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Iran Woman Soldier 1979 and Today


Jul 27, 2010
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Damn what a change in years they have gone back to the stone age but thx for sharing awsome job as always keep it up ;)

stone age, seriously? they are not the one's getting raped day by day by those drone attacks, iranians are actually are in lesser stone age is thats what you call it, because they have tech and guts to shoot those stinks, since all your kiddish opinion was based not the realities but by your political biasness, then i must say, by your level of thought, pakistan must be in a deeper stone age since pakistan doesnt bring down those machines which kills our people every day
The ones in Burqa don't look very happy with their life.

what seems to be happy abt that first picture, serving some tyrant monarch who was dragging iran into a shitt hole becoming a lackey of a greater tyrant

im not getting these people, i dont get how can they relate the past iranian monarchy to the time of prosperity and modern age just because few elite people were having a western life, where a tyrant was acting puppet of higher power only, and it was pretty visible where he was dragging iranians into, a mess really, now iran can have a govt which can not manipulate the iranian people
only the dresses and the happiness of few iranian elites in picture doesnt show the true nation, if people think iranians were stupid who brought revolution so that they can be dragged to stone age, just because they dont seek help and manipulation from USA, then i think these people are stupid

independence is something all nations try to get for all costs and prices, iran paid that price and its free, and an iranian can be a proud citizen any day, a pakistani is a joke, what can you say while living in states, hey im the same citizen of the nation which gets raped every day, any guy can spit on my country name and still i cant do anything because the nation i belong is raped every day by same country i live in??
what seems to be happy abt that first picture, serving some tyrant monarch who was dragging iran into a shitt hole becoming a lackey of a greater tyrant

im not getting these people, i dont get how can they relate the past iranian monarchy to the time of prosperity and modern age just because few elite people were having a western life, where a tyrant was acting puppet of higher power only, and it was pretty visible where he was dragging iranians into, a mess really, now iran can have a govt which can not manipulate the iranian people
only the dresses and the happiness of few iranian elites in picture doesnt show the true nation, if people think iranians were stupid who brought revolution so that they can be dragged to stone age, just because they dont seek help and manipulation from USA, then i think these people are stupid

independence is something all nations try to get for all costs and prices, iran paid that price and its free, and an iranian can be a proud citizen any day, a pakistani is a joke, what can you say while living in states, hey im the same citizen of the nation which gets raped every day, any guy can spit on my country name and still i cant do anything because the nation i belong is raped every day by same country i live in??

You apparently dont know much about the Iranian internal situation..the people sided with the revolution for more freedom and rights..not a take over by clergy! The Iranian revolution is hijacked, deviated and dead.

here is an eye opener

You apparently dont know much about the Iranian internal situation..the people sided with the revolution for more freedom and rights..not a take over by clergy! The Iranian revolution is hijacked, deviated and dead.

clergy is there, but power to govern the country rests with the president, and the president is not a clergy, iranian people fought to be free from american arse licking and they are very much free

all those involved in green movement are dream about that same shah who was monarch and an american puppet
Persian women are so cute.

There are many Iranian girls at my college. Many don't wear hijabs.
stone age, seriously? they are not the one's getting raped day by day by those drone attacks, iranians are actually are in lesser stone age is thats what you call it, because they have tech and guts to shoot those stinks, since all your kiddish opinion was based not the realities but by your political biasness, then i must say, by your level of thought, pakistan must be in a deeper stone age since pakistan doesnt bring down those machines which kills our people every day

Oye behind the screen hero or shall i say little boy relax its the truth like it or not i care less about it keep boling your blood _ummy i care less :lol::rofl::bunny:
clergy is there, but power to govern the country rests with the president, and the president is not a clergy, iranian people fought to be free from american arse licking and they are very much free

all those involved in green movement are dream about that same shah who was monarch and an american puppet

Would you say Turkey is an American puppet?

The reason why The Shah fell was because of high unemployment among the youth and he didn't care about common Iranians. He was also getting too far with Westernization. He didn't realize that adopting Western technology and culture are two different things. Iran has very a powerful history and culture. Religion served as a inspiration. I have known Iranians who do not like the current regime.

But regardless, Imperial Iran was pretty badass. And Iran still is :P
Iranian women have a very strong belief in taking part in "Imam Mehdi's" army as water bringers to the wounded and injured soldiers.

Such strong inculcation of ideological values has created such a strong spirited fighting force amongs them. Just imagine if Our Army is taught from grass root levels that they defend a state similar in birth as the State of Madinah Munawwarah of the Prophet SAW.

*Migration from Pagan worshippers
*2 Battles
*Khyber fort of Jews then working against Madinah, Israel fort of Jews now working as MOSSAD against Pakistan

One wouldnt worry about their Burqa's because they arent really opting to fight with dagger and sword, they primarily plan to be nurses.
It actually a load of gibberish :lol:

Might wanna work on your essay writing skills ;)

thank you, since you can feel it too, now i can say every body can feel this gibberish, i actually wanted to add this phrase but wanted to go easy on tom cruise guy
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