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Iranian Chill Thread

I don't require your respect. All I expected was some civility. I'm not your enemy :)
I seriously have no time for your BS. BTW, I see the civilization of your type here:

Thanks, but I don't want this civilization of yours.
BTW, farsi mod always keeps deleting my posts since he is too scared of my posts, or for another reasons. So, only quote me in Cay Bahcesi.
@Sinan Hi, please, I'll invite you to follow our conversation as well. I would be grateful if you honor me by doing so.

@Serpentine Please don't remove any of rmi5 posts and please no infractions either, I don't mind the insults ;)

I know that you probably don't like me to refer to you as "my friend", but please make an exemption this time. ;)
1) Khamenei is not Azerbaijani. He is originally from Kashmar, and Ashtian, and only his father has lived for a limited time in Azerbaijan. He has lived in Mashhad himself. He is actually 100% farsi. So, do not spread your BS lies. I personally consider it as an insult for Azerbaijanis that you are trying to connect him with us.
But its very well recorded that he is of Azerbaijani origin. His father was an Azerbaijani cleric from Najaf. I don't know why you're trying to distort the truth. Why would it be an insult to Azerbijanis? Lets say he is a horrible person, what does it have to do with millions of other Azerbaijanis? But I think rejecting him as an Azerbaijani could only give people who think like you more reasons to distant themselves from Iran? Isn't that right? Its makes things easier.
2)You should be a fucking blind moron if you don't see the pan-farsist policies of mullahs. Now tell me what is the official slogan of Iran team in world cup? Do Azeris, and turks, who are 1/3 of Iran population have the right to educate their children in their language? The list is very long.
I'm neither blind, nor moron ;) We did go to the same university! Sharif right? Intake 2005 ;)? Smart people go there, at least they used to ;)
I'm not trying to make excuses my friend, but I don't really like football, especially Iran's football. So tell me what is the problem with the slogan? I have ZERO problem with teaching of mother languages, they should of course facilitate that, its even in Iran's current constitution.
Why do people have to learn Arabic but not Turkish? ;)
3)Shariatmadari was captured and insulted by khomeini regime. Bazargan had not a better fate. Khamenei is not Azerbaijani. Mousavi is currently is in house detention.
Very unfortunate, but what does this have to do with "Farsist"? What makes you think being from certain ethnicity/nationality makes you not to harm your fellow man?
BTW, your stupidity about destroying Persepolis in farsistan has not anything to do with us. Although, nothing serious would have happened even if it was destroyed, since most of it, is really a historical scam, and made up.
You see my friend, you accuse me of being "Farsist" and stupid, its ok, I can take it, but aren't you being unfair to question credibility of well-documented research performed by many scholars many of whom weren't/aren't even Iranian?
About separatism, I don't care about the integrity of mullahland. What I care about are prosperity and freedom of my people and nation, who are azerbaijani turks. If it was achieved by the mullahland, I would not have objection, but it is obviously not.

I had a quick look at some of your previous posts, you weren't very forward about it? Could I ask what has changed?

I seriously have no time for your BS. BTW, I see the civilization of your type here:

Thanks, but I don't want this civilization of yours.
BTW, farsi mod always keeps deleting my posts since he is too scared of my posts, or for another reasons. So, only quote me in Cay Bahcesi.

I'll request that he doesn't. ;) You're an educated person, you know few hooligans don't represent whole Iran. And you couldn't possibly know each and everyone of their ethnicities ;)

Oh, by the way, my friend, you contradicted yourself a little bit, if Iranians are Farsists then why are these hooligans are attacking the tombs of very people that helped shape the Iranian identity? Why these Farsi Mullahs don't allow an American who loved Iran to be buried in Iran? What about it is Farsist?

I can't really posts on par with you, you're quite fast, allow me to do continue our conversation later, in the meanwhile please take the time and address my post in this thread. Please quote me in the Turkish Tea house as well. Have two copies of your replies, because I just saw your comment after I posted this.

Thank you
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bombe atom bezanin be har sante in kharab shode

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I have developed a Data Miner software that allows me to perform heuristic search and assessment, including personality assessment. I could find out members posts based on their correspondence and tags, about 11:05 last night rmi5 tags Sinan and apparently he discloses some information about a member(s). That led Sinan to have such a strong feeling about Iran.

There was a member named Ghara Ghan. I've had a few conversations with him. He was a good guy but suddenly stopped posting maybe a month back and changed his username.
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ببین محسن، بچه مودبی هستی نمی خوام یک چیزی بگم که ناراحت بشی. ولی رفقات احمدی نژاد و رهبر معظم انقلابت اومدن ایران رو رسوندن به لبه پرتگاه، این یارو روحانی هم تازه داره میاد گند کاری 8 سال احمدی نژاد رو جمع کنه ناراحت هم هستی؟ آقا بفهم، نمی تونی با آمریکا بجنگی! نمی خوتی با دوبی هم بجنگی چه برسه به آمریکا! اگر وضع ادامه پیدا کنه غربی ها اینقدر سلاح به همسایگان ایرانی می فروشند و ایران چنان ضعیف خواهد شد که اگر در آینده جنگی در بگیره یاد فیلم روز استقلال خواهی افتاد! اگر ناراحتی برو ناراحتیت رو از عمو احمدی خالی کن که اومد ذخایر ارزی رو خالی کرد، کشور رو تا خرخره تحریم کرد. این روحانی آخرین شانش اخوند هاست اگر من آخوند بودم زیاد تو پروپاش نمی پیچیدم
هالیوود درست و حسابی شست و شوی مغزیتون داده فیلمتو که دیدی برو یه مقدار تاریخ هم مطالعه کن، اون ابرقدرتی که شما تو هالیوود دیدین حتی نتونست از پس ویتنام بر بیاد. برو ببین ایران در جنگ با عراق عملا با چند تا کشور میجنگید و از چند کشور اسیر گرفتیم، یه نگاهی هم به جنگای 33 روزه و غزه بندازی آمار چهارمین قدرت پوشالی نظامی دنیا هم دست میاد
واما در مورد اون بابایی هم که فکر میکنی آخرین شانس آخونداست؛ ما که آخوند رو با منشش میشناسیم نه با لباسش (و اگر به لباس بود الان خیلیهاشون توی انگلیس ور دست البزابت جون برای نابودی ما تلاش نمیکردن)، اطرافیاش که ترجیح میدن جناب دکتر صداش کنن، خودشم که دوست داره بهش بگن جناب حقوقدان. اون آخوند بودنش صرفا مصرف عوام داره و البته مصرف شما که اینجا ما رو مورد تفقد و نصیحتهای خاله خرسی قرار بدی
تو که از آخوندا خوشت نمیاد آخوندا هم که از این آدم خوششون نمیاد پس بهتر نیست که این به اصطلاح آخرین شانس آخوندها به هدر بره؟

اون حرفایی هم که در مورد احمدی نژاد زدی منبعش خودتون هستید و بس. اگر آمریکاییها ما رو تحریم کردن و اگر روسیه و چین هم باهاشون هم صدا شدن به خاطر اینکه نمیخوان ما هم به جمع کشورهای دارنده انرژی هسته ای در بیایم، میخوان دو دهه دیگه واسه انرژی بهشون التماس کنیم، این مسئله هیچ ربطی به احمدی نژاد یا خاتمی یا روحانی نداره، تا حالا اینجوری بوده من بعد هم همین جوری خواهد موند، حالا اگر شما دوست داری دلتو خوش کن به مذاکرات (همون جور که یه عده تو فلسطین شصت سال دلشون رو به مذاکرات خوش کردن و هر روز یه تیکه از سرزمینشون رو از دست دادن) ولی من مطمئنم هیچی از توش در نمیاد

Stop mentioning other mods, I was the one who deleted your post.

I don't want this thread to be closed because of few trolls. There are other respected members who want to post here and have nothing to do with trolls and and FFFs (false flag 'flamers').
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