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Iran's nuclear facilities infected with rock music virus


Dec 12, 2008
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Iran's nuclear facilities infected with rock music virus

Information security company F-Secure writes on its blog:

Over the weekend, I received a series of emails from Iran. They were sent by a scientist working at the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI).

The scientist reached out to publish information about Iranian nuclear systems getting struck by yet another cyber attack.

He wrote:

I am writing you to inform you that our nuclear program has once again been compromised and attacked by a new worm with exploits which have shut down our automation network at Natanz and another facility Fordo near Qom.

According to the email our cyber experts sent to our teams, they believe a hacker tool Metasploit was used. The hackers had access to our VPN. The automation network and Siemens hardware were attacked and shut down. I only know very little about these cyber issues as I am scientist not a computer expert.

There was also some music playing randomly on several of the workstations during the middle of the night with the volume maxed out. I believe it was playing 'Thunderstruck' by AC/DC.​

In honor of the hackers who performed the deed, I've linked to the music video so everyone can share the pleasure:

AC/DC - Thunderstruck - YouTube
kind of hard to believe that a nuclear scientist would leak such info and that on email...... to a blogger......and he is fan of hard rock and knows the name of the song......
why are hell are these computers connected to internet? Do Iranian scientist have any common sense?
If Iran can hack drones , cant they effectively secure their own systems ? :undecided::P
if it was true then the Iran nuclear program would be down completely
AC/DC? That's like doing them a favor. Should have put some Justin Bieber and they would probably press the self-destruct button to end the torture.:rofl:
The whole nuke facility is infected with haram stuff, should be destroyed immediately. :)
American fantasies..

Iran hacked a state of the art American drone and brought it down for the rest of the world to see. And all these Americans do is to ask their Hollywood script writers to come up and publish the most absurd stories that is not even fit for the Sudanese movies.
American fantasies..

Iran hacked a state of the art American drone and brought it down for the rest of the world to see. And all these Americans do is to ask their Hollywood script writers to come up and publish the most absurd stories that is not even fit for the Sudanese movies.

Sometimes things which we need to believe are not necessarily true but those are the right things to be known. So worry for Iran that their computers have been hacked by Israelis and their nuclear research is seriously hampered. This is probebly going to delay Nuclear Development another 2-4 years and this is worrisome to me.
Sometimes things which we need to believe are not necessarily true but those are the right things to be known. So worry for Iran that their computers have been hacked by Israelis and their nuclear research is seriously hampered. This is probebly going to delay Nuclear Development another 2-4 years and this is worrisome to me.

I dont think our nuclear program delayed by severel year this year IAEA in its last report announced that we have 10000 centrifuge last week our supereme leader in its speech announced we have 11000 .

And also this news is funny because tney announced that the virus attacked computers tha uses parts provided by simmens , well no computer use anything related to simmense , its the centrifuges that use parts designed in simens and guess what , no centrifige can broadcast rock music
Haha, good one. Would be laughing my pants off if I was in that facility at that time. :lol:
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