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Irani nuclear program and the american concern.

Which war ? There is one war the U.S. is trying to fight that matters and that is with Al-Qaeda. Iraq never mattered and the Taliban issue is about the stabilization of Afghanistan. Most of these other terror orgs will break up once the U.S. leaves as they were only formed out to fight the occupation. Like the ones in Iraq. The main focus here is to stabilize Afghanistan and keep the pressure on Al-Qaeda's main areas. Anything besides these two are completely pointless.

Dont you think some one should have done something about Saddam and Sons or do you think they should have been left in power.
CT, I find it hard to believe that CIA did not have enough resources to remove Saddam via coup.An open invasion was not really needed and effected WOT.
☪☪☪☪;969753 said:
CT, I find it hard to believe that CIA did not have enough resources to remove Saddam via coup.An open invasion was not really needed and effected WOT.

In addition to removeing Saddam you needed to remove the Bath Party from power.. and if you study the occupation of Germany the results were in doubt for many years, even Eisenhower ever said it will be 50 years before we know how this works out. Freedom is like a Genie once it gets out of the bottle its real hard to get it back in.
If the CIA is as powerful as people here believe, the US would be running the world a long time ago.
If the CIA is as powerful as people here believe, the US would be running the world a long time ago.

I agree. Years (decades) ago, the CIA abandoned much of its HUMINT program as being expensive, risky, and needless. They thought electronic eavesdropping, the NSA, and satellites would replace humans. We paid the price with things like Iran's revolution, a number of bombings and of course, 9-11. It is only now trying to rebuild HUMINT to any degree.

The CIA has had a large number of spectacular blunders throughout its history, and I believe the majority of the U.S. citizens do not feel any great confidence in that organization.
☪☪☪☪;969753 said:
CT, I find it hard to believe that CIA did not have enough resources to remove Saddam via coup.An open invasion was not really needed and effected WOT.
An executive order forbade assassination, which also meant forbidding coups, unless it was assured the life of the head-of state/government could be preserved. In any case much of the Humint capability was irreparably damaged as a result of congressional reforms in the 1970s. For over two decades America concentrated on electronic intelligence and making the CIA more "politically correct." Only 9-11 started to change things back again.
If the CIA is as powerful as people here believe, the US would be running the world a long time ago.

i think there is one god exist in every where in the universe...:pakistan:
Dont you think some one should have done something about Saddam and Sons or do you think they should have been left in power.

Left in power. There is no need for Americans to die in places they have no business in. By that logic it would mean the U.S. would also remove all oppressive governments (So lets invade Iran,North Korea etc etc). If the U.S. government is so eager to send their military to die for people who do not want them there in the first place then sure let them go i guess. The largest terror org that currently operates in Iraq was formed to fight a occupation and they certainly were not there when Saddam was in power. I view people that supported the Iraqi war somewhat has hypocrites. If they want Saddam killed so bad why don't they sign up or send their sons off so they can die for reforming the governments of other countries.

That war was such a waste of life it makes me sick. Imagine telling the family of someone killed. What on earth would you tell them ? Sorry your son/daughter died so the Iraqi government could turn from a dictatorship to a democracy. Oh and sorry about the whole WMD issue they never had them but we had to sell it to your someway.
Left in power. There is no need for Americans to die in places they have no business in. By that logic it would mean the U.S. would also remove all oppressive governments (So lets invade Iran,North Korea etc etc). If the U.S. government is so eager to send their military to die for people who do not want them there in the first place then sure let them go i guess. The largest terror org that currently operates in Iraq was formed to fight a occupation and they certainly were not there when Saddam was in power. I view people that supported the Iraqi war somewhat has hypocrites. If they want Saddam killed so bad why don't they sign up or send their sons off so they can die for reforming the governments of other countries.

That war was such a waste of life it makes me sick. Imagine telling the family of someone killed. What on earth would you tell them ? Sorry your son/daughter died so the Iraqi government could turn from a dictatorship to a democracy. Oh and sorry about the whole WMD issue they never had them but we had to sell it to your someway.

Americans think that freedom and democracy are some times worth dieing for,,even if its for the freedom of others.
Americans think that freedom and democracy are some times worth dieing for,,even if its for the freedom of others.

By all means keep it up then. I hear Iran is really speeding up the enrichment program so best hit them next and keep policing the world.
☪☪☪☪;969753 said:
CT, I find it hard to believe that CIA did not have enough resources to remove Saddam via coup.An open invasion was not really needed and effected WOT.

Removing Saddam was a secondary objective. The primary objective is to control Oil, since US is now facing fierce competition from China, Brazil, India for resources and to keep Iran in check. For that, it needed to occupy Iraq since Iraq and Iran were in a stalemate. Having a puppet government was not enough.
Removing Saddam was a secondary objective. The primary objective is to control Oil, since US is now facing fierce competition from China, Brazil, India for resources and to keep Iran in check. For that, it needed to occupy Iraq since Iraq and Iran were in a stalemate. Having a puppet government was not enough.
Do you know how out of date you sound...:rolleyes:

Contracts Awarded to Russian, Norwegian Firms on Last Day of Iraq Oil Auction | Middle East | English
The Iraqi government expressed satisfaction with the outcome of major two-day oil auction, Saturday after awarding the prized West Qurna Phase Two oil field to both Russia's Lukoil and Norway's Statoil.
The current Iraqi government decided to honor Saddam's promises and awarded lucrative oil contracts to non-US companies.

Advice: Google is your friend.
Dont you think some one should have done something about Saddam and Sons or do you think they should have been left in power.
Left in power. There is no need for Americans to die in places they have no business in.
Unfortunately, people like Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin, etc...made the world their business.

By that logic it would mean the U.S. would also remove all oppressive governments (So lets invade Iran,North Korea etc etc).
The US have no problems with dictators as long as they remain inside the borders of whatever hellhole they created.

If the U.S. government is so eager to send their military to die for people who do not want them there in the first place then sure let them go i guess.
Then you should be glad that there is a world policeman.

The largest terror org that currently operates in Iraq was formed to fight a occupation and they certainly were not there when Saddam was in power.
Many Iraqis told US that in order to eradicate these insurgent groups and save ourselves a lot of headache, we should have been as brutal as Saddam himself. Do you agree? After all, violence was how Saddam suppress dissent.

I view people that supported the Iraqi war somewhat has hypocrites. If they want Saddam killed so bad why don't they sign up or send their sons off so they can die for reforming the governments of other countries.
We did. By that I mean the US did. Never mind individuals.

That war was such a waste of life it makes me sick. Imagine telling the family of someone killed. What on earth would you tell them ? Sorry your son/daughter died so the Iraqi government could turn from a dictatorship to a democracy.
Spare US your crocodile tears. For people like you, the only time you care about humanity is when the US does something you do not like. I wonder if you shed any tears for the Kuwaitis or Iraqis.

Oh and sorry about the whole WMD issue they never had them but we had to sell it to your someway.

Defense.gov News Article: U.S., Turkey Announce Operation Iraqi Freedom Support Agreement
WASHINGTON, April 2, 2003 America's and Turkey's top diplomats today agreed on upgrading Turkish military support for U.S. and coalition forces fighting in Iraq.
Looks like the sales pitch was quite good for Turkey, eh?

Americans think that freedom and democracy are some times worth dieing for,,even if its for the freedom of others.
By all means keep it up then. I hear Iran is really speeding up the enrichment program so best hit them next and keep policing the world.
What Burke said..."The only thing necessary for the triumph [of evil] is for good men to do nothing."...So you go right on ahead and do your 'nothing'.
Heres what the Iraqis say:

More Iraqis say the United States was right than say it was wrong to lead the invasion, but by just 48 percent to 39 percent, with 13 percent expressing no opinion — hardly the unreserved welcome some U.S. policymakers had anticipated.

But that dont really matter to most Arab Countries because non-muslems came to the middle and so easily defeated an Arab county and because of that Arabs and Muslems were humilated once again. Of course you can add to that a little or lot of religious and racial bigotry against americans.
1st Thing If America, UK, ISrael, France etc. can take WMDs than why other countries can't?

If USA really wants peace in all over the world than it should finish all its WMDs first. Otherwise USA don't have any right to pressurize any other country.

In simple words everyone wants to be safe from its enemies.
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