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Irom Sharmila charged with attempting suicide


Apr 4, 2012
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A Delhi court on Monday framed charges against Irom Chanu Sharmila, who has been on fast for about 12 years demanding repeal of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA), for allegedly attempting to commit suicide during her ‘fast until death’ here in 2006.

Metropolitan Magistrate (MM) Akash Jain framed charges against 40-year-old Sharmila under section 309 (attempting to commit suicide) of the IPC after she refused to plead guilty, saying that her protest was a non-violent.

Putting her on trial, the court has now listed the matter for May 22 for recording of prosecution evidence in the case relating to her fast until death which started on October 4, 2006 at Jantar Mantar.

Amid protest outside the court premises, Ms. Sharmila appeared before the judge and said, “I do not want to commit suicide. Mine is only a non-violent protest. It is my demand to live as a human being.”

She also told the court, “I love life. I do not want to take my life but I want justice and peace.”

The magistrate, however, told her that she has been accused of attempting to commit suicide and prima facie the charge is there against her.

“I respect you but the law of the land does not permit you to take your life,” the judge said, asking her counsel to make her understand the process.

Even after discussions with her counsel, Ms. Sharmila said, “If AFSPA will be repealed by the government then only I will take food and will throw the food pipe.” She is being force-fed by a food pipe through her nose for more than a decade.

The court, however, told her, “This is a political process. Here I am concerned with this case only.”

Ms. Sharmila had launched her fast unto death in 2000 after 10 civilians were killed by Assam Rifles personnel at Malom area near Imphal airport.

Later while meeting the media persons outside the court room at Patiala House Complex, Ms. Sharmila reiterated that she is only following Mahatma Gandhiji's principle of non-violence while voicing her protest against AFSPA.

Activist Irom Sharmila Chanu, who was charged on Monday with attempting suicide for her fast unto death here in 2006 while demanding repeal of controversial AFSPA, said she is following Mahatma Gandhi’s principle of non-violence and should not be “discriminated” against.

Ms. Sharmila saiid she and other residents of States affected by Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) need “peace” and “not violence” and the democratic leaders should hear her “non-violent protest”.

She expressed her desire “to live a normal life” and asked why the government was “scared of giving her fundamental rights of a human being”.

“I am just a simple woman who wants to follow the non-violent principle of Gandhiji, the father of the nation. Just treat us also like him and do not discriminate. As a leadership, don’t be biased against a human being,” the 40-year-old Manipuri activist, whose counsel had sought court’s permission to talk to media, said.

Ms. Sharmila was flown in to Delhi from Manipur last evening to appear before a court in New Delhi which framed charges on Monday under section 309 (attempting to commit suicide) of the IPC against her after she refused to plead guilty, saying that her’s was a non-violent protest.

She told reporters that she has been protesting for past nearly 12 years for the society and is demanding the rights of a democratic citizen.

“I am doing this for the society and other AFSPA affected States but we are the citizens of a democratic country and so my demand is for rights of a democratic citizen who needs justice. We need peace, not violence. Our democratic leaders should hear my non-violent protest,” she said.

Ms. Sharmila, who is in judicial custody and is being fed through a tube, added that Justice (retd) B P Jeevan Reddy Committee, set up to review the AFSPA, has also recommended repealing of this “draconian law”.

She also accused the government and the Army of “colluding for cheating” people.

Ms. Sharmila had launched her fast unto death in 2000 after 10 civilians were killed by Assam Rifles personnel at Malom area near Imphal airport.

She had earlier said that she was confident that the government will listen to her and concede to her demand to revoke AFSPA.

Asked if she was satisfied with the developments on the issue of extra judicial killings in Manipur on which Justice Santosh Hegde is conducting hearing even as the apex court has formed a probe committee, she said the government is not behaving “as a leadership which should work for society’s betterment”.

“The government will remain adamant for the time being because they are not realising. They are not behaving as a leadership which should work for the betterment of the people and the society,” she said.

On being asked whether she wished to continue her protest “because the government does not seem to be listening”, she said “revolution will take time and it depends on the will of people”.

“I am also a human being who wants peace and justice. I am against the government which uses violence as a means to govern,” she said, adding that she will also remind them of their “real responsibilities as leadership”.

Expressing her desire to live a normal life, Ms. Sharmila said, she is also a social being and claimed the government was “scared of giving her fundamental rights of a human being”.

“What I just want from them (government) is to see me as an innocent woman who loves civilisation and is a rational being...,” she said.

Irom Sharmila charged with attempting suicide - The Hindu

@KRAIT @Skull and Bones @Dillinger @Abingdonboy @RISING SUN @Ayush @KS @hinduguy & other Indians.......

Do you know this woman?? Do you know that this woman is fasting for complete 12 years for the revocation of AFSPA??? Do you know that for these past 12 years, she is being nasal fed???

Do you have ever seen her on a News Channel??? Do you have ever seen her interview???

Why is our 24*7*365*infinity media silent on her???

Someone fasts for 7 days in a full media glare & becomes a national hero overnight but no one knows about the woman who has fasted for complete 12 years??? Is this how we treat our Heroes??

Soon she will be seen in a Prison, for taking her own life.

I know about her for quite sometime now, but not b'oz of 24*7 media, but b'coz of my habit of digging the net.

I can only say - God Save India!!!
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A Delhi court on Monday framed charges against Irom Chanu Sharmila, who has been on fast for about 12 years demanding repeal of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA), for allegedly attempting to commit suicide during her ‘fast until death’ here in 2006.

Metropolitan Magistrate (MM) Akash Jain framed charges against 40-year-old Sharmila under section 309 (attempting to commit suicide) of the IPC after she refused to plead guilty, saying that her protest was a non-violent.

Putting her on trial, the court has now listed the matter for May 22 for recording of prosecution evidence in the case relating to her fast until death which started on October 4, 2006 at Jantar Mantar.

Amid protest outside the court premises, Ms. Sharmila appeared before the judge and said, “I do not want to commit suicide. Mine is only a non-violent protest. It is my demand to live as a human being.”

She also told the court, “I love life. I do not want to take my life but I want justice and peace.”

The magistrate, however, told her that she has been accused of attempting to commit suicide and prima facie the charge is there against her.

“I respect you but the law of the land does not permit you to take your life,” the judge said, asking her counsel to make her understand the process.

Even after discussions with her counsel, Ms. Sharmila said, “If AFSPA will be repealed by the government then only I will take food and will throw the food pipe.” She is being force-fed by a food pipe through her nose for more than a decade.

The court, however, told her, “This is a political process. Here I am concerned with this case only.”

Ms. Sharmila had launched her fast unto death in 2000 after 10 civilians were killed by Assam Rifles personnel at Malom area near Imphal airport.

Later while meeting the media persons outside the court room at Patiala House Complex, Ms. Sharmila reiterated that she is only following Mahatma Gandhiji's principle of non-violence while voicing her protest against AFSPA.

Activist Irom Sharmila Chanu, who was charged on Monday with attempting suicide for her fast unto death here in 2006 while demanding repeal of controversial AFSPA, said she is following Mahatma Gandhi’s principle of non-violence and should not be “discriminated” against.

Ms. Sharmila saiid she and other residents of States affected by Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) need “peace” and “not violence” and the democratic leaders should hear her “non-violent protest”.

She expressed her desire “to live a normal life” and asked why the government was “scared of giving her fundamental rights of a human being”.

“I am just a simple woman who wants to follow the non-violent principle of Gandhiji, the father of the nation. Just treat us also like him and do not discriminate. As a leadership, don’t be biased against a human being,” the 40-year-old Manipuri activist, whose counsel had sought court’s permission to talk to media, said.

Ms. Sharmila was flown in to Delhi from Manipur last evening to appear before a court in New Delhi which framed charges on Monday under section 309 (attempting to commit suicide) of the IPC against her after she refused to plead guilty, saying that her’s was a non-violent protest.

She told reporters that she has been protesting for past nearly 12 years for the society and is demanding the rights of a democratic citizen.

“I am doing this for the society and other AFSPA affected States but we are the citizens of a democratic country and so my demand is for rights of a democratic citizen who needs justice. We need peace, not violence. Our democratic leaders should hear my non-violent protest,” she said.

Ms. Sharmila, who is in judicial custody and is being fed through a tube, added that Justice (retd) B P Jeevan Reddy Committee, set up to review the AFSPA, has also recommended repealing of this “draconian law”.

She also accused the government and the Army of “colluding for cheating” people.

Ms. Sharmila had launched her fast unto death in 2000 after 10 civilians were killed by Assam Rifles personnel at Malom area near Imphal airport.

She had earlier said that she was confident that the government will listen to her and concede to her demand to revoke AFSPA.

Asked if she was satisfied with the developments on the issue of extra judicial killings in Manipur on which Justice Santosh Hegde is conducting hearing even as the apex court has formed a probe committee, she said the government is not behaving “as a leadership which should work for society’s betterment”.

“The government will remain adamant for the time being because they are not realising. They are not behaving as a leadership which should work for the betterment of the people and the society,” she said.

On being asked whether she wished to continue her protest “because the government does not seem to be listening”, she said “revolution will take time and it depends on the will of people”.

“I am also a human being who wants peace and justice. I am against the government which uses violence as a means to govern,” she said, adding that she will also remind them of their “real responsibilities as leadership”.

Expressing her desire to live a normal life, Ms. Sharmila said, she is also a social being and claimed the government was “scared of giving her fundamental rights of a human being”.

“What I just want from them (government) is to see me as an innocent woman who loves civilisation and is a rational being...,” she said.

Irom Sharmila charged with attempting suicide - The Hindu

@KRAIT @Skull and Bones @Dillinger @Abingdonboy @RISING SUN @Ayush @KS @hinduguy & other Indians.......

Do you know this woman?? Do you know that this woman is fasting for complete 12 years for the revocation of AFSPA??? Do you know that for these past 12 years, she is being nasal fed???

Do you have ever seen her on a News Channel??? Do you have ever seen her interview???

Why is our 24*7*365*infinity media silent on her???

Someone fasts for 7 days in a full media glare & becomes a national hero overnight but no one knows about the woman who has fasted for complete 12 years??? Is this how we treat our Heroes??

Soon she will be seen in a Prison, for taking her own life.

I know about her for quite sometime now, but not b'oz of 24*7 media, but b'coz of my habit of digging the net.

I can only say - God Save India!!!

Our government really has forgotten nuance man. She is being treated like some sort of political threat to the nation. Two of my best friends are from Manipur and they tell me how laughable the idea of her or the people of the state being anti India is..this time there was a near 80% voter turnout in this region for the elections- reinforcing Indian democracy in a manner that is unheard of even in Delhi- where I live. All she has campaigned for is adherence to human rights and the proper treatment of our own citizens yaar.

It would have been better to invite the civil society of the state to contribute to the stream lining of the AFSPA in the state so that the common man can operate in his day to day life without hindrance as the security forces fulfill their duty in routing out the armed insurgents. Mental myopia and limited understanding of the dynamics between the citizenry and the nation is harming Indian interests within India's territory itself. :undecided:
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have been on fast from 12 years:what: gosh!:oops:

hwcome shes still alive!

She's fed through a nasal tube- she's kept on permanent suicide watch. Sometimes we Indians forget what makes us great- its people like her- even the generals in our forces grudgingly respect her and understand her stand on AFSPA at least if not being in agreement with it. But our political class always goes after any perceived form of dissent with a hammer unless we the people step in and enact course correction.
have been on fast from 12 years:what: gosh!:oops:

hwcome shes still alive!

Dear, committing suicide in India is Illegal.

It was the job of the Govt. to stop her from committing suicide but she din't ate anything.

Therefore, Govt. decided to fed her from Nose or Nasal fed, but this has directly impacted her internal body organs.
what?/realy.never heard of her before.

do we fear her??
is she that big threath??

i have a kashmiri friend who says that most of the kashmiris know that independence is not an option.

though afspa has its merits and demerits,i really cant seem to figure out why she was being ignored by the media.

recently a thread was opened on her by a pak member,now i know why they were congratulating her.

thanks arp.

keep on digging.

have been on fast from 12 years:what: gosh!:oops:

hwcome shes still alive!

forcefeeding by tubes marsha.
what?/realy.never heard of her before.

do we fear her??
is she that big threath??

i have a kashmiri friend who says that most of the kashmiris know that independence is not an option.

though afspa has its merits and demerits,i really cant seem to figure out why she was being ignored by the media.

recently a thread was opened on her by a pak member,now i know why they were congratulating her.

thanks arp.

keep on digging.

forcefeeding by tubes marsha.

Yaara she is no threat to us at all..she is ONE OF US! She's been one of the staunchest supporters of INDIAN DEMOCRATIC RIGHTS FOR INDIAN CITIZENS! Apne government puri tereh tone deaf hai- they have one response to anything that inconveniences them- imprisonment. :hitwall:
what?/realy.never heard of her before.

do we fear her??
is she that big threath??

i have a kashmiri friend who says that most of the kashmiris know that independence is not an option.

though afspa has its merits and demerits,i really cant seem to figure out why she was being ignored by the media.

recently a thread was opened on her by a pak member,now i know why they were congratulating her.

thanks arp.

keep on digging.

Buddy her story goes like this.......

There is AFSPA in place in Manipur for many decades now, where army men can kill anyone without any fear of judicial accountability.

She was once standing on a bus stop & it was there she saw an army personnel kill some lady i think.

Getting angered of this Act, she started fasting, but than it was illegal, so she was nasal fed since than.
Buddy her story goes like this.......

There is AFSPA in place in Manipur for many decades now, where army men can kill anyone without any fear of judicial accountability.

She was once standing on a bus stop & it was there she saw an army personnel kill some lady i think.

Getting angered of this Act, she started fasting, but than it was illegal, so she was nasal fed since than.

I salute to dis lady then if dats da case

wat is AFSPA btw?

I know it. thing is you have a tough choice a law to help patriot soldiers, needed to be present and keep check on extremism and the war criminals within our security forces.

Instead of taking actions and tough laws against these criminals, special program for Psychological help to soldiers in conflicted region, Govt. takes the easy route.

In India, best way to solve a problem is to take out the person who talks about the problem. The Spot light gone, the problem gone.

Who cares about NE ? Its just part of my daily dose of tea, nothing more than that.

There was a dialogue in film Dil Se, which etched into my mind, when the separatist leader tells Shahrukh that "Aapke liye to Delhi hi Hindustan hai, humein kaun poochta hai" - (For you people, Delhi is India, who cares about NE) How true it is.

Another problem with system is that we bring in laws without introducing strict clauses to be adhered in case of brazen and uncontrolled misuse of the law.

May be they should arrest people who die of hunger in India, saying they don't work and die of hunger so its a suicide.

I am happy that she is arrested, at least more people will know her story now, media will come running as this is a juicy story now, with lot of Masala because of idiotic charges against her. Shouting in every news channel, and then "Tata" "Bye-bye". Next scam please.
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I never attempted to commit suicide. I am a follower of Gandhiji's principle, Irom Sharmila tells NDTV: highlights

New Delhi: A Delhi court on Monday framed charges against Irom Sharmila Chanu, who has been on fast for about 12 years demanding repeal of controversial Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), for allegedly attempting to commit suicide during her 'fast until death' here in 2006. Ms Sharmila talks to NDTV about her fight.

Highlights of the interview:
•I love life. I never attempted to commit suicide. I am a follower of Gandhiji's principle
•If my death is a cause for betterment of society, it is a wonderful fulfilled life
•In terms of comments on insurgency, I always want to be neutral
•My ilfe should depend upon my judgement
•I am the master of my destiny
•I am no one's servant, I am the creation of God
•I envy normal life, so my priority is getting success in my struggle

I never attempted to commit suicide. I am a follower of Gandhiji's principle, Irom Sharmila tells NDTV: highlights | NDTV.com
wat is AFSPA btw?

AFSPA = Armed Forces Special Powers Act.

It was an Act made in 1950s by Indian Govt.

It is applied to those areas which are disturbed area or where acts of terrorism occurs.

There usually Central Govt. has to put Army to look after law & order of the area.

But Army is a leathel force unlike local police & often there are many civilian casualty occurs in those areas, so to keep army personnel safe from LOADS of human right abuse cases going to the court, this act is applied.

Under this act, no army personnel can be charged of a crime committed in those areas unless a permission is granted directly from the central govt.

This is the law which she opposes.

I know it. thing is you have a tough choice a law to help patriot soldiers, needed to be present and keep check on extremism and the war criminals within our security forces.

Instead of taking actions and tough laws against these criminals, special program for Psychological help to soldiers in conflicted region, Govt. takes the easy route.

In India, best way to solve a problem is to take out the person who talks about the problem. The Spot light gone, the problem gone.

Who cares about NE ? Its just part of my daily dose of tea, nothing more than that.

There was a dialogue in film Dil Se, which etched into my mind, when the separatist leader tells Shahrukh that "Aapke liye to Delhi hi Hindustan hai, humein kaun poochta hai" - (For you people, Delhi is India, who cares about NE) How true it is.

Another problem with system is that we bring in laws without introducing strict clauses to be adhered in case of brazen and uncontrolled misuse of the law.

May be they should arrest people who die of hunger in India, saying they don't work and die of hunger so its a suicide.

I am happy that she is arrested, at least more people will know her story now, media will come running as this is a juicy story now, with lot of Masala because of idiotic charges against her. Shouting in every news channel, and then "Tata" "Bye-bye". Next scam please.

Yaar we need an urgent redrafting of AFSPA, we need to further strengthen the law in terms of state and force cooperation but also provide strict safeguards for the rights of our citizens. The people from the north east are Indians and yet Delhi mei, people around me, call them chinkis. The racism is so palpable.:angry: We need urgent infrastructural development in the region- strengthening of the state's own LEA apparatus so that the bulk of the policing activities can be shifted to them. Hopefully the recent and intense cooperation with Burma and the extradition treaty with BD will give a new impetus to the betterment of the region with regard to pacifying the insurgents.
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Sharmila is not demanding the complete removal of army from her state. She want the army to be answerable for their actions and not have a carte-blanche to do what they please to control insurgency.
@Dillinger Thing is we don't have people who research the real root cause of these problems. War crimes, soldier suicides, extra judicial killings etc. happens in a region where there is conflict for decades. But make examples of Soldiers who commit war crimes.

I facepalm when people say there are no war crimes in Kashmir and NE. Check the history of any such conflict zone you will find common attritbutes.

No one care of psychological well being of soldiers. There is a poster who has seen worst bloody scenes and says that they stench of blood is always present for him, everyday he comes back and kiss his children to have his faith in humanity because impact on him of violence he gets exposed to, He says this violence makes people indifferent.

Ever thought that with such a large defense budget, the soldier support program is not taken care of. Hell, somewhere there is no concept of it.

You need responsible Army officials along with Effective Judiciary, and Central Govt. support on more pressing issues of soldiers,better rotation policies, psyche evaluation test and support centers etc. PTSD is already present in many soldiers, They are killing each other and themselves.

And for love of God, kick these Human rights NGO that Mushrooms everywhere. People like Teesta has made so much problem for Real NGOs which deliver the result. I have seen the frustration of of good NGOs because of problems created by these bad NGOs.

And will someone start fighting for Human Rights of Soldiers instead of Rapists, Murderers and Terrorists ?

I like the term of Collective Responsibility in our Constitution. Its the only way to enforce our system to improve rather than giving free space to everyone to shift the blame.
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