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Iranians Build Up Afghan Clout

India is a completely artificial stake holder in Afghanistan.

It's Pakistan who shares a free flowing border, common culture and language with the links of Pashtun population, India has no such claim therefore has had to throw billions at the afghans to find a place.

This has caused major problems, there are too many cooks for this broth and it's gone very sour, most of all for the afghans who are getting caught up in this.

Indians, by their very presence are acting as a proxy for destabilisation of Afghanistan....they are not doing anything that the Americans or Chinese cannot do, but the Americans have specifically encouraged because they know it will destabilise Afghanistan and perpetuate their war which is ultimately aimed at china/Russia.

What they are doing is causing tension and instability by their presence alone and the afghans are blind if they embrace their $$$
It may hurt your sentiments, but sure.

After the communist ruler of Afghanistan Najibullah fell, the Iranians and Saudis started their proxy war for control of Afghanistan. The Taliban who was supported by Pakistan brought law and order to the country.

OMG. This is too much.

Sorry, but Afghanistan has been the land of proxy war for over 20 years. Everybody has their interests in Afghanistan.

Pakistan, Iran, KSA, Russia, India, US and probably some others as well.

I think Sher can be better in explaining to you.

I will just correct him. :D

well, I think it's natural for Pakistan, Iran to have interest in Afghanistan!!!!
But when you add Saudi, America, who breed terrorsim that's when you have issues. I don't see Iran blowing up mosques or killing people randomly in Afghanistan. Who do you think is responsible for these attacks in Afghanistan??

Like I said Iran and Independant Pakistan (free from America's interest) can help bring stability to Afghanistan and actually build Afghanistan as it's own country. America and Saudi Arabia could care less about stability , they don't share borders with Afghanistan. Afghanistan to them is far away land for their proxy wars. Saudi Arabia+America are allies, so they work together. For Saudi Arabia it is ideological, they want Extreme Wahabism to spread in Afghanistan and For America they want their interest $$$$ .

Iran and Pakistan both are affacted deeply with instability and terrorism inside Afghanistan, SO Iran+Afghanistan+pakistan share common goal and interest if you put all the little differences aside.
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