It can face the F-35, and then blow up trying to.
This calls for a long essay in reality versus hallucination since drug abuse seems to be the case here:
Typical arrogant little Askanazi who lives on US gravy wagon from housing subsidies to every single nut and bolt used in every single machine in Israel, and yet, claims that Israelis are making hi-tech systems, which they don't as they're not capable of such feat. For example the only part of Merkava MBT made by Israelis is the THERMAL SLEEVE for the 120 mm German main gun "made in Ashkelon", while the power pack is made (100%) by General Dynamics "land Division", the main Gun is a Rheinmetall/Kraussmaffei product, and the rest of the tank is purely US made product "read, 100%". The same is true for Iron Dome, David Sling, all of which are products made by US Raytheon Corp., as well as other US arms makers. They put phony Israeli names on these systems but in the last confrontation with Hamas in Gaza Israel was begging USA to send more missiles as they were out of munitions for the Iron Dome and they were begging for ceasefire? Israelis are world renowned pretenders, congenital liars, the constant cry-wolfs and nasty parasites that has been sucking USA blood by syphoning US taxpayers money since early 1960s.
The fact remains; Israel is too small, too shallow, too dependent on US handouts and help, and too retarded to catch up with Iran. This gap is getting bigger, wider, and way beyond Israel's abilities to overcome even with 100% US support, it's hopeless and they know it.
In practical terms, three squadrons of light weight F-35 couldn't make a dent, nor scratch the surface of Iran's armor. Furthermore, if we pretend to believe in the term lucky-day for Israel, then Israelis will be in for a FATAL BLOW if they hallucinate about attacking Iran even with full US participation, it will be the end of their fantasy-party in the stolen land of Palestine.
Dogs that bark the loudest are jumpy little French-poodles that could be shredded to pieces in a rapid fashion by an average size pooch "Iran is a huge wolf". Hence, for a jumpy Ashkenazi "fake Jew" to talk so loudly, shout like a paranoid schizophrenic who is on high doses of Prozac, and then brag constantly about a US made aircraft is very funny.
Look at Iran's map (1.8 million sq Km), Population (87 million), check annual number of graduating scientist and engineers in Iran the numbers and the quality of those graduates surpass nations like Germany, France, and Italy combined "never mind Israel". That realty should show that Iran is a serious world power "going up" with robust foundations in highly trained/educated human resources and a fully self-reliant nation. Israel in comparison is a retrograde-dwarf third world mini-state void of any indigenous wealth or capabilities living in a barrowed time. Without USA/Western powers Israel could not last 72 hours against Iran even in wonderful sunny day with an airforce 10 folds greater in numbers than it posses currently.
Lastly the question arises for little Benny Karachun, why not have some self respect by talking your own size. Also for once leave USA alone as that empty yapping makes you look utterly foolish and out of touch with reality.