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Iranian Pleads Guilty in Plot to Murder a Saudi Envoy in the US


Aug 6, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
An Iranian-American man charged in a plot to kill the Saudi ambassador to the United States pleaded guilty on Wednesday to conspiracy and other counts in Federal District Court in Manhattan.

The defendant, Mansour J. Arbabsiar, a used-car salesman from Texas, had been accused of conspiring to hire assassins from a Mexican drug cartel for $1.5 million to kill the ambassador, Adel al-Jubeir.

At the time the charges were announced, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said the plot had been “directed and approved by elements of the Iranian government and, specifically, senior members of the Quds Force,” part of Iran’s powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

In court, Mr. Arbabsiar told Judge John F. Keenan that he took responsibility “for my actions.”

In response to questions from the judge and a prosecutor, Mr. Arbabsiar admitted to his role in the plot, which he said had involved Iranian military officials.

When Judge Keenan asked whether the plan had been to kill the ambassador in a restaurant in Washington, as the authorities had charged, he replied, “Yes.”

No one was in imminent danger; it turned out that Mr. Arbabsiar had been dealing with a Drug Enforcement Administration informer who was posing as an associate of the drug cartel. Iranian leaders have said their government had no involvement in the plot.

Judge Keenan told Mr. Arbabsiar, who is believed to be 57, that he faces a maximum prison sentence of 25 years when he is sentenced on Jan. 23. The charges are conspiracy to commit an act of terrorism transcending national boundaries and two charges related to murder-for-hire.

Preet Bharara, the United States attorney in Manhattan, said in a statement, “As Arbabsiar has now admitted, he was the extended murderous hand of his co-conspirators, officials of the Iranian military based in Iran, who plotted to kill the Saudi ambassador in the United States and were willing to kill as many bystanders as necessary to do so.”

Mary Galligan, the acting head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s New York office, added, “Not only did this plot threaten the ambassador’s life, the planned attack targeted our nation’s capital, where innocent lives would have been lost and the national psyche damaged.”

Sabrina Shroff, a federal public defender who represented Mr. Arbabsiar, declined to comment.

A second man charged in the case, Gholam Shakuri, who has been described as a Quds Force member, remains a fugitive.

Mr. Arbabsiar’s plea came days before a hearing at which Judge Keenan was to have considered a motion by Mr. Arbabsiar’s lawyers to suppress statements he made after being taken into custody on Sept. 29, 2011.

The authorities have said that Mr. Arbabsiar knowingly and voluntarily waived his rights to a lawyer and to a speedy court presentment during his first 12 days in custody, and had “confessed to his own role in the plot to kill the ambassador and provided extremely valuable intelligence.” He was eventually taken before a judge on Oct. 11, 2011.

In court on Wednesday, a prosecutor, Edward Y. Kim, said that the government’s proof included Mr. Arbabsiar’s “extensive” post-arrest statements.

In seeking the suppression of the statements or dismissal of charges, Ms. Shroff, the defense lawyer, cited findings by two defense experts who had diagnosed bipolar disorder in her client.

But a University of Virginia psychiatrist retained by the government, Dr. Gregory B. Saathoff, had concluded that Mr. Arbabsiar did not suffer from bipolar disorder or other mental illness that would have prevented him from knowingly consenting to questioning without a lawyer.

There was no suggestion in Mr. Arbabsiar’s plea agreement that he has any deal to cooperate with the government. Dr. Saathoff’s report notes that Mr. Arbabsiar expressed pride in his role as a car salesman, and that he even suggested a way to resolve his case. “I have spent my life making deals,” he quoted Mr. Arbabsiar as saying. “If America wants to make a deal with me, they can do it.”

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