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Irans economy would be booming without sanctions

Could Iran reach western standards of living if sanctions were dropped and regime was gone?

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Dec 26, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Keep in mind that sanctions were placed on Irans economy due to the actions of the regime, whether I agree with the sanctions or not, which I dont. Even though I dont trust america nor any world power, including russia or china, I still believe that the sanctions are because of the regimes stupidity.

Interesting read.

The Iranian economy manages to hobble along despite “crippling” economic sanctions. The streets are clogged with traffic, ATMs dispense streams of cash, banks issue Iran-only debit cards, and a nation of traders finds ingenious ways to evade legal obstacles.

Oil exports may have collapsed officially, but several Iranians tell me that many thousands of barrels are leaking out secretly via Iraq. One Iranian businessman explains that you can get under-the-table financing for almost anything if you pay an interest-rate premium of 12 to 15 percentage points.

The true burden of sanctions is that the Iranian economy is a shadow of what it might be. This cost in lost opportunity will only grow if Iran can’t make a nuclear deal that would ease the squeeze on oil sales and banking. And Iranians know it: Many told me during a visit here last week that their economy could be booming if the country wasn’t so isolated.

“The situation from the economic point of view is very bad, this is no secret,” says Saeed Laylaz, an economic commentator and analyst who advises Iran’s domestic automobile industry. Car production has plummeted the last two years, he says, after rising from 6,000 vehicles annually when he started in 1989 to 1.5 million in 2011.

Mohammad Khoshchehreh, an economics professor at Tehran University, told me that economic output overall has fallen by about 6 percent over the past year. That’s close to the estimate of a 5.7 percent drop released Thursday by the Institute of International Finance in Washington.

The middle class is especially squeezed. An apartment for a family of four in central Tehran costs at least $500 a month. Feeding the family adds another $700. So that’s $1,200 a month – more than many jobs pay – before the family even begins paying for incidentals. Typically, both husband and wife must work, often at two jobs, to pay the bills.

Frustration about poor economic performance seems to center on hard-liners such as former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his allies in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. Several people mentioned to me that during Ahmadinejad’s eight years as president, the Iranian government received about $700 billion from oil sales. Where did that money go? A half-dozen people said they thought much of it had been diverted to the Revolutionary Guard or looted by regime cronies.

“I do not deny the effect of sanctions, but the weight of mismanagement is heavier,” says Khoshchehreh. Some in Iran argue that the current crisis is past, and that officials of the Ahmadinejad regime should be brought to trial for corruption.

President Hassan Rouhani gets good marks for economic management, in addition to his opening to the West in the nuclear negotiations. Since his election in June, inflation is down, private investment is up, and the currency has strengthened on the black market, according to Laylaz.

Iranians foresee a future boom if sanctions are lifted and the nation fully joins the global economy. Four economic analysts separately told me they could see growth at 10 percent or more after 2015, if Rouhani can deliver a deal with the West. That’s the real leverage – not to punish Iran today but to open the door to a much more prosperous future.

Talks with Iranian entrepreneurs give a sense of what’s possible. A professor of molecular biology has developed advanced techniques for treating neurodegenerative diseases that Western companies are eager to license. He’d rather stay in Iran, but it’s hard to build an advanced biotech company there when the country remains outside the World Trade Organization and intellectual property can’t be protected.

An Iranian banker explains that he’s ready to represent 19 U.S. companies in joint ventures in Iran. But such deals are dead until sanctions are lifted. An Iranian-American executive tells me he could sell Iran advanced systems that could add billion of barrels to oil reserves by re-evaluating old seismic and geological data.

It’s a mistake to underestimate the tensile strength of Iran’s economy. This is a country that survived eight years of bloody war with Iraq, and Iranians know how to suffer through adversity. Rouhani’s economic team is planning its next budget on the assumption that sanctions won’t be lifted, and that it can raise non-oil exports – iron ore, copper, petrochemicals and electricity – to an $80 billion level that would cover Iran’s import needs. They’ll survive, in other words.

What’s being crippled is Iran’s future. This makes Iranians angry, especially when they see the hard-liners and their cronies making money evading the sanctions regime. That’s the regime’s weak point.

David Ignatius is published twice weekly by THE DAILY STAR
Oil producing country should have booming economy.


yes the Iranian regime with Ayatullahs on top, does not have any idea about modern economic systems.


thus Iranian people suffer under the crushing weight of Ayatullahs.

No one would say this in iran, because people fear God, and people fear Ayatullahs even more than God.

God can forgive your sins


Ayatullahs will make you pay for your sins.


hence there is obviously more fear of Ayatullahs than God.

Hope things change in iran for the btter.

Iranians are cultured, and beautiful people with 1000s years civilization. Land of Darius and Xerxes cannot be cowed down by mullahs for too long.

Iran is already having good per capita income...
With sanctions or without sanctions, it will be the same...
Unless you covert it to be christian republic of iran...
troll thread , shitty vote , racist OP @Serpentine

yes the Iranian regime with Ayatullahs on top, does not have any idea about modern economic systems

AND U GUYS HAVE :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Iranians are cultured, and beautiful people with 1000s years civilization. Land of Darius and Xerxes cannot be cowed down by mullahs for too long.

YES , we are .

and we dont let someone from i donno where (u claim to be pakistani , but are u ? ) to comment on how our nation should act .

we are enjoying much more democracy than u do , we are the most educated people in ME . so we know how to act .

we dont need a keyboard hero to tell us what to do .

and remember , from all my comments in this forum you can clearly understand my love for pakistan , so if any case i'm talking with ego i just want to embarrass u . no bad intention for my beloved brother country pakistan

peace yourself .
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Before Mullahs came to power Iran had 1.6 times higher GDP per capita (PPP) than Turkey (3.4 K vs 2.16).
Today Iran has 1.14 times less GDP per capita than Turkey (13 K vs 14.8).

Without mullahs Iran most probably would have 20,000 $ GDP per capita. Thats not Western standards but more than Argentine, Hungary and Malaysia.
Before Mullahs came to power Iran had 1.6 times higher GDP per capita (PPP) than Turkey (3.4 K vs 2.16).
Today Iran has 1.14 times less GDP per capita than Turkey (13 K vs 14.8).

Without mullahs Iran most probably would have 20,000 $ GDP per capita. Thats not Western standards but more than Argentine, Hungary and Malaysia.

I don't agree with you. In the 70s, the shah gave an interview with some british guy and he said, "In ten years, my country will be where your country is today". Iran could have become top ten economy by now...
(^ 2 comments above )the most ridiculous comment ever above .

iran has improved the GDP about 4 times . silly ...

also whats important is that we can kick your a$$ anytime we desire

I don't agree with you. In the 70s, the shah gave an interview with some british guy and he said, "In ten years, my country will be where your country is today". Iran could have become top ten economy by now...

whatever u say @Falon nice try
Before Mullahs came to power Iran had 1.6 times higher GDP per capita (PPP) than Turkey (3.4 K vs 2.16).
Today Iran has 1.14 times less GDP per capita than Turkey (13 K vs 14.8).

Without mullahs Iran most probably would have 20,000 $ GDP per capita. Thats not Western standards but more than Argentine, Hungary and Malaysia.
So as per you, a country is successful if per capita is more...
I think its the history and culture that should be given importance...
Per capita income of Monaco is way more than america or israel...
Before Mullahs came to power Iran had 1.6 times higher GDP per capita (PPP) than Turkey (3.4 K vs 2.16).
Today Iran has 1.14 times less GDP per capita than Turkey (13 K vs 14.8).

Without mullahs Iran most probably would have 20,000 $ GDP per capita. Thats not Western standards but more than Argentine, Hungary and Malaysia.

Here is the actually interview:

watch the first 30 seconds

(^ 2 comments above )the most ridiculous comment ever above .

whatever u say @Falon nice try

What he going on about? who is falon?
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