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Iraq will grow faster than India and China: Obama

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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Iraq will grow faster than India and China: Obama

As Iraq moves forward on the path of reconstruction and economic revival with the end of war and withdrawal of American forces from the country, it is expected to grow much faster than the two Asian giants, India and China, US President Barack Obama said today.

“In the coming years, it’s estimated that Iraq’s economy will grow even faster than China’s or India’s. With oil production rising, Iraq is on track to once again be one of the region’s leading oil producers,” Obama said at a joint news conference with visiting Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

Obama said as in the coming days the last American soldiers will leave its borders, Iraq is now forging new ties of trade and commerce with its neighbours and Iraq is assuming its rightful place among the community of nations.

“For the first time in two decades, Iraq is scheduled to host the next Arab League summit. And what a powerful message that will send throughout the Arab world,” he said.

“People throughout the region will see a new Iraq that’s determining its own destiny, a country in which people from different religious sects and ethnicities can resolve their differences peacefully through the democratic process,” he said, adding that the US will a long-term partnership with Iraq.

US President Barack Obama (R) and Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki (L) shake hands after a joint news conference in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White House campus in Washington. Reuters

“This is in keeping with our strategic framework agreement, and it will be like the close relationships we have with other sovereign nations,” he said.

“This is a historic moment. A war is ending. A new day is upon us. And let us never forget those who gave us this chance: the untold number of Iraqis who’ve given their lives; more than 1 million Americans, military and civilian, who have served in Iraq; nearly 4,500 fallen Americans who gave their last full measure of devotion; tens of thousands of wounded warriors and so many inspiring military families,” Obama said.

The Iraqi Prime Minister said that the relationship with the US will not end with the departure of the last American soldier.

“It only started when it was signed in 2008, in addition to the withdrawal treaty, the strategic framework agreement for the relationship between our two countries,” he noted.

“Iraq now has become reliant completely on its own security apparatus and internal security as a result of the expertise that it gained during the confrontations and the training and equipping, but it remains a need of cooperation with the United States of America in the security issues and information and combating terrorism and in the area of training and the area of equipping which is needed by the Iraqi army, and we have started that,” the Prime Minister said.

Meanwhile the Obama Administration today notified to the Congress of its intent to sell Iraq a second tranche of 18 F-16s.

“This sale is another indication of the continuing US -Iraqi security relationship and cooperation. It also illustrates the progress Iraq has made in providing for its own security, and its determination to protect its sovereignty and independence,” a senior Administration official said.

Responding to questions, Obama said the US will be working to set up effective military-to-military ties that are no different from the ties that it has with countries throughout the region and around the world.

“The Iraqi government has already purchased F-16s from us. We’ve got to train their pilots and make sure that they’re up and running and that we have an effective Iraqi air force. You know, we both have interests in making sure that the sea lanes remain open in and around Iraq and throughout the region. And so there may be occasion for joint exercises,” he said.

“We both have interests in counter terrorism operations that might undermine Iraqi sovereignty, but also could affect US interests. And we’ll be working together on those issues,” Obama said.

well techinically he could be right. it's about growth rate and not GDP. if you start from a low and have all those oil reserves and now no sanctions... yeah you will grow pretty pretty pretty fast :D
This is to be expected, they're basically starting from scratch, nada, nil, zero !
Does anyone actually trust or believe anything coming from Obama?

No, but if you consider how small Iraq's economy is, and how much oil they have... it is not too far fetched to see them growing at double-digits when oil production is increased.
Obama has a credibility of a ho0ker, ok I apologize , it may offend hookers they have standards and moral values

Obama really has no - word that can be trusted
In urdu we say khisyani billi khamba noche..can someone question the logical standing of Obama statement..security is still a volatile issue in Iraq and the industrial base has been totally destroyed. It will not grow fast than India but will support the US currency by a peg which will at-least make it look like growing.
Iraq is now under Iranian Control winner of Iraq war was Iran I'm weeping for all the lost Iraqi's and dead troop it was one mistake that has hurt the USA :cry:.
Oh yes, I see you destroy a country and its civilization and its infrastructure which took 100's of years to accomplish which the Americans bombed back the 1940's and now they are talking about building the country to rival India and China.
Do the americans think that the people of the world are fools to believe what ever they fart from their mouth.

America Down Down for its policy to go on a rampage on every country they think is hostail towards their forign policy.
well techinically he could be right. it's about growth rate and not GDP. if you start from a low and have all those oil reserves and now no sanctions... yeah you will grow pretty pretty pretty fast :D

And why Iraq has a low start?

Well technically because US bombed their economy into nothing but dust. And you are so shamelessly proud of it.
Oh yes, I see you destroy a country and its civilization and its infrastructure which took 100's of years to accomplish which the Americans bombed back the 1940's and now they are talking about building the country to rival India and China.
Do the americans think that the people of the world are fools to believe what ever they fart from their mouth.

America Down Down for its policy to go on a rampage on every country they think is hostail towards their forign policy.
Iraq or not, none can match the rise of IND/CN in years to come so that point about Iraq as a counter to us is moot to begin with ! The US went in there for Oil btw did you know that Iraq has the largest proven reserves of oil(last I checked) after Saudi Arabia that too high grade(low on sulphur) & it takes virtually close to nothing to pump it out of the ground !
Oh yes, I see you destroy a country and its civilization and its infrastructure which took 100's of years to accomplish which the Americans bombed back the 1940's and now they are talking about building the country to rival India and China.
Do the americans think that the people of the world are fools to believe what ever they fart from their mouth.

America Down Down for its policy to go on a rampage on every country they think is hostail towards their forign policy.

your are not making any sense.. a wrong war is different from the dollars spent in Iraq by americans, different from the fact that Iraq is now better off to build a great future and that it will be richer because it is no longer a pariah that the world had heavy snactions levied upon. if you think so ill about america don't ask it to help out, don't deal with it period...sit under that tree , hug it all day and hope your passive tendency will protect India. I know you are all about Pak, China and india holding hands and prancing into the sunlight... but rest of the folks have to live in reality...
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