But we do not have to join the coterie opposing it either. If an abstention implies tacit support, then so be it.

Any person who has even the slightest idea of Iran's foreign policy since the revolution will understand why India should not (and will not) support Iran's quest for nukes.

Iran has been a friend of India for long. We have for long tried to steer an independent foreign policy. We have to decide if the time has come to change track and throw in our lot with the US dominated west, to the exclusion of all others? I think not. We have to learn to resist arm twisting. Not easy, Even China and Russia have gone along with the US on every major UNSC vote in recent years.

And again, the "independent foreign policy" chorus. Does having "independent foreign policy" mean sacrificing a nation's own self interest? Hell! India should definitely not oppose Iranian nuke program because doing so would seem that India is siding (or getting "arm-twisted") by USA. Better show the Americans their true worth rather than preventing the Middle East from descending into chaos. Right?

India needs Iran to counter Pakistan and its Saudi backers.

Lol. Surely, India can rely on Iran to "counter Pakistan".

Iran's supreme leader backs Kashmir 'struggle' - Hindustan Times

And yup, India can definitely rely on Iran's vast arms supply network to counter its enemies --

Hague fury as 'Iranian arms' bound for Taliban seized

Bless that nation which requires friends like Iran.
If Iran develops nukes, for the first time in history the nuke button will be in the hands of a cleric who is not elected by the people or he is from the military ranks. The big question is the world ready to accept the fact that Iranian nuclear weapon will be controlled by a man who thinks that he is carrying out God's will.
Any person who has even the slightest idea of Iran's foreign policy since the revolution will understand why India should not (and will not) support Iran's quest for nukes.

The Iranian revolution happened ages ago. Since you are an Iranian expert, please tell us how Iran's foreign policy is directed against India.
And, who the hell are we to support or oppose Iran's quest for nukes? Is n't it for Iran to decide what it wants? BTW, did Iran oppose our similar quest? Did Iran condemn 1974 or 1998?

And again, the "independent foreign policy" chorus. Does having "independent foreign policy" mean sacrificing a nation's own self interest? Hell! India should definitely not oppose Iranian nuke program because doing so would seem that India is siding (or getting "arm-twisted") by USA. Better show the Americans their true worth rather than preventing the Middle East from descending into chaos. Right?

Agreed, we should not waste any more time. Becoming a lapdog of the west is the best option for India. Why not run to the west for lessons on how to run Indian foreign policy? It is in our 'national interest' right?

'Iranian nukes will surely cause the middle west to descend into chaos' when Israeli nukes did not, right? And we are the messiah to stop everything from getting unstuck, right?

Anyway, all I am saying is that it is for Iran to decide on its course of action. We did not accept the censure of others when we went overtly nuclear. Why should we treat Iran any differently?

Lol. Surely, India can rely on Iran to "counter Pakistan".

Iran's supreme leader backs Kashmir 'struggle' - Hindustan Times

And yup, India can definitely rely on Iran's vast arms supply network to counter its enemies --

Hague fury as 'Iranian arms' bound for Taliban seized

If you cared to do the research you claim to have done, you would have realised that these statements against India came from Iran after we submitted to the US on the IPI issue and went against Iran in the UNSC under pressure from the US.

Anyway, I do not like to argue in public with my fellow country men. I will not respond to any reply you may decide to make. You are entitled to your opinion just as I am entitled to mine. Regards.
All I can say is that we should not be taken in by american propaganda. Iranians may not be angels but compared to america and others I see no rational for them not having nukes. America does not have the right to be judge of what countries can have nukes and which cant when their own foreign policy is so unfair and fatelly flawed.
The Iranian revolution happened ages ago. Since you are an Iranian expert, please tell us how Iran's foreign policy is directed against India.
And, who the hell are we to support or oppose Iran's quest for nukes? Is n't it for Iran to decide what it wants? BTW, did Iran oppose our similar quest? Did Iran condemn 1974 or 1998?

Agreed, we should not waste any more time. Becoming a lapdog of the west is the best option for India. Why not run to the west for lessons on how to run Indian foreign policy? It is in our 'national interest' right?

'Iranian nukes will surely cause the middle west to descend into chaos' when Israeli nukes did not, right? And we are the messiah to stop everything from getting unstuck, right?

Anyway, all I am saying is that it is for Iran to decide on its course of action. We did not accept the censure of others when we went overtly nuclear. Why should we treat Iran any differently?

If you cared to do the research you claim to have done, you would have realised that these statements against India came from Iran after we submitted to the US on the IPI issue and went against Iran in the UNSC under pressure from the US.

Anyway, I do not like to argue in public with my fellow country men. I will not respond to any reply you may decide to make. You are entitled to your opinion just as I am entitled to mine. Regards.

Israel had nuclear weapons for more than 30 years. By some unofficial estimates they have more than 200 n-bombs, but Arab countries was not much worried.Why? because Israel is a democratic country where the decisions are based on reason and not emotion. On the otherhand when Iran began to pursue their nuclear bomb, Arab countries became worried. KSA & Egypt already stated that they will start their own nuclear program. It is evident from this fact that they fear Iran more than Israel.

If India wishes to become a major power, then we should also strengthen our resolve to take hard cold decisions that suit our national interest as well as the well being of the humanity as a whole. Sometimes this decisions has to made against our friendly countries like Iran. Thats the price we have to pay we are serious about attaining a world power status. if we are not capable of doing that we better wind up our plan for that.

Coming back to Iran, if Iran gets n-weapons there will be serious repercussions in ME. As a result oil prices will shoot up. This will be disastrous for Indian economy as majority of our oil comes from ME. I would like to ask those Indians who support Iranain nuke that are they ready to sacrifice our prosperity for a country with a myopic and self-destructive foreign policy. If you chose the later you better pack your bags and leave this country as you are nothing but a traitor.

As far as IPI is concerned it was nothing but a pipe dream to start with under the present geo-political conditions. Forget Iran, not all Indians are comfortable in handing over our energy security to Pakistan.
you have reading comprehension problems? I told you what's wrong with it. I said you guys are easily influenced by the Western media because of the fact that you speak English in your country.

No need to pounce on me like that buddy

There are Indians who watch CNN, BBC etc. however there are plenty of Indian channels that come up with their own analysis.

No doubt Iranian people are smart. The current regime however.. well.. I'll have to agree with harpoon on this one.. the ideology of "carrying out God's will" is definitely a red light.
Israel had nuclear weapons for more than 30 years. By some unofficial estimates they have more than 200 n-bombs, but Arab countries was not much worried.Why? because Israel is a democratic country where the decisions are based on reason and not emotion. On the otherhand when Iran began to pursue their nuclear bomb, Arab countries became worried. KSA & Egypt already stated that they will start their own nuclear program. It is evident from this fact that they fear Iran more than Israel.

If India wishes to become a major power, then we should also strengthen our resolve to take hard cold decisions that suit our national interest as well as the well being of the humanity as a whole. Sometimes this decisions has to made against our friendly countries like Iran. Thats the price we have to pay we are serious about attaining a world power status. if we are not capable of doing that we better wind up our plan for that.

Coming back to Iran, if Iran gets n-weapons there will be serious repercussions in ME. As a result oil prices will shoot up. This will be disastrous for Indian economy as majority of our oil comes from ME. I would like to ask those Indians who support Iranain nuke that are they ready to sacrifice our prosperity for a country with a myopic and self-destructive foreign policy. If you chose the later you better pack your bags and leave this country as you are nothing but a traitor.

As far as IPI is concerned it was nothing but a pipe dream to start with under the present geo-political conditions. Forget Iran, not all Indians are comfortable in handing over our energy security to Pakistan.

Israel democratic? Really. Democracy as defined by america. Which is an opiate designed to soothe their collective consciousness to make the west smug and superior. Is this the Israel which managed to kill in a disproportionate attack 1400 innocents in Lebanon. What do you mean arabs are not worried about israeli nukes. I as a Pakistani worry at the threat made by israeli leaders that they will nuke all muslim country capitals if they get attacked by any country.
And what do you think you will become world leaders by axxx licking israeli and americans? Oh and if iran gets nukes surely it will assure mad on israel and iran if they attack each other so it will actually have a benign effect. No country with nukes has been nuked.

Sorry to say but you come over as a bit of a dim sort of retard as far as ipi oil line goes. If India Iran and pakistan had something that all three were reliant on then it is likely that they will not jeopordize that by fighting etc. So more jvs we have betwen pakistan and indians will lead to more peace
Israel had nuclear weapons for more than 30 years. By some unofficial estimates they have more than 200 n-bombs, but Arab countries was not much worried.Why? because Israel is a democratic country where the decisions are based on reason and not emotion. On the otherhand when Iran began to pursue their nuclear bomb, Arab countries became worried. KSA & Egypt already stated that they will start their own nuclear program. It is evident from this fact that they fear Iran more than Israel.

If India wishes to become a major power, then we should also strengthen our resolve to take hard cold decisions that suit our national interest as well as the well being of the humanity as a whole. Sometimes this decisions has to made against our friendly countries like Iran. Thats the price we have to pay we are serious about attaining a world power status. if we are not capable of doing that we better wind up our plan for that.

Coming back to Iran, if Iran gets n-weapons there will be serious repercussions in ME. As a result oil prices will shoot up. This will be disastrous for Indian economy as majority of our oil comes from ME. I would like to ask those Indians who support Iranain nuke that are they ready to sacrifice our prosperity for a country with a myopic and self-destructive foreign policy. If you chose the later you better pack your bags and leave this country as you are nothing but a traitor.

As far as IPI is concerned it was nothing but a pipe dream to start with under the present geo-political conditions. Forget Iran, not all Indians are comfortable in handing over our energy security to Pakistan.

It's not easy being a superpower and a democracy at the same time. Look at America. Not looking down or bad-mouthing on America or anything, it's just that it is a tough and expensive job. If I were you, I wouldn't really count on being a super power. Just be happy with what one has and prosper. Sure, having a strong military is fun :D

Now, how will the ME get into chaos if Iran gets nukes? How will that increase oil prices? Did Iran threaten India in the modern age? Did their leaders threaten India? Did Iran threaten to invade any neighboring country? Has Iran invaded any country recently?

As far as Indian support for Iran's nukes, I don't think it's a question of supporting or opposing. It's just that they are indifferent. I am indifferent. I'd support Iran's quest for nuclear energy. And if that includes national security, then it's their call.

I don't think being indifferent to a country that hasn't threatened India in any way would qualify those Indians as traitors.
Israel democratic? Really.

It may be hard for you to digest, but they are the only true democartic country in ME where elections are held regularly and military never tried to grab power.
Democracy as defined by america. Which is an opiate designed to soothe their collective consciousness to make the west smug and superior. Is this the Israel which managed to kill in a disproportionate attack 1400 innocents in Lebanon.

Ask your Hezbollah friends to stop firing rockets into Israel and kidnap Israeli soldiers and everything will be fine. As far using disproportional force is considered, face the fact that being a small country Israel place high value on their human resources. A policy that your govt or mine is still to adopt.

What do you mean arabs are not worried about israeli nukes.

Ask any Arab which nuke they fear the most. I am sure that most will point towards the Iranian one.
I as a Pakistani worry at the threat made by israeli leaders that they will nuke all muslim country capitals if they get attacked by any country.

Sure, Pakistan as the registrar and caretaker of Ummah will be more considered about Israeli nukes than Arabs themselves. Israeli leaders never said that they will wipe Iran off the map or end every rally with cries of 'Death to Iran'.
And what do you think you will become world leaders by axxx licking israeli and americans? Oh and if iran gets nukes surely it will assure mad on israel and iran if they attack each other so it will actually have a benign effect.
Siding with US on Iran is not equal to a** licking them. As I mentioned in the earlier post:

Nuclear Iran=Turmoil in ME=Oil to India Cut= Problem for Indian Economy=Problem for GoI
No country with nukes has been nuked.
Learn from history, but never live in it
Sorry to say but you come over as a bit of a dim sort of retard as far as ipi oil line goes. If India Iran and pakistan had something that all three were reliant on then it is likely that they will not jeopordize that by fighting etc. So more jvs we have betwen pakistan and indians will lead to more peace

If ever push comes to shove, whats the guarantee that Pakistan will not shut off gas to India. On the otherhand there may be chance that India will be held to ransom by Pakistan using IPI as a bargain chip. So unless there is some no-war deal signed b/n India & Pakistan, IPI is not viable for India.
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