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Iraqi Kurd President Says Ready to Defend Kurds in Syria


Nov 28, 2012
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The Autonomous Kurdish region in Iraqi Kurdistan has threatened to send fighters to syria to fight against the Nusra terrorists who are attacking Kurdish villages and also holding tens of Kurdish civilians hostages. Fighting between Nusra and Kurds has erupted weeks ago And claimed the lives of tens of fighters and civilians.

There are reports that suggest that Barzani has been given a green light from the Iraqi central government after they held Talks with Damscus.

Such move will deepen the civil war and may threaten Turkey, but again, Turkey got a strap around Barzanis neck so they will probably try to find a solution. The situation is extremely complicated and all sides must loose something in exchange for an achievements.


Iraqi Kurd President Says Ready to Defend Kurds in Syria

— Iraqi Kurdistan is ready to defend Kurds living in Syria if it is found that they are being threatened by al-Qaida-linked fighters involved in the Syrian civil war, the president of the well-armed autonomous region said.
In a letter posted online on Saturday, Masoud Barzani said he had directed Kurdish representatives to go to neighboring Syria to investigate news reports that the "terrorists of al-Qaida are attacking the civilian population and slaughtering innocent Kurdish women and children."
His statement was a further sign of how Syria's two-year conflict is spilling over its borders and aggravating sectarian tensions in adjacent countries.
Exploiting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's receding territorial grip on the country, Syrian Kurds have carved out de facto autonomy in the far northeast where their population is concentrated. But they have also clashed with Sunni Muslim ****** fighters spearheading the insurgency against Assad.
"If the reports are true, showing that citizens, women and the children of innocent Kurds are under threat from murder and terrorism, Iraq's Kurdistan region will make use of all of its capabilities to defend women and children and innocent citizens," Barzani's statement said. He did not elaborate on the nature or extent of possible intervention from Kurdistan.
Barzani's letter was sent on Thursday to the preparatory committee for a Kurdish National Conference to be held in the northern Kurdistan city of Arbil later this month. The panel includes envoys from Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran. Barzani asked this committee to form another panel that would go into Syria.
Posted on the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) website, Barzani's statement referred to areas in Syria as "Western Kurdistan." Spread over large, adjoining tracts of Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Iran, the Kurdish people are often described as the largest ethnic group without their own state.
The northern Iraqi region of Kurdistan, which has its own government and armed forces, is pursuing increasingly independent energy and foreign policies, infuriating the Shi'ite Muslim-dominated central government in Baghdad.
Iraqi Kurds have sent fuel, food and medical aid to their ethnic kin over the border in Syria, extending Barzani's influence, but Saturday's statement appeared to be the first time that he had suggested intervention.
In Syria, where they make up about 10 percent of the population, Kurds have been widely discriminated against under Assad and his late father before him, who stripped more than 100,000 of their citizenship.
For some Syrian Kurds, the insurrection against Assad presents an opportunity to win the kind of rights enjoyed by their neighbors in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Kurdistan's approach to Syria contrasts with that of the Baghdad government. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, a Shi'ite, has said Iraq will not interfere in the conflict. His interests are aligned with those of Shi'ite Iran, which backs Assad.

Iraqi Kurd President Says Ready to Defend Kurds in Syria

Your thoughts? Or did you make a new account so you could change your views?
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The Iraqi Kurd President should worry about his own people, after that we can talk about looking after the others, how cool is that?
The Iraqi Kurd President should worry about his own people, after that we can talk about looking after the others, how cool is that?

he's the president of the Kurdish regional governement not of Iraq. They are already sending the PKK fighters which withdrew from Turkey in the KRG, but they may send the peshmerga to help out too ( the army in the Kurdish region), as the Iraqi army does not operate in the KRG.
he's the president of the Kurdish regional governement not of Iraq. They are already sending the PKK fighters which withdrew from Turkey in the KRG, but they may send the peshmerga to help out too ( the army in the Kurdish region), as the Iraqi army does not operate in the KRG.

Let's see how things will turn out soon :)
He should talk to AKP in Turkey... they are good friends... AKP terror groups in Syria, massacred the Kurds...
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